Wednesday, May 26, 2021

New Video from Rabbi Alon Anava: Message of Meron

 "Stop Stepping on Others"

After the devastating disaster in Meron on Lag Ba'Omer, Rabbi Anava points out the sources in the Torah referring to the disaster and the message G-d is sending us that we need to address.


  1. Another idea from the Pasuk that Rabbi Anava mentioned:

    וְכָשְׁלוּ אִישׁ-בְּאָחִיו כְּמִפְּנֵי-חֶרֶב, וְרֹדֵף אָיִן; וְלֹא-תִהְיֶה לָכֶם תְּקוּמָה, לִפְנֵי אֹיְבֵיכֶם

    It has the same gematria (2812) as:

    אצל קבר רבי שמעון בר יוחאי בלב מירון בל"ג בעומר תשפ"א

    (Translation: By the grave of Ribbi Shimon Bar Yohai in the heart of Meron on Lag Ba'Omer, 5781)

  2. The War Against Mashiach
    Frightening Words from the Tzaddikim: Tragedies in Meron and Karlin Caused by War Against Mashiach

    Solar eclipse in June warning enemies of Israel that Redemption has already begun

  4. G-d Bless Rabbi Anava and R. Mendel Kessin.

    Not just the tired, old, ubiquitous/blanket LH answer which can always apply in EVERY situation.


    From the video referenced in this post:

    1) @ 10:50 "45 Holy Souls died, I would like to say PUBLICLY, MURDERED."
    2) @ 16:50 & 18:00 "Why did they kill each other?"

    And Rabbi Mendel Kessin on the same subject in a recent video - "Observant Jews killing Observant Jews."

    Way too much to divulge here and it will be a Miracle if this post is ever seen by another Jew.

    -- 370 Ohrot

  5. When Nadav and Avihu died, Aharon remained silent. The greatest prophet ever Moshe also never told us exactly why. Some say because they were drunk, some say because they offered up a sacrifice without permission, some say they were teaching halacha in front of their Rebbes, some say because they weren't married and didn't have children.
    Its OK for each person to draw their own lessons on how to improve themselves but we don't really know why Hashem allows things to occur.
    I was there that night and quite close by, and as someone said afterward sometimes you don't have to explain every disaster its OK just to feel sad (but then of course to continue living life B'Simcha).


  6. Also, another reason given for their 'strange fire' sacrifice was that they were on such a high realm that they went above what they were supposed to do, that their souls just flew up to Heaven!


  7. You'll need to listen to the shiur Anonymous, but basically it is because it is believed the police deliberately removed all the cameras two days prior, and blocked the exits on the day..... that would equate to murder. And even though that process could have resulted in the death of thousands, it was a miracle and by the Hand of God that it was only 45 and they were all tzadikim.

  8. Responding to Anonymous RE: murdered

    The quotes are from the Rabbis. Both videos are available.

    I speak for myself, others do not.

    -- 370 Ohrot


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