Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Long Box Cube

As well as the cube, there is also a long box cube.  Someone asked to see photos, these are the best ones I could find.  There are many more images but they are difficult to see, I just used the ones that are obvious.

First two images are from 2021




  1. Wow, so perhaps formations of the Aron Habrit preceded formations of the Bet Hamikdash?

  2. I don't know what that long box cube is.

  3. No problem. BTW that commenter who posted on R' Weisberg's shiur, asking "why would America be slated for destruction" ought to listen to the below podcast by Jesse Kelly re: the evils of commie senators, FBI and so forth. Jesse is so fascinating and educational, its addictive to listen to him. If he'd have been Jewish, he'd have become a high-demand lecturer.

    ...except when he goes off on his tangents about military stints and his recipes for queso, pizza, yada-yada. That's when i tune him out, and it's why retroactive podcasts are preferable to live radio.

  4. BH
    Thank you for taking the time to show us the long cube photos.


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