Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Purim 5783

Chag sameach everyone.  Sorry for the lack of posts, I haven't been feeling great lately, I think it is part of the suffering we all have to go through.

If you can't do much for Purim, at least give some tzadaka.  This can be done easily over the internet.  I know some people are homebound and may not even be able to hear the Megillah being read "live" and in person, unless they are fortunate enough to have someone come to their house and read it.

It seems a long time ago that I looked at a photo of a strange "planet" [moon?], seemingly covered in holes.  That same  planet is back again and starring in it's own cameo on the FAA Advisory camera.  It's part of the "Nibiru" system, and when I find out its name [someone has given them all names] I'll let you know.  


  1. What's the significance of the Niburu system? Is it associated with a nevua? Which one?

  2. I think the Nibiru system is bringing us the Kochav Yaakov. I did a lot of posts about that many years ago, when it was last passing by earth. See this post from 2016

    I don't know which object is "Nibiru". Some people are saying it is a blue planet. Those people are also saying we have a "second sun" behind our sun. I feel that this "second sun" is actually the Kochav Yaakov. But of course I don't know for sure.
    Anyway.... this "second sun" has 8 or 7 moons/planets orbiting around it, coming very close to earth and all of it can be seen now. Most people don't notice it in the sky, they think they are just clouds. I intend to do a post with photos and videos, but I'm still learning and still doubtful about a lot of it. Nevertheless, somethingd strange is happening in our skies.

  3. I forgot to say that this Nibiru system is how Hashem is creating the extreme weather events all over the world. It is causing the floods, earthquakes and snow in overload.

  4. Refuah Schlemah Devorah… ❤️❤️


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