Friday, February 7, 2025

Sun Over Santorini

Have a look at this 14 sec video, it's showing the sun over Santorini.

You can see that the sun is not a perfect circle, something is causing it to appear distorted and there is a blue line coming out of it.  As the video ends, you can clearly see a pale blue sphere appear at the 11 o'clock mark above the sun.  It's not a lens flare, it's a separate body moving near the sun.  

I've taken a screen shot of the relevant part, see photo below video.



    Santorini exploded 3500 years ago. I believe that Israel was redeemed from Mitzrayim after 430 years not 210 years. Rabbis base their dating on 4 genealogies. How long is a generation? Shemot 12 v 40 clearly states that Israel were in Mitzrayim for 430 years TO THE DAY.!!!

    However, Simcha's forensic archeological evidence is compelling. This then addresses the discrepancies.

    When Santorini Caldera exploded it destroyed the Minoan Civilization but gave birth to the Am Yisrael. The ensuing Tsunami wiped out the coast of Sinai/Gaza. Check out the maps in this video.

    Many scientists believe that Santorini will either produce a massive earthquake and or volcanic eruption. Hence the evacuation.

    Man proposes .....HaShem laughs. HaShem could thoroughly clean Gaza of Fakestinians / Chamas with a massive tsunami that would clean out all the tunnels and what else is left. According to the maps in the video above, the tsunami did not reach Ashdod/Askelon.

    Azza belongs to Shevat Yehudah - Joshua 15 v 47.

    If Santorini explodes then Etna- Vesuvius-Stromboli could unravel not to mention the tetonic plates of Anatolia and the Jordan Valley. Please consider the planetary alignment and its impact on the Sun and Earth. 7 Planets on February 28 plus a full moon, followed by a blood moon on March 14.

    Is Santorini 1 heralded the first Geulah......could Santorini 2 herald the start of the final Geulah......this time shlemah.

  2. A couple of points: I don't know anything about Santorini.... they say it means "Saint Irene" from the old church there.

    Very interesting comment.

    All the houses are blue and white like the Greek flag, same colours as Israeli flag. Does seem like some kind of connection.

    I hope you're right about the Geulah part,

  3. Jews did live in Greece - interesting page regarding Jews in Greece written by By Menachem Posner, of Chabad. Also he has posted pictures of Synagoges and other interesting pictures.
    By Menachem Posner.

    Shabbat Shalom to all.

  4. Happens here too, where I live in Canada, in the Prairies.

  5. Violent magnitude 8 earthquake strikes the Caribbean Sea, Cayman Islands; awaiting tsunami information

    Another body next to the sun, notice the reflection in the water.
    No it's not Nibiru.

  7. Now the Popocatepetel volcano is going off in Mexico.


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