Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Final Tikkun

Written by R. Yaakov Nathan

The generation of the desert, the Dor Hamidbar, was on a very high level. They were a "dor de'ah", a generation of knowledge, on the level of Bina. Yet they committed the sin of the Golden Calf [parshas Ki Tisa]. This sin was a direct result of their own intellectualization, their miscalculation of when Moshe should have come back from his spiritual elevation on Mount Sinai. [The verse says "boshesh Moshe" and Rashi from the Gemara explains that it means "ba shesh" - that they calculated that Moshe should have been back by the 6th hour of the day.]  It was their own intellect which brought them into trouble--they wavered in their trust of Moshe and over-intellectualized the situation.

The midrash states that the Soton showed them Moshe lying on his deathbed, which opened them up to consider the reasoning that Moshe should have already come down. The Ohr Hachayim explains that what they saw was "with the eye of the intellect"--they didn't hallucinate, but rather they misinterpreted the reality.

Amidst this confusion comes the Erev Rav, the Egyptian magicians who left Egypt with the children of Israel, demanding a new leader to replace Moshe -- since they saw that the Jews were wavering, open to the suggestion that Moshe was delayed and could not descend from the spiritual heights he had ascended to. This is the cause of the Golden Calf [see the Ramban--it was a replacement for Moshe, not Hashem].

When Moshe ascended the mountain, the Arizal states that he received 1,000 lights. This is the level of Moshiach. Moshe had been elevated to Moshiach on the mountain, but the people did not withstand the test; their faith in Moshe wavered, allowing the Erev Rav to bring about the sin of the Golden Calf. This caused Hashem to say to Moshe "Go, descend" [32:7], says Rashi: "Descend from your greatness", descend from the level of Moshiach.

The Arizal writes that the final generation is a reincarnation of the Dor Hamidbar. The Lubavitcher Rebbe said explicitly that this applies to us - we are literally the souls of the generation of the desert. In Rambam's "13 Ikkarim" he writes that we believe in the coming of Moshiach "even if he delays".

Why does the Rambam feel the need to mention a delay here? What's the connection between Moshiach and a delay? The first redeemer [Moshe] is the last redeemer [Moshiach] and perhaps our situation now - waiting in the confusion - is the tikkun for the situation the first time around?

The Rambam explains in Hilchos Tshuva that "Tshuva is completed when an opportunity to commit one's original transgression again arises but one doesn't and repents instead." We are the generation of the midbar--we are rectifying our sin by waiting for Moshiach. Despite what the eye of the intellect might think, our obligation is to trust in Moshe Rabbeinu, not to seek a replacement leader. Not to let the Erev Rav within us entice us to find a "new leader" of the Jewish nation, to make a new Golden Calf [G-d forbid].

Moshe Rabbeinu doesn't need to be replaced, and we are playing our role in the final tikkun. Hold on strong with emunah that goes beyond the intellect and "even though he delays, we wait for him every day".



    I remember seen a prophecy about mashiach not coming until no one can buy fish for the sick, can this be related? Maybe yes. Maybe not... houthis cause it

  2. "Mashiach ben Dovid will not arrive until someone seeks a fish for a sick person and cannot find one." Talmud Sanhedrin 98a

  3. To many tons of fertilizer, no?

  4. Deborah we can still find fish . So does that mean that moshiach is not ready to come now ?


  5. Two things I know: (1) not every negative prophecy has to be fulfilled, and (2) our oceans are already full of fallout from Fukushima, but I think it's the Star and it's debris that will cause big problems to the oceans. We probably have no idea what's coming.

  6. Also another oil leak from terrorized ship and China accused of pouring cyanide off coast of Phillipines. There is no fear by these...$%^&&.

  7. Dont know if you already heard but apparently moshiach is rav berland and he officially announced he is the messiah. The video on youtube is in hebrew

    1. Eliyahu ha-navi announces who moshiach is . Before that we don't know.



  8. You actually can't buy a fish today that is not poisoned by the levels of heavy metals in the water. They are not considered truly healthy anymore and therefore should not be given to a sick person to make them better! Wild fish have this problem and farmed fish have additional problems. So, moshiach can come!!

  9. Yes the sky chart of the eclipse for America where the great crossroads appears has the stellium of celestial orbs omakil/depths higher overhead than your chart shows. Shabbat brought me the interpretation. Gathering in Aries the ram at zenith is the image of the great rams horn jubillee trumpet. The right horn from Abrahams ram sacrifice in the age of Aries the ram. Welome the age or tekufah season of the chayot aquarius mazal Yisrael.

  10. Is it enough to announce that you are Moshiach? Shouldn't it be obvious to everyone?

  11. Margolis: do we know why the prophecy says it will be on the 6th day of the week when the 25th day of the 6th month [Adar 2] is actually a Thursday, not a Friday? Are we missing a day somewhere?

  12. The Rashbi knew this prophecy would be for a global audience. So the year 1990 is written out in words in Terumah Zohar. The end of the Roman exile with the far reaching comet Austin at perihelion Pesach 5750. This 70 year star is a bookend to a whole period of awakening.the rarity of all these calendar counts coming together is the sign itself that the Malach HaMaves has been bound. A chabadnik once told me that the goel would never "announce" anythi g. It is the awakening of neshamot possibly in waves. Nostradamus who studied with mekubalim said the dead would awaken during an olympic games not far from the end of the Christian millenium. What people perceive depends on their access to the their higher neshamah/astral realm of soul. The widedpread depression and use of therepeutic mood elevators is speeding up the global awakening. The details of a day or a date is not so important. We are in the great shofar right now. Watch the main Aza war is over. The hostages should be freed soon. B'H

  13. Nostradamus called the 70 year comet star the "dart" in his predictions of techiyas hamesim. This is a global soul awakening so we can find prophecies from other lineages as well.this is about the root soul of Adam Rishon.

  14. Hidden tzadik of B'nai Brak who predicted massacre of October 7th has now predicted our geulah that is close. Moshiach is here. ( No one knows re times)


  15. Ron, I saw the video... not really convincing... mashiach can be close, but this guy is a circus that only wants to sell advertising via YouTube ads and make money, if he publishes the "Tzadik" then it would be different, that's my opinion.

    1. This vid Ron posted some days ago has a clear announcement by a famous tzaddik R.Kamensky:

    2. Anonymous at 12:18pm . He is not a circus. He is very happy and excited that the geulah is so close. I'm happy too. Why aren't you happy ?!


  16. You can get English subtitles on that video... he is saying we are weeks away from Moshiach and the end of the war.

  17. I agree with you, but also keep in mind this forum is full of human people with feelings, and we have to scrutinize everything to avoid damaging our emotions. I'm not saying this tzadik us saying false statements, but keep in mind he is old, and mind in regular people when they get old starts imagining stuff or forgetting. Etc.
    I'm not saying I don't believe mashiach is close, just saying we have to be careful on what we believe and on what we don't believe.

  18. Everybody's timeline is pointing to R"H Nissan.
    The day of the eclipse and the Star iy"H which hopefully we're also going to see on 25 Adar II.

  19. That last video from 1:32 AM reminds me of the Jerusalem syndrome.. google it.


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