Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Rav Moshe Sternbuch: "Salvation Will Not Come From President Trump"


A critical message about redemption!!!! 

"Salvation will not come from President Trump" 

Maran Posak Hador Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch

A 1 min video: English with Hebrew sub-titles


  1. I can't get into YouTube. I'd love if you can give us the gist of it.


    1. For a complete version of what Rav Sternbuch said, as well as some interesting comments, see
      Life in Israel Blog

  2. Well, that should be an understood to any believing Jew!
    Of course, only Hashem can help us. Hashem controls everything. I think that the President might be a help to
    assist the Jewish people in our ingathering. He is pro-Jewish
    and we pray that in these crazy times, he will bring back
    some basic normalcy to the world, hopefully, then
    geulah will come easier with chesed & rachamim for Am
    After a dozen years of mayhem, the 'new' President is trying to bring back what was normal behavior since the beginning of time.
    Therefore, the unlearned and uninformed people think this good news is somehow connected to a Moshiach figure.
    It does NOT.
    But, it is good that there is a good friend (hopefully) in the
    White House for the Jewish people and the country.


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