Friday, January 31, 2025

Will We All Be Redeemed?

Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff 

What happened in Egypt is a blueprint of the final redemption. Will we all be redeemed? That depends who you ask.  Most agree that "no Jew will be left behind".   Listen to this short 8 min video to find out who said what.


  1. Just now, Donald J. Trump said that Egypt and Jordan will agree to take in Palestinians: “They will do it. They’re going to do it. We do a lot for them, and they’re going to do it.”

  2. Wow, Devorah. That's good news. I have been holding back my distrust of the Trump/Witkoff ransom deal to see how it plays out. So happy that Trump has forced Egypt's and Jordan's hand on this issue. Is it too much to hope that the majority of Palestinians will resettle and take root in other countries and choose to never go back Gaza? G-d willing that's the outcome.

  3. … and Gaza reverts back to Gush Katif, please HaShem


  4. I wouldn't start celebrating yet. There's lots of white space between what Trump wants and what Trump gets. Let's keep the wine corked for now.

  5. We all know that Rabbi A. Miller, ztl, was very stringent.
    We do NOT go according to his thinking in this regard. Our
    Sages teach us that 'every Jew has a portion in Olam Habah'.
    This will be the ultimate Geulah and H' Created this world for the Geulah Shleimah where the world will KNOW that there is only Hashem, Ain Od Milvado! He loves all His Yiddishe kinder and does not push away any Jewish neshamah.
    Every Jew has a portion in the world to come and that is an understood by our Sages! No question here!
    Even the slightest teshuvah at these end of days is a big thing. We cannot in any way be compared to our holy ancestors, thus, even the Jew who says he knows there is Hashem and sees the ultimate truth of Torah, that will be enough to satisfy the requirements of teshuvah and, thus,
    every Yehudi will be saved; from the first real Jew to the last real Jew!
    emes l'yaakov


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