Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Restoring Evil to Its Holy Source

"He forgives sins.... "
[Ki Tisa 34:7]

The word for "forgive" here literally means "carry" or "lift". Based on this, the Baal Shem Tov taught that G-d elevates the sparks of holiness in the sin, for nothing - not even a sin - could exist unless it contained a spark of holiness. G-d returns them to their source. This is the essence of forgiveness.

Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi explained this idea as follows: It is indeed impossible to elevate a sinful act; such an act is evil, and the only proper treatment for it is to denounce it. 

In contrast, the power of desire vested in the act is not evil, for it is possible to utilize this power to desire good as well as evil. When we repent properly, we divest our power of desire of its veneer of evil and restore it to its holy source.

from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Adapted by Moshe-Yaakov Wisnefsky


  1. We are in less than 1 month until Pesah Motsei Shviit and 2 weeks until Rosh Hodesh Nissan, the month of Geula. I am so excited.

    1. That’s nice that you’re optimistic. However, you do not have proof that Moshiach is coming this Nissan. I wish we did have proof.

  2. Rav Moshe Fineshtein Z”TL was very excited during the month of Nissan and when one of his Talmid saw his sad face in Iyar he asked rabbi why he was sad. Rav Moshe answered him that the month of Nissan passed and Mashiah was not revealed.
    I am not going to bring any proof on that, I am just following our great sages by copping them.

    1. That story can not possibly be true. Rav Moshe Feinstein knew that Moshiach can come any day of the year.

    2. I heard it from my Rav , who lives in New Yourk. My Rav is the Torah teacher for kids in Tora a Da’at

  3. I believe you Anon.

  4. It can not be true. The Torah says that a Jew is obligated to believe that Moshiach can come ANY DAY. It doesn’t say Moshiach can only come in Chodesh Nissan.

    1. I did not say he will come on Rosh Hodesh Nissan, I said it is 2 weeks until the month of Nissan and then we will have a whole month that we can fix ourself especially the first 12 days to do tremendous Teshuva before Pesah . I wish you Good luck on your journey:)

  5. Also , to the negative Anon at 10:01, what you need for the better proof than Gemara when it says that the Geula will be in Nissan and the reason we do not say Tahanun for the whole month , especially the last 7 days after Pesah because we have a tradition that 3 rd Bet HaMikdash will be built during the last 7 days of the month Nissan!!!

  6. I don't see any reason why Anon would make that up, so I believe it.
    There is a saying "In Nissan they were redeemed and in Nissan they will be redeemed". Yes Moshiach can come any time but certain times are more auspicious than others.
    And maybe he also said it on other occasions, we don't know.

  7. Also, I just learned yesterday with Rav Haim Tverski from Netanya , EY , that within the first 12 days when someone do proper Teshuva , all his sins for this year will turn into Merits. I wish all Am Israel will be on Madrega on Adam HaRishon before the Het to greet our Righteous Mashiah very soon Bezrat Hashem!

  8. Does anyone know if Dov from EndofDays is ok? There have been no new comments on his blog for nearly three weeks. I left a comment a while ago that hasn't appeared.

    Ze Leumat Ze

    The last vestiges of malchut in the world reside with the British royal family, they are the only RF that ellicits wide global interest. The malchut of the klipa.

    QE2 reigned for 70 years, significant both her being female and the no. 70. Rav Yaakov Maor has a shiur about it.

    Preparations are being made for the coronation of a new king (side of the klipa), with the expectation of billions of viewers, for this once in a lifetime event.

    The coronation ceremony is based on the annointment of Jewish kings from Tenach. The annointment oil is ready (consecrated by the klipa), made from oil from olive trees on Har Hazeitim, prepared in Beit Lechem. The story about the oil was widely reported in many countries.

    At the same time, King Charles is losing a lot of respect in the UK and Commonwealth, as he squanders the goodwill received following the death of his mother, by not putting his country and his duty first.

    From the Zohar, earthquakes are a sign of a change in malchut in the world.

    Ze Leumat Ze: global expectation for a new king in the world, the annointment oil is ready, the people are tired of their head of state (and generally disillusioned with politicians everywhere). One of the things that will happen when Moshiach comes is that people everywhere will be clamouring for him to be their leader.

    With everything happening in the world, Turkey (Chofezt Chaim, Rav Fish, three strikes), the change of malchut, motzei shvii, chodesh Nisan, Be"D Moshiach should come very soon (before the coronation May 6, 15 Iyar, shabbat Emor), and the next coronation of a king in the world will be that, on the side of kedusha, of Melech Moshiach Tsidkeinu.


    1. You have very valid points about all the signs of the final redemption coming this Nissan (or even before). However, I wish I had the confidence as you do about it coming now, as I have been disappointed with previous times many people thought it was coming.

  9. There are new comments on his blog.

  10. Sara, I completely understand, it is exhausting and after every disappointment we have to pick ourselves up again. I'm simply noting the unlikely convergence of many events considered auspicious. And of course there are many more. From the Zohar, seventy years of a secular state in Israel, after which there would be a two year period of flux. Widespread destruction in Russian and Turkey, Edom is collapsing, the Israeli Left has collapsed, and its ironclad grip on power being dismantled, Be"D the end of the secular state.

    There is one other thing. Just over five years ago Rav Ginzburg gave a shiur in which he said that the dates (birth, ascension to malchut etc) in the life of Moshiach are double those of David Hamelech.

    Born 2854, Moshiach 5708 (1948 ce)
    Malchut Chevron 2884, Moshiach 5768 (2008 ce)
    Malchut Yerushalayim 2892, Moshiach 5784

    Of course Moshiach can come at any moment, but the latest he can ascend to malchut in Yerushalayim is 5784. Be"D he will be here by Rosh Chodesh Nisan, rosh hashana for melachim.



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