Monday, November 4, 2024

Sparks of Holiness

"They will leave with substantial wealth" [Lech Lecha 15:14]

The above verse indicates that amassing wealth was one of the purposes of Egyptian exile.  For this to be achieved, it was necessary for Yosef to become the ruler of Egypt and gather wealth from all the other lands.

According to chassidic teachings, ''sparks of holiness'' are trapped within the physical world and are released when a Jew takes the object and uses it to perform a mitzvah.  Therefore, one of the inner purposes of exile is for the Jew to utilize physical objects in the service of G-d.

Thus, someone who truly desires to cleave to G-d needs to involve himself in the physical performance of mitzvot, for this is also the only way he can fulfill his soul's mission.

Source: Based on Likutei Sichos Lubavitcher Rebbe


  1. well for anyone that gets "stung" by the Akrav(ayin-beth=72) there is already a remedy. full moon of the Chodesh should have a big healing into the cloud globally. I am recommending for folks on the basic grain-based diet with alcohol as basic inebriant that they try some of the Polynesian herb Kava Kava- it is a rare empathogen. connects the nephesh to the etheric in the ruach soul. In a circle also is how the locals use the herb for communal healing. Join the cloud! Margolis

  2. I don't know if Kava is available in many places. I have tried it when I was in Vanuatu many years ago.... it doesn't agree with everyone and can have a bad effect, so I think people should investigate this beforehand.

  3. Margolis: telling people to try Kava to achieve some kind of spiritual effect is not something I would recommend. It is a drug and it should not be used by everyone. See this:

    1. Ok good but remember wine is a Jewish sacrament and a drug poison. It used to be more effective to access the etheric ruach level soul where an ecstatic cloud could be experienced until the wheatberry changed the diet. Some say the forbidden fruit. The shir hashirim list the samim including sacred inebriants for plant assisted theurgy. We give the malach of poisons an aliyah in the month of poisonous creatures. Sam means both poison and healing elixir. The Hawaiians sacred person is kahunah the name of the Jewish priesthood. we are brothers from lemurian epoch Margolis

    2. BH
      Sorry, can’t understand what you are talking about ?

  4. I have no idea what he's talking about. Margolis you're on the wrong blog, we don't understand you. Maybe it's time to stop commenting here.


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