Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words

Trump holding the chair for Netanyahu = Respect


  1. Donald Trump is a real Gentleman. God bless him..

  2. Eisav, my brother. But let's not forget that there is still the Eisav side to deal with. His announcement that the US will take over Aza is interesting. Is this Eisav's attempt to inherit what he believes is his portion in the Land?

    1. The photo indicates that it's Eisav doing Teshuva, or do we think it's a good act? I don't think it's an act, I think he is really going out of his way to show respect and humble himself. Maybe with ulterior motives, I don't know, I hope not..... but nevertheless Trump's emotions show on his face.

  3. trying to imagine what God would want done with Azza? i don't think it is 5 star, beach front hotels open for the world .... terrible for the people who were dragged out of their Gush Kativ homes 20 years ago. perhaps, they deserve beachfront properties.....

  4. Few points.
    1. Bibi is still recovering form his prostate surgery. It takes up to 6-8 weeks for a full recovery. Trump shows respect and maybe at the same time some body expert might say dominance.
    2. Eisav had four sons and each one has the potential to take different paths.
    3. I think its very dangerous for American Jews to have American boots on the ground.
    4. Maybe Trumps intensions are to (A) Free the Hostages and temporary take over Gaza, (B) put a hold on Yehuda and Shomron (C) focus on Iran & Turkey. (D) Hand them back to Israel with full sovereignty recognize by the US and EU. He will never implement another Arab state within our borders.

  5. I just deleted my original response to you Dvir, because I think you're 100% right, the Pallys will be gone for good under Trump. No two state solution.

  6. I love watching the Arab nations lose their minds. The liberals in the US are also hysterical. I think Seir is near to Aza. Maybe Eisav wants to return. He could relocate the base in Qatar to Aza. And insist that Sisi let the Gazans into Sinai in exchange for that defense package that has been approved. And maybe the reason we're seeing so much Egyptian military activity in the Sinai is not because they've preparing to attack us, but are preparing for these radicalized Gazans. On the other hand, Trump likes to throw disruptive ideas on the wall. He knows they won't all succeed. He wrote the book.

  7. There is no doubt secret discussions were held regarding a Fakestinian state, Yehuda and Shomron etc.... People need to stop being so naive as to think that Trump is going to be great for us. When he recognized Yerushaliim as the capital, he then said that it is the Fakestinins turn to get something big. People need to stop deluding themselves. Trump and Bibi are both puppets being pulled by much higher forces.

    1. I'm wondering why you believe Trump in this case but then you do not believe other things that he does or says. I don't know what Hashem has in store for him, but it is much too obvious that he became the leader of America with lots of miracles. Even his first three weeks in office and everything he's done is nothing short of miraculous!



    Rabbi Mendel Kessin: "Trump's comeback is the beginning of the Redemption"

    Rabbi Mendel Kessin's latest

    C S

  9. Agree with Gavriela Devorah. Over 2000 years ago, the Jews of Yerushalayim invited the Romans to come to their aid and they agreed to do so but never left, to this day! The galut mentality is so very instilled in 'most' Jews (no matter religious or secular) that what should be an understood immediately is too far removed from Jewish minds to even slightly comprehend what might really be the aim of this proposal.
    On one side you have the fervently religious evangelicals doing missionary work in EY (frightening) and then this very smart move on the part of our ally might be a sign, where we will
    wake up from the euphoria and lead us to remember our past and most of all, Hashem, and His Promises to us to regain
    all of EY for Am Yisrael, unconditionally.
    May HKB'H bring us the Geulah b'Rachamim Rabim!

  10. Sorry to disappoint everyone but this is likely fake.

  11. I don't believe it's a good thing for the US to take over Gaza. HaShem gave all the holy land to Israel not America! this could be a foothold in plan to take over Israel or force a 2 state solution. Trump is looking more and more like Gog and that is not good!

    1. Tuvia, please don't be a doom-peddler. Hakarat hatov is in order. So far I've heard both Eugene Kontorovitch (religious legal scholar) and Yishai Fleischer (religious American-Israeli YouTuber) discussing this proposal as a creative idea that could bring peace and prosperity to the region. Don't we want that? Israel can't do it on her own because both the Israeli secular Left and the "international community" would never allow Israel to develop that land. By the way, Carolyn Glick (from JNS) has joined Bibi's team and is currently in Washington and heavily involved in these talks. Good people are involved.
      Let's wait and see how this idea fleshes out, and not jump to immediate negativity and hysteria about Trump being Gog and America tricking us into a two state solution. The two state solution is dead. Even Trump understands this, which is why he wants to resettle the Gaza population elsewhere.

  12. No-one can give away parts of Israel, because it's not theirs to give [Lubavitcher Rebbe]
    Israel can still own it, the US can lease it for a period of time to fix up the mess and rebuild, but it should always remain part of israel.

  13. How can you say that, Devorah? He's thinking of making it like a Riviera in the ME. NO, you cannot lease or rent or anything in EY to a non-Jew. Only Jews and Bnai Noach if they wish can
    live in the Land. The Land is holy, even if it's Aza.
    To even think of making it a playground of iniquities in
    E.Y. goes against Torah Law. To give away even an inch of
    Land in EY is a definite no, no! This land that was worked &
    nurtured by G-D fearing Jews in Gush Katif are the ones who deserve to get back their Land and all houses should be for free for them. They were expelled from there which was an unforgivable sin and if justice is to be done - they should get their Land back and the rest should be sold only to our
    people! That is the only thing that makes sense.
    I'm not sure if he meant what he said or just to see the reaction of others, but it will not come to be.
    Eretz Yisrael belongs only to Hashem and to His children, Israel, to whom He gave it.
    Am Yisrael Chai!

    1. It will never be a Riviera because Moshiach will have come, it will just be cleaned up ready for Geula.
      If they can't lease it maybe they can sub-contract the cleanup and building, that's all.
      Kushner gets his property development investment and Gaza is cleaned up for Geula.

    2. Just because America might make Gaza a US protectorate during the rebuilding, doesn't mean it's permanent, and doesn't mean they have sovereignty over the land. Doesn't even mean that the US military will defend it. Maybe that will be left in Israel's hands. We don't know anything yet, so calm down!
      There aren't many good options for "the day after" the war ends. Conventional thinking is pushing Mahmoud Abbas and the PA as the administrators of Gaza. That can't happen.
      As for Gaza being Jewish land - Southern Lebanon is also Jewish land. Jordan is Jewish land. Obviously, Eretz Israel is not in its full biblical state just yet. So now we have an opportunity to maybe have peace on our Gaza border via the Americans. It's the better of the available options right now. And again -- we don't know anything yet. Maybe none of this will even happen. All I know is that Trump's proposal has shaken things up, and people are starting to talk about possibilities other than Israel forever living next door to genocidal loons .

    3. I totally agree with everything u wrote! Malky


    A man holds out a chair for a woman.....not another man whom he sees as an equal.
    Trump is always trying to dominate other world leaders with small gestures. While brilliant cunning and manipulative, far more so then people give him credit for....his ego is his achilles heel. He cannot be trusted he will do what is best for himself always and right now his driving force is his legacy.

  15. Your wrong.
    A woman can do that for a woman, a man can do that for a man.
    In that room there is a woman, no other person.
    And Trump holding the chair of the President of Israel, is just what anyone else would do.

  16. Anonymous I had to edit your comment because we don't do personal attacks here against other commenters. Opinions are welcome but we need to refrain from insulting other people here. Thank you :)

  17. Did I do that?
    Thank you for correcting me. Will try to be better.

  18. Trump is a great man.
    His riches do not come in the way he lives as a humble human being.
    Humble enough to hold out a chair for President of Israel.
    This is really too humbleness.
    What Gd expects of all humans.

  19. correction: On 4th line, the 'too' . should read as - True-
    Sorry for typo.


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