Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pollard: Key to Redemption.....

Jonathan Pollard's release is another indicator of Geula:

''Your release is tied up with the Moshiach Ben David's return to the Land." - quote from Esther Pollard's letter to Jonathan Pollard: Aug 1, 2010 

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''Over time, the Rav shared with us and with a few others who were very close to him that Jonathan’s release is the key to the redemption of all of Am Yisrael.

He taught us how Jonathan’s release is also the key to the release of all of Israel’s captives and MIAs. Once Jonathan is out, all the captives are all out!

Once they are all out, we are all in Geula! Perhaps most significant of all, the Rav always referred to Jonathan as the “Yosef HaTzadik shel doreinu” (The Yosef Hatzadik of our generation.)''

Source: Yeranen Yaakov

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Releasing Mashiach Ben Ephraim

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[video] Rabbi Glazerson's Torah Codes: Jonathan Pollard - Moshiach ben Yosef


  1. Thank you thank you for this post...
    Thank Y-u Hashem...
    I was so down with all thats happening in Israel, then this blessed news..
    this noachide, (me) awaiting Mashiach along with Am Israel...

    Am Israel Chai!!

  2. One obvious difference between Pollard and Yoseif Hatzaddik is that the latter was innocent.

    1. Innocent of what, Avi? Trying to save Israel...?


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