Thursday, February 6, 2025

Missing the Point ?

Rabbi Berel Solomon

I'm just putting these videos here to show you differing thoughts.  If you landed on this video, you need to go back to the Home Page to see the other videos below, from Rabbi Kessin and Rabbi Glatstein.


  1. US officials now say Trump only wants to displace Palestinians from Gaza temporarily

    So how is any developer going to make any money from this Riviera if these people are coming back..... where is the money coming from? how are they going to afford to live on a "Riviera".... and anyway Moshiach will be here long before any buildings are ready.
    Let them say whatever they want, man plans and G-d laughs. That's what the Rebbe said about the war of Gog u Magog, which I have no doubt is going to get real serious soon.

  2. Hello everyone if I may offer a suggestion check out the Blower cartoon at the London Telegraph newspaper about Trump, Netanyahu, and Gaza as it is hysterically funny. It is perhaps not realistic, but funny.

  3. בס"ד

    If the mass of sheep didn't know what the Simchat Torah massacre was all about, do they still not understand the bigger picture? The orange messiah, deep state donny and his globalist handlers are not going to invest the billions of dollars to build back better in azza without a return on their investment. So, the vast natural resources of oil and gas off the coast of azza, not to mention all that oceanfront real estate should provide significant returns on their capital.

    The revival of the dormant North American Union is a major step in the implementation of the globalist plan to divide the world into ten economic zones, with the aim of the establishment of global governance.

    The orange caesar whether he is aware of it or not is playing his assigned role on the global chessboard. Other than forcing the Jews to cry out to Hashem and do real teshuva, he is of no benefit to Jews and certainly not to Israel. The tov shel eisav rolled into the cave of Machpelah and was buried a long time ago.


    1. This was all seemingly foreseen as shown in the
      HaYom Yom compiled by the Lubavitcher Rebbe
      specifically that of 15 Teves, the day Trump put forward the cease fire deal.

  4. Here is another Rabbi's take on the Trump Gaza proposal that is rational, and based in Torah. Some of the hysteria I've read in the comments section is ridiculous. At the end of this video, the Rabbi explains how to view President Trump (hint: not as a "messiah", and also not as "deep state donny" who wants to use Gaza as a launching pad to destroy Israel).


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