Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Turkey Strikes Back?

H/t Dave

Rav Ron Chaya

French with auto-translation to any language. Click CC/subtitles and Settings for the Auto-translate.

Some translation....

"This morning we learned something quite astonishing and crazy - that America authorized Zelensky/Ukraine to use American missiles that the U.S. already gave Ukraine, to bomb Moscow.

I call that 3rd World War."

Putin will not be embarrassed so there will be a reaction, and it can affect all of Europe, because NATO is complicit in this...

Zechariah 13 : two-thirds [of the world] will disappear, and the remaining third will be refined like silver and gold.

We don't know. The one who knows, he doesn't speak.  And the one who speaks, he doesn't know.

So I don't know.

He goes on to speak about Gog u Magog.

I will try and type more later.  I may have made mistakes, better to watch the subtitles and see for youself.


  1. Iran addressing the Jewish people in video:



    1. That's a propaganda video hoping to incite people against Israel. All the liars will be exposed in the end.

  2. R'Palvanov's shiur about the comet says Dec 6 I believe as an important date when star returns.

  3. So "Biden" let Ukraine send the long range missiles into Russia.
    It wasn't Biden, he doesn't even know what day it is, it was his master Obama
    and the others who are running the U.S.

  4. Right after after Trump won the election, Obama left the US on a private jet..

  5. Sick man! He belongs in a psy ward!

  6. French tv channel also talking now about Biden, ww3 ..



  7. Trump about Biden, ww3..



  8. It is brought down in the name of the Vilna Gaon that each year from Creation corresponds to a pasuk in the Torah. The 5785th pasuk in the Torah is in Haazinu--"Chamas Taninim Yeinam V'Rosh Pisanim Achzar." Dov bar Leib has observed that "Pisanim" can allude to Putin. Rosh would be an allusion to Russia. Achzar means cruel.

  9. Thanks Ed, I had to go and find the Hebrew
    חֲמַ֥ת תַּנִּינִ֖ם יֵינָ֑ם וְרֹ֥אשׁ פְּתָנִ֖ים אַכְזָֽר
    the first 3 letters of that word actually spells Putin פְּתָנִ֖ים

    Verse 33 here, if anyone is looking for it

  10. Can someone find the video / article wherein the Rebbe of Chabad said there won't be a world war nor will Gog u Magog affect am yisrael wherever they may be ? Thanks, Dave

  11. https://shiratdevorah.blogspot.com/2017/02/gog-umagog-will-not-affect-jews.html

  12. Europe prepares for WW3

  13. Thank you Devorah for the notes of the video. Really time is short and reading the highlights helps a lot. And each one follows different approaches and rabbis, it is not possible to reach all important things. Altough we need other ideas, we cannot watch so many videos and read so many articles.

  14. Yes time is short, I just put up the videos so people can choose what they want to watch. Sometimes I don't even get to see the entire thing. We all have our favourites to watch and the others.... we wait for someone to let us know what was said. If I have time [and energy] I can type up something.

  15. Russia's "dead hand" will automatically launch if a nuclear weapon hits Russia, which will launch approximately 4,000 nuclear missiles at the USA

  16. https://www.chabad.org/parshah/torahreading.asp?aid=2495834&p=5&jewish=Haazinu-Torah-Reading.htm

    verse 33-43 don't sound like Mashiach arriving but I think he will come soon

  17. The Rebbe said that Mashiach can arrive suddenly. Literally his arrival and recognition to the world will take between one and two seconds.
    There is a tradition he will first arrive in seclusion in the North of Israel, then meet in private with learned scholars to be tested on his knowledge. When he is acknowledged by them as Mashiach, then he will announce himself to the world.

    1. It will be like in Egypt .once HaShem decides who Mashaich is they will be chosen and elevated .

      Mashiach will not have to prove himself to anyone as it will be so obvious just like Moses when he came to redeem us .


  18. Question, London Male… where and when will Elijah do his part in this by… anoint, announce, or present Moshiach?

    Is it to the great Rabbis of Israel and in private as King David was anointed, or public to the world with Elijah?

    Just wondering the role of Elijah in his arrival…

  19. BH
    You could look it up at Chabad .org and type in the search button Eliyahu. Have a wonderful Shabbos everyone.


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