Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Wonders in the Heavens #2

These are not Wonders, these are man-made lines in the sky.

This is just a selection of clips from various places, including several from Israel, showing the ridiculous amount of chemtrails in the sky lately. It is happening all over the world, and the question is - why?  

Why are they masking the sky?   Or is the real question: what are they trying to hide?

There is quite a lot to hide, not just one planet but according to some people there are actually 8 planets as well as moons and asteroids, all coming very close to earth and able to be seen from earth, once you realize what you are looking at.   That is what I have been calling the "Nibiru system".   Apparently NASA knows it's there, of course, and they are deliberately making trails in the sky so even when people do see something, they can't be sure what they're actually seeing.  Whoever controls these things believes that people would be terrified if they knew what they were seeing, so it is their duty to protect us all from our own fear. 

I'm not afraid, and either is anyone else, from what I can gather.  People think it's incredible, and that it's a sign of the End of Days, nothing to worry about folks, and whoever they think is the Messiah is about to arrive!  [but it is bringing the crazy weather]

In this last clip, he thinks the circle around the sun has been caused by chemicals from the chemtrails... but that's not the case. I think the circle is from a planet near the sun, [no I can't prove it, if you have another theory, please share it]


  1. Hi Devorah. Yes, I stopped taking pics of the chem trails here. Daily. No joke. They're daily....scary. Please Hashem send Moshiach speedily and soon.

  2. I started noticing them years ago (chutz l'Aretz). They haven't stopped. My personal opinion is they're sending down chemicals which are harmful to humanity and everything else. All part of the 'depopulation' agenda, r'l. The sad part is that when I asked others if they have been noticing it, they had no clue what I was talking about, and only when I looked up and saw it and was with someone else, did I have the opportunity to show them. People are literally walking in their sleep. No one seems to look up to the heavens!

  3. Anonymous @ 1.35am

    Yup. Its true, chem trails are , are chemical trails, and the snow too is effected.

    Snow is not the natural we knew, try making a snowball, trying burning it, it does not melt.

    They do not let the sun shine..make chemical clouds and hardly see the sun.

    All lakes and rivers polluted too. Here in North America. Has anyone noticed anywhere else, where you live?

    Even then, G-d is in control.

  4. To 1:35am - I love what you said about people walking in their sleep. I've always felt the same way, as if I'm in the matrix. Like certain songs in stores might bother me but nobody else because everyone else is in a state of perpetual preoccupation. Such as chatting exuberantly with family/friends and/or totally focused on finding the latest & greatest, to the exclusion of all else.

    I'm in the U.S. and seen chem-trails approx. 15 years already give or take. As a child, I used to see "sky-writing" but then years later it became just "lines". What R'Ovadia speculated about chem-trails (as a diversion, and to adjust people to seeing things in the sky) made sense to me, but so does camouflaging Nibiru, as well as sickening the population.

  5. What will happen this Nissan ?

  6. If anyone is interested in how the weather is being manipulated, here take a look ..


  7. Michoel, no-one can predict the future, people are just hopeful for something big in Nissan.

  8. True, anonymous... not looking up at the sad....

  9. oops...a few posts back, I may have erroneously attributed R'Ovadia as mentioning chem-trails as a diversion. Whereas he may actually have been discussing the spy-balloons as being diversions to camouflage the deep-state's escape to underground bunkers, and to adjust people to seeing things in the sky.


    Rabbi Hool talks about Tisha b av of this year or Purim in two yrs from now

  11. Rav Hool said in that shiur that it is a possibility Mashiach will reveal himself on Tisha B'Av 5783.
    It is also possible it will be on Purim 5787.

  12. Anon, it seems you are in pain. I just want to tell you that you are not the one. All Am Israel in pain and also Shehina in Galut also in pain. Just hold on a lit bit try your best to serve Hashem with love and you will see great miracles soon BH. It is less that a month of Rosh Hodesh Nisan, the month of Geula. Prepare for Pesah , learn Halahot Pesah, clean your house. On the Seder night we can receive tremendous light and the. ask Hashem to help you with your personal Geula and Geula Shelema for all Am Israel. I will you and all readers of this blog Hag Pesah Kasher ve Sameah!!!


  13. It also says moshiach will come when we don’t expect him It comes from the 3 things that will happen when we aren’t looking. 1.finding a lost object 2.scorpions 3. Moshiach
    So moshiach will not come on Purim or anytime in month of av
    He will probably come in the month of Nisan but not on Pesach itself. That’s my opinion but off course what do I really know.

  14. According to a "whistle blower" associated with the chemtrails, the pilots flying these planes believe that they are stopping the effects of global warming. They think they are doing a great service for the world.

    That is the story they are putting out.... that these chemtrails slow the global warming.

    We all know global warming is nonsense, so obviously there is another motive for these chemtrails, and I'm sticking with my first opinion that they are there to block the sight of the Nibiru system which is visible from earth.

    I guess the reason they need to use chemicals is so that the lines in the sky don't immediately disappear.

    As these people don't believe in G-d, and most of the world doesn't believe in G-d anymore, they can get away with the "global warming" nonsense. When the reality is that the climate changes are mainly being caused by the Nibiru system, which they are trying to hide from us.


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