Monday, June 26, 2023

Yanuka: The Greatness of the Souls of Israel

Hebrew - English subtitles

This one is for the people who are suffering.  We are all suffering but some have great suffering in their lives.  This is for you.

I know there are many non-Jews reading my blog.... if you are one of them and have connected to the Jewish people and the Torah, you have a special soul and you should not feel excluded. Righteous Gentiles have a place in Olam HaBo - the World to Come.


  1. Thank you Devorah for posting the newest video of the Yanuka.

    Within me i have always felt that Hashem loves all people, for He created everything.

    Jews are special, that i know.. I have learned much about Gd, in Judaism. i look to and follow Hashem.
    Many do, and Gd is opening the eyes of many, B"H.

    I believe very much, that Hashem, looks to the hearts and minds of each individual. Wherever He chose to place them.

    Hope you understand what i am trying to explain.

    If i hurt anyones feelings, that i might be wrong, forgive me.. I am just finding my way to the Creator of ALL and everything. Gd loves all..

    God bless everyone... Amen.


  2. Beautiful video. The Yanuka is a very holy man. I don’t understand why the Yanuka said Moshiach will not come if people are in pain and sadness. Not everyone is in control of their pain and sadness all the time and I thought we are obligated to believe every day that Moshiach can come today?

  3. This video is uplifting but very painful for me today. I lost my best friend to suicide. It has been one of the hardest days of my life. A young, vibrant tzaddekes who suffered so much emotionally and physically and unfortunate was not able to find the help she needed to get better. She didn’t have to strength to go through it alone anymore. I will be broken and torn apart from this loss of my best friend until Moshiach will finally come and end all pain and suffering and bring tremendous comfort to every Jew. Please Hashem, have mercy on your beloved nation already. How much longer can those suffering in your holy nation be left to suffer and your nation as a whole?!

  4. So sorry for your loss Bracha. Even suicides need permission from Hashem to die. I also know of quite a few, young people as well.

    1. Thank you, Devorah. I can’t comprehend it. I feel like Hashem left her to have to make that very painful decision. I’m not sure what you mean that even suicides need permission from Hashem? I hope Hashem sent her straight to Gan Eden. She was so pure and special.

  5. I mean that for all the people who attempt suicide, not all are successful. Some end up in a vegetative state or with every bone in their body broken from jumping off a high cliff. But they do not die. I have a friend who is a paramedic, he sees this often. They jump, but they do not die.
    Sadly the state of our world means so many cannot cope with their lives.

    1. Hashem have mercy. I can’t even think about people that attempted suicide and were left with tremendous injury. Please Hashem send Moshiach immediately and heal them along with all the other cholei yisroel. It makes no sense anymore why this very traumatic and horrible golus has not ended yet.

  6. Amen, Amen, Amen...

    Devorah... HaShem bless you with everything you may need... for all the hard work you do to keep us encouraged, for so many years.

    It seems there is not one person I know who is not going thru such difficulty...

    If I may so humbly ask HaShem... please HaShem, dayenu...may the suffering of all people, everywhere, be enough... please send Elijah to anoint the one you are preparing for this universal Job...

    See the hearts of all the Jewish People who are turning whole heartedly to You...
    and those who are turning... just turning... to You...
    and those Jewish People who are even just desiring... just desiring to serve You...
    May all of their efforts in this last generation merit Your sending Moshiach... Please, Hashem... amen...

  7. I would never have believed years ago that hester panim would be this severe that so many people in our times have committed suicide. I would never have believed that every day, there are more and more large lgbt evil parades. I’m terrified for myself and my children who have to be brought up right now in such a sick world. I think it’s time for Hashem to have mercy and send Moshiach.

  8. Amen v'Amen to Annie's prayers.

    Hashem bless and help all who are going through unbearable hardships.

    And to Annonymous at 4.46 p.m.
    You are so right about the evil times we live in.

    I pray for all children of the world. May Hashem throw a mantle of protection around these innocent children being lead astray by evil.
    Only consolation is that it has to end in the end.
    Mashiach will come and destroy the evil ones in this world. May it happen today, Amen.


  9. It's a mitzvah to be happy all the time. In Deuteronomy 28:47 we are warned of a long list of calamities that will happen to us for not serving Hash-m happily. Simcha isn't an extra. Therefore we have to work to be happy. A lot of it, as I understand it, is to control where our thoughts go. A Jewish soldier has a commandment to not be afraid. How can you command someone to not be afraid? He has to allow his thoughts only to go to places that do not lead to fear. We are obligated to allow our thoughts to go to places that will allow us to be b'simcha.Also, emunah means believing that everything Hash-m does, he does because it's the best thing for us. Even sad things, such as death, which touches everyone, ever since Adam and Chava ate from the eitz hadaas and brought death into the world. I know it's a tall order to be happy all the time, and I often fail. But this is something to aspire to. In fact, it's what Hash-m wants from us: To serve Him happily.


  10. 'Q'
    I was away from my computer over the weekend. Thank you for your kind words regarding Gentiles that connect to Jewish people and Torah. Yes, I am one of the many non-Jews that read your blog. May HaShem smile on you.


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