Monday, February 3, 2025

Min haShamayim

Art: Vladimir Kush

The manna reminds us that a Jew's food, and his livelihood in general, come directly from G-d, in a manner of "bread from heaven", i.e. even though, at first glance, it appears that a person earns his livelihood through hard work, in truth however the work of his hands is merely a "receptacle" into which G-d places his blessings.

In other words, it is not the hard work in itself that brings a person his daily bread - G-d provides a Jew with food in a manner which is not limited to the rule of nature.  But in order not to disturb the natural order which He created, G-d garbs His gift in natural phenomena, so that it should appear to come from nature alone.

The eternal perpetuation of manna reminds us that, even though we no longer see bread coming from heaven, nevertheless, in truth the bread continues to come from heaven to this day.

Source: Sichas Shabbos Parshas Beshalach 5751, Lubavitcher Rebbe


  1. Jewish community gather at Bondi Beach for prayers and solidarity service following the recent anti-Semitic attacks across Sydney.
    Sorry but it's only up on FB, if anyone is curious about Sydney Jews.

  2. Please pass along: Warning: a warning about an organization called Love Israel, which is actually a Palestinian terrorist organization and they ask for names of soldiers under the pretext of praying for them. It is absolutely FORBIDDEN to give them any information!!!! Please circulate this news to all your acquaintances!!!!

  3. Devorah, could you please explain this. Where i live in Canada, at sunset or just before the sun is starting to set, long rainbow colours appear right next to it. This has been happening since quite a few days?
    Is it natural or what....??

    1. There's going to be lots more rainbow colours and i'm really curious as to how they're going to explain everything that will be happening soon, when the coloured passing planets are much more obvious. Every day they pass by us, and every day people are watching and photographing them, but no-one official is talking about them.
      in March, another 180 day cycle begins, and they'll be glaringly obvious to many more people. I think it's part of the coming Geula. Just keep watching the skies.

    2. Also rainbow colours around the moon sometimes.


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