Friday, July 17, 2015

Shofar Sounds in Israel 5775

HT: Greg

In the sixth year, there will be voices [that Ben David is coming; alternatively, Shofar blasts]. In the seventh year there will be wars. The following year, Ben David will come.  Sanhedrin 97



Devorah said...

Yes I know 5775 is the seventh year, let's call it ''artistic licence''.

GoldieZP said...

Wondering why it is that no people are outside wondering in amazement at the sounds????

Anonymous said...

IMHO, anybody that as heard a shofar blast should know that it is a distinctive sound. So, I would think that when the shofar sounds in shamayim announcing the Mashiach, bimherah beyameinu, it is not going to sound like a train car screeching down the track. I have lived by railroad tracks and it sound very similar to the sounds in this video.

Anonymous said...

They have been saying this for the past few years, you can google it.