Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Lawyer and The Mystic

is the latest book by best selling author Robert Kremnizer.  It tells the remarkable story of what happens when an average person, with all the normal stresses of life, encounters a Mystic and begins to drink of an ancient wisdom. In this gripping account of the conversations between the Lawyer and the Mystic, the reader is introduced to Kabbalistic secrets for finding happiness and shown the keys to a life with new meaning, aspirations, and motivation. Through the The Lawyer and The Mystic, acclaimed author Robert Kremnizer shares life skills, wisdom and secrets appropriate for all people, no matter what their race, religion or creed.

This easy to read novel captivates from the outset and is impossible to put down.
The Lawyer and The Mystic  is Robert Kremnizer's fourth book. He is a highly-respected lawyer, businessman, and writer who is based in Sydney, Australia.

If you would like to purchase a copy of THE LAWYER AND THE MYSTIC, please see the link in the left side column of this blog.  To purchase multiple copies Email me for details.

Other books by Robert Kremnizer:
The Ladder Up: Secret Steps to Jewish Happiness

The Curtain Parted

The Second Ladder Up: Secret Steps to a Happy Jewish Marriage


  1. You mentioned the reader is shown:

    "Kabbalistic secrets for finding happiness and shown the keys to a life with new meaning, aspirations, and motivation"

    Are these "Kabbalistic secrets" coming from a reliable source? And being transmitted accurately?

    Important questions.

  2. The reliable source is the Torah, the author is widely known and some of his works can be found at Sichos In English (dot com) and recommended by Chabad sites. Whilst this book is a novel, the knowledge imparted by "the Mystic" is true chassidus, as taught by the Lubavitcher Rebbe.


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