Friday, March 10, 2023

Rabbi Yuval Ovadia on "Planet X"

This is a re-posting from 2018.  Thank you Sherry for bringing it to my attention.  I think it is very relevant right now.  There's a lot more to come on this topic but for now, this is all I can manage.

The shiur includes the following information:

  • Sources from the Torah and the Zohar
  • This Star was seen in the war of Devorah and Sisera and will also be seen at the End of Days
  • Which Rabbis have spoken about it, and why some Rabbis say it is nonsense
  • The deliberate fake news and dates given on the internet purely to confuse people and cause them to think that it is not real, when it is in fact very real -  for example Obama Warns Americans
  • It is not going to destroy the world
  • Isaiah prophecies that those who try to escape by going into bunkers will just fall into another trap - they cannot run from Hashem 
  • Rainbows, climate change, earthquakes, volcanoes, extreme weather
  • How Gog u Magog will play out
  • The government of Israel will stop functioning at the same time that Moshiach will be revealed
  • The war against Moshiach ben David
  • What kind of person Moshiach will be
  • Nibiru is just a messenger of Hashem, we must do teshuvah [repent] - the effects of Nibiru are in our hands
  • Moshiach is definitely coming soon and He will take the world into the new spiritual phase. 


  1. A new video from Rabbi Ovadia on this topic can be found here

  2. Thank you Devorah for this update on planet x from the Rabbi.


  3. "Isaiah prophecies that those who try to escape by going into bunkers will just fall into another trap - they cannot run from Hashem"

    אנה אלך מרוחך
    ואנה מפניך אברח
    אם אסק שמים שם אתה
    ואציעה שאול הנך

  4. The rabbi mentions James McCanney, but note that the latter was quoted stating that the entire solar system was not all created at once. Is that (or not) a contradiction of פרשת בראשית?


  5. Boy, both R'Palvanov and R'Ovadia are deep thinkers. The part where R'Ovadia mentioned Antakya/Antioch as the root of Xtianity and torture was an eye-opener. It's hard to calculate which region had the greatest historical prevalence of evil: Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Portugal, Spain, other? Also what he speculates makes sense (i.e. that war-mongering and so-called spy balloons are most probably diversions to distract everyone from Planet-X, and to distract from their escape to underground bunkers).

    As for "G5" I think he meant "5G" which, I beg to differ, is proven to be severely bad for health. I myself have been zapped horribly by EMFs. And doesn't reduction of world population, which 5G accelerates, fit right in with the Gates' and deep-state's agenda?

    I found difficult the part where he stated that people will be slaves within the "Kingdom of Moshiach". I mean, there are plenty of traditional Jews in Israel and elsewhere. So where do they fit into the picture? They don't necessarily have the stamina to abide by strict halacha. And that's not even taking into account all those added to the equation at techiyat hamesim.


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