Monday, November 23, 2015

Domestic Abuse : Torah Advice from Rabbi Mizrachi

If you are a Jewish woman in a physically abusive marriage, if you are searching online for Torah guidelines on Jewish domestic abuse, if you have been given bad advice by someone and told to keep quiet about it for the sake of ''Shalom Bayit'', if you are in any way doubtful of whether you should go to the police or not, then please watch this very short video from Rabbi Mizrach. The Torah does not condone violence by a husband.
And to anyone who wants to comment that in this day and age people should know this..... I'm here to tell you that they don't.  Thank you Rabbi Mizrachi for speaking up.


  1. So very very important to encourage women to speak up and and become assertive in their own defense. Lock up and disgrace those men who think the world revolves only around them. This is the last battle to be fought for family values. The Jewish family is the backbone to Jewish continuity.


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