Sunday, October 24, 2010


from the writings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

Miracles are performed for a person who has been tested. Before G-d performs a miracle for someone, the person first falls upon bad times - the difficulty of which is determined by the greatness of the miracle about to be performed on their behalf.

If you find yourself being tested, you should realise that if you withstand this test, G-d will perform a miracle on your behalf.

Miracles are not performed for an immoral person.

Do not rely on a miracle as long as it is possible to save yourself by using money or some other (similar) means.

Tzedaka (giving charity) frees you from having to rely on a human being for help.

Standing while studying Torah overturns the machinations of the goyim.

Trust in G-d and He will reward you with loving-kindness.

Humility brings salvation.

Miracles are performed because of truth.

Miracles are performed because of G-d fearing people.

When a person teaches G-d's ways in public, even if amongst the gentiles, the Holy One will save him.

When Jews speak truthfully, they are blessed with Heaven's loving-kindness.

Source: Rabbi Nachman's Aphorisms on Jewish Living

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