Sunday, November 24, 2024

Chabad Rabbi Kidnapped in UAE

 Update:  He was murdered by terrorists

Israel's intelligence agency Mossad launched an "active investigation" into the case of Rabbi Zvi Kogan, a Chabad Shliach in the United Arab Emirates who has been missing. 

Kogan reportedly had a meeting in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Office in Jerusalem last week. 

Israel Prime Minister’s Office released the following statement on behalf of the Mossad and the National Security Council: 

“Zvi Kogan, an Israeli-Moldovan citizen, a Chabad emissary in the UAE, has been missing since Thursday, November 21, 2024. 

 “Since his disappearance, and given information indicating that this is a terrorist incident, an active investigation has been going on in the country. 

 “Israeli security and intelligence organizations, concerned for Kogan’s safety and well-being, have been working tirelessly on this case. 

 “This also serves as a reminder that for a while, per the recommendations of the National Security Council, there has been a level 3 – moderate travel warning issued for the UAE, with a recommendation to avoid any non-essential travel there and for those who are in the country – take extra precautions.” 

Rabbi Kogan, who was raised in Jerusalem, served in the Givati Brigade operational military unit of the Israel Defense Forces. He got married 3 years ago to Rivky Spielman of Crown Heights, a niece of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, the Chabad Shliach killed in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. 

Security officials suspect that Rabbi Kogan, who resides in Abu Dhabi, was tracked by Islamic terrorists who later fled to Turkey. They believe he disappeared from a location approximately an hour and a half from Dubai, where he operates the Rimon kosher supermarket in the center of Dubai. 

According to a report on the Ynet news website, Rabbi Kogan was in Jerusalem this past Tuesday, where he attended a meeting in the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The meeting was with Yossi Shelley, the Director-General of the Prime Minister’s Office, who has been approved as Israel’s Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates. According to Ynet, both Shelley and Rabbi Kogan traveled to the Emirates the next day, Wednesday. 

Source: COLLive


  1. Baruch Dayan Haemet..

    May his family be comforted.. Amen.

  2. And yet their exists:
    The Government of the United Arab Emirates and the Government of the State of Israel…to establish peace. Signed by Israel and the UAE with the USA as witness.

    Their is no peace in this Biden administration and I believe President Trump is going to change all that.

  3. I think these were Iranian terrorists.

  4. UAE arrests 3 terrorists for the death of Rabbi…So tragic. While it’s little consolation, the UAE will deal swiftly with this issue. The crown is not to be trifled with, and anything that reflects poorly on public image or economics is generally dealt with swiftly and harshly. A different brand of justice, but there will be justice.
    UAE arrests 3 in death of missing Abu Dhabi rabbi, Israel decries 'abhorrent act of antisemitic terrorism’

  5. Leah in NY 馃憜馃徏

  6. His wife Rivkah is the niece of the Holtzbergs who were murdered in Mumbai, Hashem Yirachem. May Moshiach come this year!

  7. Rav Tsvi Kogan zatsal HKD appeared to the tsadik nistar Rav Fish of Yerushalayim, and the message he wants to give to Am Yisrael is:
    The only place in Tenach where the letters of his name are found together are in the words, gather us from the goyim
    讜拽讘爪讬谞讜 诪谉 讛讙讜讬诐
    The inner letters, 拽讘爪讬谞 and 讙讜 are 爪讘讬 拽讜讙谉
    And his message is that all Jews should make aliya

    A Jew in the exile has to pray every day for Hashem to bring him to Israel.

    All of the above are from the video, and there is more
    讝注讝讜注 注讜诇诪讬: 讛转讙诇讛 讛讞住讬讚 讞讘"讚 砖谞专爪讞 讘讚讜讘讗讬 诇爪讚讬拽 讛谞住转专 讛专讘 驻讬砖 诪讬专讜砖诇讬诐 '讜讝讛 讛诪住专 砖专爪讛 诇讛注讘讬专 诇注诐'

  8. If anyone wants to translate some of that video, as there are no english subtitles available....

    1. What I summarised above is the most important part. The rav spoke of global antisemitism, and to remember how much Hashem loves you, and day in day out to daven to have the merit to make aliya.


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