Friday, July 3, 2015

The Purpose of Life

New two-and-a-half hour video from Rabbi Mizrachi.



  1. Ooooh, i love this - thank you . . I went to look up Rabbi Mizrachi - until you shared, i did not know him . . . Thank You

  2. The message from this video is so opposite of the one that was posted by R. Jacobson, which was very positive and inspiring. He explained that Hashem wants us to use the gashmius of this world to do His will. R. Mizrachi's message, IMO, is any involvement in gashmius will put us in Gehinnom. His fire & brimstone only puts fear in people and is very depressing.

    Have a Gut Shabbos.

    1. Yes, and interestingly Rabbi Mizrachi address that very point in his Balak video
      @ 1:18:00 where he mentions that the Lubavitcher Rebbe apparently said that before Moshiach there will be some Jews who can only do teshuva from fear, and we have to help them even if it goes against our own [chassidic] method [which is from love].

    2. Thanks for the explanation :)

  3. Thanks Devorah for posting the video. It's great that Rabbi Mizrachi is reading some of the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Maybe it might soften him a bit.


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