Thursday, June 15, 2023

Just a Passing Planet

What you are looking at here are clouds from other planets.  When you see these dark ominous clouds shaped like spheres they are actually the atmosphere from other planets.  This is the the passing Nibiru system, very close to earth.  They are causing all the extreme weather.  They will not "crash" into us because they push away electro-magnetically, with a lot of lightning strikes.  It's not HAARP and it's not photoshop. I wouldn't waste my time on that.

There are so many photos I could upload, never-ending actually.  The system is very very close to us and will be for a couple more months I believe.  There must be a reason why this is so, and Hashem has a Plan, we are the lucky ones who get to watch the greatest show on earth, an entire solar system passing us by.  Most of the world is oblivious, but more and more people are starting to realize these are not normal clouds. 

Meanwhile the US government is trying desperately to mislead everyone with nonsense reports of aliens and a spaceship landing in someone's backyard.  Best advice is to not believe anything the US government says about aliens. It's a distraction and totally made-up. 

Donegal Ireland  13 June 2023

Close-up Donegal Ireland

Bromsgrove, UK

Cheltenham May 11 2023

Location Unknown

Texas - this is the base clouds of a planet, you can even
see the sphere shape on the side

And we have another sun behind our sun, and a planet or moon visible near our sun.

                                                          Crazy sights on the ski slopes

The Nibiru Effect on our sun [don't be confused and think this is from the bush-fires, it is not from the bush fires, this is a striped sun caused by the object behind it]   

Conne River, Newfoundland

Conne River, Newfoundland


  1. It doesn't take too much imagination to see how any one of these planets could block the sun. And they DO block the sun - suddenly on any given day things go gloomy and dark, it's happened here a few times. Then hours later the sun re-appears. It's a different kind of "dark" to normal cloudy days. It even FEELS different if you are attuned to these things.

  2. Thanks Devorah,

    Agree with you 100%.

    What you say about the USA, very true and sad, the way it has gone.

    Nonetheless, HaShem is incharge and in control

    Baruch Hashem..


  3. YEs, Hashem is in control. I can do what I can do and step aside and let Hashem do.

  4. Maybe those Canadian fires were deliberately set and keep burning to stop us from seeing certain things in the sky.


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