Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The NDE of the Young Boy in Israel [English subtitles]

End of Days Scenario as envisioned by the 15 year old Israeli boy during a Near Death Experience.

Thank you to all the people who emailed me this link, and acknowledgements to Yaak who also blogged it, and to Devash who originally blogged the Hebrew version. Just putting this up here for all my readers.



  1. בסייד

    It is very much possible, that SOME (not all) things, this boy says, were indeed shown to him in the Heaven. But also surely he appears to be very much confused about the proper INTERPRETATION of these visions. One of the key revelations made by this boy was that the War of Gog-Magog would have duration of only TWO WEEKS.

    And already today we have a proof that it was not a correct prediction. Much more then two weeks have passed since then and not only this war has not finished, it has not really started in its full force yet. Should we discard the entire message by this boy or at least his information about the duration of this war being "two weeks" ?
    I think, not nesseserily !

    A possible alternative interpretation could be based on Gmara in Massechet Sanhedrin pages 96-97 (if I remember correctly). There our Sages are citing the famous Baraita about the "WEEK" when Mashiach Ben David will be comming. שבועה שבן דוד בא. In this context the word שבועה does not mean the usial "week" of seven days, but rather a generalized concept of a "Week" meaning just some SEVEN entities, amounts of time, in this particular context referring to a period of SEVEN YEARS and not to its usial meaning of just seven days. This interpetations is based on the root of the Holy Tongue word for a "week" שבועה being "seven" שבעה.

    Based on this introduction, we could argue that this boy's vision of "TWO WEEKS" could be referring in reality to TWO SETS OF SEVEN YEARS, to the 14 years being the duration of the War of Gog-Magog which had just started on Rosh haShana 5776.

    1. Your comment reminded me of another comment left by Dov bar Leib on Rabbi Kessin on Current Events
      : where he is referring to Rabbi Kessin's translation of the word ''shavua'' [listen from approx 4.20 on the video]

    2. I'll listen yet again to be sure, but when I hear it, I don't hear him saying the whole war only lasts two weeks but that the worst and hardest part in Israel will only take two weeks. As we see, if Russia's invasion of Syria was the beginning of the war, which is highly likely, it's not so bad yet for anyone not directly under Russia's bombs.

    3. He says the war will be two weeks long, not that it will happen in two weeks.
      That is how I understood it.

    4. Here is the dialogue...

      Man from Audience: "How long will it take?"

      Natan: "Not long at all. That, all of that, all of the bad things will take two weeks."

      Rabbi: "All the bad things will take two weeks. What will happen during those two weeks? What are the bad things?"

      Natan: "In those two weeks - what is the bad thing? More than a few million people will die. They will die like... The only thing that saves them, what I understood - is only if they repent."

      ...Rabbi: "Now, someone from the audience asked before a good question and I also wanted to ask, how will I know when all of this has started?"

      Natan: "It will come in a boom! First of all, it has already started. According to what I saw it has already started, on the date of 27 of Elul (September 11, 015). It started already.

      ...Rabbi: "So how come we don't feel anything?"

      Natan: "Because the Holy One Blessed is He will not bring it in the beginning. What will happen is one day everything will explode, something will happen to cause everything to escalate and we will know instantly that we are in full-blown war and everyone will say WW3 has begun. Everyone will be saying this...."

      Looking back, Hitler's, y"sh, invasion of Austria in 1938 was his first move towards world domination which surely result in a world war, but the war itself is only recognized as beginning with the invasion of Poland in 1939. On 27 Elul, Russia invaded Syria and we will see how this was the step which led to all the rest that will surely come.

      He said it will start with a "boom!". Not what already started, but the "bad" part where the fighting spreads. You know there is chatter on the internet that Russia intends to avenge the downing of their airliner (which went "boom!") with a nuclear response to ISIS (that will also go "boom!").

  2. He said around 37:50 it will come (the really intense/severe part) in a sudden boom).WW3 will break out, the nations will fight each other and then at some point, the phase where they attack israel (c"v) will take two weeks. He also expresses claims he is absolutely certain several times about what will happen not expressing any confusion on at least what he experienced.

  3. Really don't know if I can believe this whole story. Something doesn't seem right. We're so eager for Moshiach that we trying to grasp onto anything and everything. We just have to have emunah and doing our best to bring Moshiach and he will come; we are almost there.

  4. First of all, thank you for posting it with English subtitles, it helps clarify many aspects of what he is trying to say. The only questionable description he states is the trident held by the Angel of Death. Also, it does not appear that the Rabbi is leading him on in any way, he is only trying to help him to express his experience in a clear manner. I can say, because of my own similar experience, the majority of what he is saying is factual...the "heavenly Bet Din", The angel filled with eyes, who holds you, and it does matter where he holds you...because I was held from within my stomach. The matter of the timelessness is true, because time only exists in this earthly plane....and the potential catastrophe coming upon Israel...I was not enabled to see that part as clearly as he, but I did understand that the US will be destroyed... If one believes the boy or not is beside the point, not any point he makes is invalid, and most of what he states is already written....the primary point we need to come away with is that we need, all of us, to enter into Teshuva...every man AND every woman. In Israel there is a lot of anger amongst people, it is destructive and causes division...we need to stop and consider where we are right now and see ourselves and what we do daily, in actuality...not lying to ourselves or rationalizing or justifying our own bad behavior. In Israel in particular, Teshuvah is of the essence, the enemies are surrounding us and they are also within us. If we are going to soften the blow that is coming to us, we must stop in our tracks...stop the Lashon ha Ra, the casting of aspersions of the "evil eye" on other people, the inaccurate judging of others, the unjustified anger toward each other...and much more...if you don't believe that the boy had the experience, fine, but everything he said is true, and is written, and is coming...regardless of a specific date or a specific name for the Mashiach.... Intention/Kavvanah in more meaningful than we have any conception of, and everything really does matter...thought,speech..action...determines everything including the outcome for us all. Time is of the essence, we better start getting serious...

    1. When you say you understood that the US would be destroyed, could that just be financially/economically or do you mean physically destroyed?

    2. A huge poverty...financially, morally and also in the land itself...the resources

  5. While the Rabbi keeps pushing the boy to Torah and Mitvot, the boy keeps returning to Compassion with Mitvot. The boy's story sounds very much like New Testament teaching of Yeshua

    1. It's not a "cardinal principle of faith" that you must believe every word of this in its literal sense. But your outrageous comparison is both contemptable and inexcusable - not to mention your pro-Christian pronunciation of the man referred to by Chaza"l simply as "Yeshu".

  6. Must agree with the last Anon at 2:52 am. Something doesn't jive. All these stories - do not believe that this is the way leading to Moshiach Tzdkeinu's arrival. There is a lot of cover goingon's by the notzrim and we cannot allow ourselves to be fooled, especially Rabbis. We await the arrival of Moshiach very soon, hopefully, when H' allows it. May we also see many nissim and niflaot b'rachamim.

  7. For the full video in English translation (1 hour 48 mins), go to this link,,

    select the Gear icon on the bottom, choose Auto-translate, choose English. The video has French caption by default.

    The auto-translation of English is not perfect, but the message is there.

    1. Yesterday I watched the entire video with the English subtitles as instructed by Anonymous above. I just want to warn you all that some things in the latter half of the video may be quite frightening for some people, and if you are unsure I suggest you do not watch the entire video. Descriptions of gehinnom are not pleasant.

  8. In going through a NDE it is like a dream. Proportions, timing all seek human expression, from one's own life, so too the characters and the dynamics. What Natan described was based upon what he knew from his experiences, in his community. While secular, he would have know about basic Jewish concepts like the levels of heaven and the depths of hell, and even particular (he used particularly awful description of the fate of those he saw in hell). He did say Obama was Gog, but in the senses available to a 15 year old boy that may only have meant that his understanding of Obama is like Gog. Prophetically it could mean that Obama is indeed a candidate to be the Gog, just as in Jewish history Bar Kochba was a candidate to be the Moshiach. I thought the Rabbi Levy did a fantastic job of moderating the discussion. He must be a good teacher. But it wasn't a forensic interview .. and a 15 year old boy is only a 15 year boy; the cup can only carry what it can hold. The kid was too young for a forensic interview, and no one's life is at stake directly for the sake of putting him through it. This is the world in which we live, what is HERE is what we deal with.


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