Friday, February 9, 2024

Rosh Chodesh Adar I

Chodesh Tov.  Mishenichnas Adar Marbin b'Simcha.  When Adar comes we increase our joy.

Normally, the Jewish calendar year has 12 lunar months and every few years (7 in each cycle of 19 years) we have a “pregnant/intercalated year” (שָׁנָה מְעֻבֶּרֶת) with 13 months. In these years, the first Adar is the intercalated month (חֹדֶשׁ הָעִבּוּר)—the month of ibbur/pregnancy —the 13th month that is added to the year, while the Second Adar is the original Adar that we have every year, which is why Purim waits patiently until we celebrate it during the Second Adar. 

Source Inner


  1. Chodesh Tov Adar Aleph 🎉🎊🎉

  2. Chodesh Tov. Not going to be an Adar of much joy (so far), as Am Yisrael is going through a very difficult time since we are ar the very end of chevlei Moshiach. The only way to feel joy it to know this is all about to end, all our personal and national suffering, as we are in the final 3 months of galut, with MBD very likely to arrive by chodesh Nisan. Ari Goldwag and many big tzaddikim explained it well.

    “B’Nissan nigalu, b’Nissan asidin l’gael”


  3. Leah, Moshiach can come TODAY. All the predictions etc are highly problematic if they stop you from wanting, truly wanting Moshiach TODAY. They are all going against most basic teachings of the Rambam. We all have to be in a place of tsaaka and trusting only in Hashem, not in the army, not in your government, only in Hashem, and that includes not in predictions, however well thought out they seem to be. Our failure to be crying out to Hashem is what is holding up the geula and to take other necessary measures. These are not my thoughts, but what I have heard in many shiurim from different rabbonim.

    1. No one is implying that Moshiach can not come TODAY or to not daven for Moshiach to come TODAY. We daven for it at least 3 times a day. Powerful predictions don’t take away the fact that Moshiach can come today and is wanted today.



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