Sunday, March 19, 2023

Wonders in the Heavens #3 - Purple Skies


As the Nibiru system passes by earth, the planets in the system push themselves away from the earth electro-magnetically, resulting in powerful lightning storms, more powerful than any we have seen before.  When they are not creating storms, they appear to us as clouds in the shape of a huge sphere, in a deeper blue than the normal sky, and they take up most of the sky available to our eyes.  Once you start to recognize the distinct shapes of these clouds belonging to these planets, you will see them all the time, in random photos, videos and even on TV, where other people don't even realize what they are looking at.

From our perspective, these planets can appear to be right on top of us, and obviously people are noticing. 

All the planets are different colours.  I believe there are 8 planets and some of them have moons.  Eight planets and all of them are different colours....seems like we're in for a very colourful Geula.

The Zohar says that before the Moshiach comes, an especially bright and colorful rainbow will appear.  How is the rainbow connected to the coming of Moshiach? Answer: Before the coming of Moshiach, a very special rainbow will appear. This rainbow will be so bright that all rainbows that have appeared on earth will seem very dim and weak in comparison. The bright strong colors of this rainbow are a sign that the Redemption is about to come. It is this rainbow, the Zohar tells us, that G-d was speaking about when He said to Noah [Gen. 9:16], "I will look at it to recall the eternal promise." [Zohar 1:72b]

I will introduce the planets gradually as I find information iy"H.  The system is moving all the time, and can be seen all over the world at different times.

When the purple planet known as 'Atu' is close, it gives us purple sky along with the lightning, as can be seen in the videos below, from Turkey, Texas and California. 


  1. How do we know that this is the bright colored rainbow that the Zohar wrote about that will happen right before the Geulah? How do we know these are real photos? Why aren’t they on any American news outlet headlines? Why are most of these incredible photos outside the holy land of Israel? Shouldn’t the signs in the sky of the redemption be mostly in Israel?

    I’m just afraid to get my hopes up for Moshiach coming shortly and, G-d forbid, being disappointed if he doesn’t come soon.

  2. This system is already causing coloured clouds and colours around the sun. The clouds are rainbow coloured, so naturally I thought of a rainbow. I obviously can't say for sure, but from all the colours I've seen in the sky lately, and I know they are real otherwise I wouldn't bother publishing them... just makes me feel we're on the way.

    And yes they are being seen in Israel. As soon as I can find some decent videos to upload I will show you.

    The truth is you don't really want to see some of these because they bring the bad weather, the flooding, the earthquakes etc.

    I permanently have my hopes up for Moshiach to come, and anything like this just makes me feel it's close. Whatever the case, it's a show in the Heavens and surely Hashem wants us to watch it.

  3. Last Wednesday I went to Meron and Tzfas to pray, and on the way back to Jerusalem we saw behind us the biggest, most complete rainbow, very bright, I have ever seen.


    1. Why meron and safed. Why not Jerusalem? Arnt prayers heard more in the holy city?

  4. Chava, you asked about mainstream media. Since when has the MSM been honest?

    Tik Tok is pretty much a free-for-all and people can post actual events that you wouldn't hear about anywhere else. That is why several countries want to ban it, and why they spread rumours that the Chinese can access your entire phone if you install it. Judging by its popularity, people aren't listening to all of that. It's just propaganda. They don't want certain information getting out. I just hope I don't have any problems from anything I'm posting.

  5. I'm not a spokesperson for TikTok and I'm not suggesting anyone gets it on their phones, there are some things on there that kosher eyes do not want to see, and because it's all random stuff, you can't really control what comes up, although you can scroll thru immediately and not watch something.

    I am there for a specific reason, and I've done the hard yards so you don't have to.

    1. Thank you so much, Devorah. This is simply amazing.

  6. Doesn't there first have to be a confrontation between Paras and Edom before geulah comes? Just asking. Dana

    1. Please, enough with so many “anonymous” comments. Better to put your initials or name instead of anonymous. There doesn’t have to be a confrontation between paras and edom, and the truth is there already was for many years. A war is not required whatsoever for Moshiach to arrive.

  7. Just some advices for the coming days. It says in the holy Zohar that it will be darkness for 15 days like it was the plague in Egypt. The only difference is there was it for 7 days and in this Redemption it will be doubled. And only 20% out of 100% survived, 80% did not make it, also in here in some opinion will be the same while others say (including myself praying for that ) all Am Israel will make it to survive this plague. The main thing is Teshuva, observing Shabat and learning Shabat Halahot every day it is very complicated laws even for Frum people, for women laws regards Nida and again is Kiruv to talk to non religious people not to violate Shabat and tell them that they can choose 1 Mitsva to start whatever they choose and do it regularly. And later on tell that person are you keeping this Mitsva ? If yes, then say And with this Mitsva they can earn their Olam Aba. But what kind of Olam Aba it will be ? Probable very small and we want it Big for eternity right? So more Mitsvot you do the bigger reward will be and this is kind of Hashem he wants us to give us big Olam Aba and that is why He gave us 613 Mitsvot. And the last advice is you need to survive for this 15 days without food probably who knows how it will be and I just learned in Rav Yosi Mizrahi lecture that candies will help you to eat your very 2-3 hours a day for about 2 weeks to survive and not to die.


  8. Interesting, about the purple & the bright colors. Scary too. Now while I always thought argaman was purple, Ohr Somayach's site states there is no word in Classical Hebrew for the color “purple.” See:

  9. For Dana, Rav Glatstein said that Iran of today is not Paras of yore, but Russia of today is the klipa of Paras. The war with Ukraine is being supported by many xn countries, Edom, so that could well be the last war spoken of.

    Here in Israel, we have three days of heavy rain. Just me, but I feel that Hashem is cleaning the country for Moshiach to be revealed by rosh chodesh nisan, the new year for kings, in the month of the geula, in motsa'ei shvii, before the start of 5784, double the time King David became king in Yerushalayim, the perfect time for Moshiach to start his reign, Be"D.


    1. I don’t understand why you’re mentioning 5784 when you wrote that you believe Moshiach will be here this week before Rosh Chodesh Nisan

  10. 5784 is the latest Moshiach can come. We don't have to wait until then. And as it is we are now at the convergence of many, many auspicious times and events all preceding 5784. Be"D.


    1. Where does it say that 5784 is the latest that Moshiach can come? The Zohar says 5790 or 5786 is the latest time for techiyas Hameisim. The Leshem says 5786. That means that, G-d forbid, Moshiach can come in 5789/5790. Although, I can’t even imagine the world waiting even another month the way things are.

    2. That's for Techeyas HaMeisim. But Rav Mendel Kessin said that before Techeyas HaMeisim Moshiach Ben Yosef and the 3rd Beit HaMikdash will have had to take place.

      Rabbi Alexander Hool and Keitz Megule (who based his conclusion on a kabbalistic book called Kol HaTor) both say 5783. With Rabbi Hool predicting that Moshiach Ben Yosef will be revealed this Tisha B'Av (or on Purim 5786) and that the war of Gog U Magog will take place on Purim 5786.

  11. Moshiach can come at any moment. Try to forget all the calculations! Moshiach will come when we don't expect him. Pray and do mitzvos.

  12. Of course Moshiach can come at any moment. That's part of the Thirteen Principles of Faith and the central part of the amida. Yet Chazal gave us auspicious times and events nonetheless. That is their chizuk for us, the generation of the geula, and currently their words are playing out before our very eyes, at one of these highly auspicious times.

    Additionally, five years ago Rav Ginzburg shlita said in a shiur that all the dates in the life of Moshiach are double those of David Hamelech. I set the dates out in a comment not long ago. Twice the year of David Hamelech ascending malchut in Yerushalayim is 5784. The rav didn't say that Moshiach couldn't come before then, but must come by then.

    "Although, I can’t even imagine the world waiting even another month the way things are."

    Be"D m'pi tsadika l'ozen Hashem.


    1. Please stop it with telling us Moshiach is most likely coming in 5784. The Gemara says it’s coming in motzei shemittah and the Gemara also says in Nissan. That’s the most auspicious time. All the signs are here for chevlei Moshiach from the Gemara and Neviim. The time is NOW!

  13. Of course we all need chizzuk! I was not indicating otherwise. I get through my days on chizzuk about the coming of Moshiach!

    All we have to do is look around at current events and see the prophecies of the End of Days unfolding.

    Rebbe Nachman says Moshiach will come at a time we don't expect him.

    The Gemara says: Three things come b'hesech hadaas: Moshiach, metzia, akrav.

    I think anyone who longs for Moshiach senses that he is close. My point is he could come right now. Try to imagine Moshiach coming right now, in the next few moments. Why limit Hash-m to dates and calculations?


  14. There is something else, that has been largely forgotten in these tumultous times. A while ago, Rav Anava said in a shiur, from the Zohar, that before the geula there would be a secular state for seventy years, after which there would be a period of two years of flux and then Moshiach would come. We have had seventy years of a secular state, two years in which there was no government to speak of, and now the Left is in its death throes. It seems to be clear that we are now in the time of the geula itself.

    As for managing emotions and expectations, it is very individual. If anyone finds talk of the geula demoralising, they should obviously ignore it, but some people find it encouraging and it helps strengthen their avodat HaShem, just one last push until the finish line.


  15. Anonymous @ 4.22, you have no name, next time please leave a name.
    People daven at Meron and Safed because that is where the kevarim of tzadikim are. It is good to pray to Hashem at the graves of holy people who can assist you from Shamayim.

  16. Not long ago, someone asked me in the comments regarding Rav Kanievsky's zatzal call for all Jews to make aliya.

    I just came across this:


  17. I’ve been feeling very down lately about all the constant difficult news in the world and for klal yisrael in Israel and across the world. I honestly am feeling almost hopeless about Moshiach coming soon.I often believed for a while that it was imminent. I hope someone here can provide me with much strength and reinforcement that Moshiach definitely is very close. I feel very broken and can not handle the pain of this golus anymore.

    1. 99% people suffer even Tsaddikim , only 1% are complete Tsaddikim do not suffer. And if someone is not suffer then he/she should double check him/herself may be Hashem is giving His all reward in this World and Gd forbid to lose Olam Aba for certain sins. (Ether committed in this life or previous gilgulim). And it is better to suffer here for all your life that 1 hour in Gehinom. we did not chose to come down here , we were forced to fix our Neshamot. And Hashem do not sends tests that can not be accomplished. Everyone has his/her suffering but “Who said that the life will be easy “. ( from Lubavitcher Rebbe).
      Concentrate that sooner or later you will go up for eternity and then you will get all your reward forever. Do Itbodedut , cry to Ashem to have Mercy on you, make Teshuva, accept more Mitsvot . BH after this Pesah you should go out from your personal Galut and Hashem should bless you with eternal Simha!


  18. Why are you allowing some people anonymous and others not. Seems like selective judgement. Clearly against torah.

  19. Last Anonymous: I'm allowing all comments, but it clearly says above the comment form "If posting as Anonymous please include a name to make responses easier". Some people still forget to do that but I publish anyway. I allowed yours, and you have no name!
    The only time I delete a comment is when it is either offensive or contains links to sites that are not appropriate.

    Yehuda: I'm sorry you feel that way. The harder it gets, the closer Moshiach is. Everything can change in the blink of an eye.

  20. Yehuda you're not alone. I'm feeling the same way. Daniel

  21. For Yehuda, remember that there has never been a time like this of so much exposure to so much news. Sometimes you have to take a break from it. Over Chanukah, I had neither internet access or a phone. And before that, for a month I did a screen fast, still had a home phone. I would definitely recommend it as much as is possible. Listen to music, focus on positive things.

    Also remember that the news about Israel at least, is severely slanted. Despite everything, we are no. 4, up from 9 last year on the global happiness ranking. Hardly tallies with what the headlines would tell you.

    Be"D the old world is falling apart, hence all the instability. It is really hard, but Be"D we are practically there.



  23. Look at the sun here:

    1. Fascinating! What do you think it is?

      Newest shiur from Yuval Ovadia posted only a few hours ago. Official reports of the unexplained celestial phenomenons being witnessed around the world.




  25. Here are some interesting videos about things going on lately relating to Geula: also and this one

  26. Yehuda, Here's chizzuk: Moshiach is going to come at a time when no one expects him. People will be thinking, how can Moshiach come? Everything's going along as normal. He hasn't come yet. Why would he come now? The buses are running, people are going to work, etc...But suddenly, everything will change, and he will be here. Just like any yeshua in life-one minute, a person is single, the next minute he's married, for example. And there is so much pointing to Moshiach coming imminently... TC

  27. I heard that before moshiach comes Hashem takes away the strength to withstand this Galus cuz He wants us to cry out to Him to bring moshiach. That story of Hashem bringing moshiach in the generation that we all cry out to Him . Even an 8 yr old that I heard of asked for moshiach as a afikomen present
    We r very very close to the end. Malky


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