Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Coming War and Obama's End

And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High; and he shall think to change the seasons and the law; and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time." Daniel 7:25

 In January this year I wrote  ''I would like to suggest that ''a time'' equals two years. Therefore, a time [2], times [4] and a half of time [1] gives us a total of 7 years. The Presidency of Barack Obama began at noon EST on January 20, 2009 when he became the 44th President of the United States. Based on the prophecy in the Book of Daniel, I expect his Presidency to last no longer than January 2016.''

Below I have copied Reuven Kossover's english synopsis of a video posted at
As you can see from #5 below, Obama's destiny matches my own theory.

The following was translated by Reuven Kossover from the video below:

This video is what the authors believe the War of Gog and Magog will look like, based on gematria and quotes from the Tana"kh. Unfortunately, it is all in Hebrew. I wish this had been in English. I think I understood the essence. My son helped me out with this, and some of the credit deservedly goes to him. THE MAIN POINT IS THAT THE WAR OF GOG AND MAGOG WILL TAKE PLACE TOWARD THE END OF THE RABBINIC YEAR 5775 - (2015)

1. Europe, Iran and the Arab countries will attack Israel around mid July, 2015 (Av, 5775) OR BEFORE. They will have a good level of success.

2. There will be attacks on major cities (in the video, New York and Paris were shown being destroyed) in the countries that come against Israel world-wide by meteor showers - one of the works of G-d to rescue Israel.

3. Obama and Khamenei will work together against Israel. Their ages, together, equal one of the satanic names.

4. We will go to war against our neighbors in the region - and kick all their butts (with a lot of help from G-d).

5. The 'Pharaoh' (Obama) will die in the month of Elul, 5775 (August - Sept. 2015).

6. JEWS are expected to do FOUR THINGS IN PREPARATION. This is what they are.
a. Help other JEWS.
b. Study the Torah lessons, weekly.
c. Wrap t'fillin, wear tzitziyot (this for men only), say prayers, KEEP the Sabbath and keep Kashrut (earlier, the video warns that communities in Israel that insist on violating the Sabbath will get hit hard by the enemy). For women, there is dressing modestly (not like frumps, but modestly), and acting modestly.
d. Finally, show this video far and wide, for it is a warning, and the clock is ticking down to the war of Gog and Magog.

Here is the video for those that understand Hebrew:


  1. what are you going to do if none of these predictions come true?

    1. Keep calm and carry on. We would all obviously prefer a quiet transition, but I do feel that these predictions are going to happen in some way.

    2. feelings and reality are very different, I'm praying for you Devorah

    3. I certainly hope it is obvious that there is a difference between the actual Torah posts on this blog, and the other blog posts speculating about future events. All Torah blogposts are REALITY. All speculative future-event postings are not. I am just as aware as you are that in the past bloggers have got it wrong.... or perhaps they got it right and Hashem delayed things again. Geula bloggers blog about the Geula. Current events show us that we are close. Let's pray for Geula and Moshiach and no matter what, never give up our emunah.

    4. this speculative future event posting's logic is grounded in gematriya and other torah sources, but nice try trying to weasel out of that one ;)

    5. Devorah: Anonymous above seems to be on the attack. Perhaps he/she is the weasel.

  2. Yes, Devorah. I agree. I am praying for Moshiach.

  3. Seems we are doomed either way. If most of predictions come true - not good for the 'unrighteous'. If they don't come true, or even if only partially come true, it will likely turn former believers into sceptics and scoffers big time. Well, at least, we cannot say we weren't warned!

  4. Fraudulent. If work to eliminate sinat hinam is not one of the "working points", the whole thing is a fraud.

    1. ''Fraudulent'' is not the correct word here. ''Flawed'' would be a better description. As I do not have a fluent knowledge of spoken Hebrew, I cannot really comment on the translation above. Hopefully someone else will.

  5. The bottom line is one would have to be willfully and woefully blind not to see that the great day of Hashem is coming - and soon.
    Many many indicators that have been around for centuries are coming to fruition as we are speaking.
    A course of action is like the above mentioned.

  6. Why meteors? Aren't volcanoes, tornados, floods, storms etc sufficient in destabilizing countries? Add to that economic collapse and we have a potent cocktail!

  7. All believing Jews know that Moshiach's coming is imminent (hopefully very, very soon). How and exactly when, is still not for us to know. Remember, the coming of Moshiach is one of Rambam's 13 principals of faith. As for meteorites and asteroids, that sounds very probable because I think somewhere in the Neviim, it is written about 'stones coming from the skies'. Whatever H' has promised us will transpire, and no one should ever doubt that! We pray for Moshiach's coming ASAP.

  8. There was a blog about NASA scheduling a nuclear attack against dangerous asteroids that are predicted to hit the Earth in September 2015.

  9. Anonymous (both) : thank you for clarifying.


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