Monday, June 12, 2023

A Deep Understanding of Moshiach ben Dan

Yes you read that right. Moshiach ben Dan.

I've never heard of that before, but Rabbi Shimon Kessin is going to explain it. [I haven't listened yet] Shiur was given yesterday June 11 2023.


  1. If someone has listened please can they provide a summary of the shiur?

    Sadly my Hebrew is not (yet) good enough to properly understand the shiur.


  2. I will try and listen today if I have time, but I need to get my focus right for Rabbi Shimon Kessin's lecures. :)

  3. Where exactly in Chazal do the exact words "Moshiach ben Dan" appear?

    Or is this R.Kessin's own concept?

    In addition to references in Chazal to the words "Moshiach ben Yosef" and "Moshiach ben Ephraim", there is also a reference to a "Moshiach ben Menashe" (Midrash Bamidbar Rabba, Nasso 14).

    So together with Moshiach ben David, we could have FIVE Moshiachs walking around in the Messianic Age!

  4. Rabbi Kessin said that Moshe was Moshiach ben Yosef ?
    Did I understand him correctly ?



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