Sunday, March 12, 2023

Wonders in the Heavens

"And I will show wonders in the Heavens and on the earth" [Yoel 3:3]

Here are some 30second videos [click full screen for best viewing] and some photos of weather events, as well as weird halos and colours around the sun and the moon caused by the planet/sun behind our sun.  All of these events, giant shelf clouds, and other strange clouds are being brought to us by the "Nibiru" system.  None of the photos are photo-shopped, mostly they are stills taken from live videos on TikTok, filmed by ordinary people all over the world.   

Shelf Cloud from another planet's atmosphere, is what they are saying

This is a rain bomb, from another planet's atmosphere

This is a rain bomb

Another rain bomb

Sun with yellow aura, from a close-by yellow planet

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, about to get rain bombed

Rainbow halo sunset

Our sun with something red behind it

Since when did the moon have a rainbow halo

Red object near our sun


  1. These pictures are beyond amazing! It is just so hard to know these days what it legit and what is not.....


  2. Actually I have been looking at this stuff for many months now. I know what is real because people are posting the same things in different photos from their own countries. They all match up. All these photos are 100% real.
    Hashem has some incredible things in store for us, from what I can gather. I hesitate to blog about them, because people just won't believe it.
    We haven't seen anything yet, compared to what is to come in the Heavens. Trust me on that one.

  3. Please do blog about them. We all need hope and encouragement.

  4. YES! Please DO Blog Them!! I love to read about it and just get more excited! But, truthfully, I also hate sharing it with others.... cuz I am supposed to be -normal-, and others have a hard time believing all this.... honestly, I WISH they would all be on board with me, including my husband:):(


  5. I don't talk about it to anyone, the only place I can discuss it is here, but even then people are sceptical. I feel like people are missing something huge, but I can't do much about that.

  6. .... but then I also wonder if Hashem really wants us to be busy looking out for this, or when the time will come we will surely see what we need to see! But, I cant help wanting to know for now


  7. It says there will be signs in the Heavens, and some of them are so obvious so yes I think Hashem does want us to look at them. G-d is showing His greatness if people would only look up.


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