Monday, May 24, 2021

War of Words

It seems that the more we try to defend ourselves, the worse it gets for us.  [These are just my thoughts, you are welcome to disagree with me.]

In that vein, I refer to an ad in the NYTimes by the World Values Network which is headed by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach - an ad which seems to have only inflamed the situation.  If you go looking for that ad on Google, all you will find is a mass of links to sites condemning the NYTimes and the World Values Network for publishing such a thing.   

This is the ad:

For those who may not be aware, Bella and Gigi Hadid are top models, and Dua Lipa is not only a mega pop star, but also dating Anwar Hadid, brother of Bella and Gigi.  Between them all, they have over 100 million followers.  

In response to the ad in the NY Times, all three women have unanimously rejected the notion that they are in any way anti-semitic: Lipa said "I utterly reject the false and appalling accusations that were published today in the NY Times ad.... this is the price you pay for defending Palestinian human rights....  I take this stance because I believe that everyone - Jews, Muslims and Christians - have the right to live in peace as equal citizens... the World Values Network are shamelessly using my name to advance their ugly campaign with falsehoods and blatant misrepresentation....." [see full text here]

I believe everything Dua Lipa says about her beliefs. She, along with Bella and Gigi, see Israel as a ruthless entity intent on wiping out her people.  In her young mind, she does not equate her anti-Israel sentiments with an anti-Jewish feeling.  

They are not alone in these thoughts.  A former close friend of mine also feels the same way, and she is definitely not an anti Semite I can promise you that.

Why can these people not see what is really happening here?  

It is not for lack of intelligence, they have plenty of that.  

Another question I have is why Hashem saw fit to bless these three women with good looks, talent, fame and fortune [and millions of followers].  Why?  Obviously Hashem knew that they would use their platforms to defend the Palestinians, considering that Bella and Gigi's father is Mohamed Hadid, a well known personality, lately most famous for building an impossible mega-mansion  and losing a great deal of money in the process.   Make no mistake, the opinion of these three women is having a major detrimental impact upon the Jewish people, and increasing anti-Semitism around the globe.

The only conclusion I can come to is that Hashem wants this to occur.  And there can be only one reason why Hashem wants this to be so..... is to unite the Jews.

If we cannot unite in good times, then we must be forced to unite in bad times.  And famous faces such as the three women above, are being utilized for this purpose.


  1. Well, if that's the purpose, then let's pray that HaShem offers a different way because it's not working. When we have people like Sanders say that our government is racist, there is no way we will ever unite. I see this more as a birur process. Since the plague arrived, we have only become more divided. What will unite us? I have no idea. But this argument is not the ticket.

  2. Separating the wheat from the chaff

  3. we cannot unite with jews who hate G-d and His Torah, we have to stop saying lashon Hara and yes, it's a birur

    1. I agree, and will never unite with Jews who hate G-d and his Torah. Yet, I feel a bit confused. We are supposed to leave an opening for them to do teshuva and mend their ways.This may be achieved by not pushing them away, by showing Ahavat Yisroel and Chessed while focusing on Emet.I am tired of being at times humiliated for my religious beliefs. Some secular yidden are not shy about expressing their hate and or contempt for observant people. However, I feel we need to try to show how much we love and value every Jew. Ms. AP

  4. Agree, it feels like a birur on so many levels like this cv-nineteen baxx-in things...separating those who value G-d's dna as opposed to the other choice.

  5. The vaccine does not change your DNA - let’s leave out the vaccine from this discussion

  6. When young Jewish people worship garbage, the garbage turns round and spits at them in the face. The older generation had this with roger waters and his BeaDy eyeS, although there may have been some quality in the music then.

  7. It seems that all three are 'jews'. They, as so many of the youth of today have literally been indoctrinated with these leftist, socialist, radical ideaologies which usually can only have an effect on blank minds. They have blank minds and have no knowledge of what a Jew is, nor any knowledge of our history, etc. They are robotic zombies, following the crowd and orders from those influencing them. They better wake up because the galut will soon be over; the birur has begun and they will be left on the wrong side if they don't repent. As far as why Hashem is allowing all this to play out is because HE is awakening the Jewish people (those smart enough to realize what is happening) that the galut is almost over and these women and their ilk would be wise to return to the teachings of their fathers. Antisemitism is a supernatural phenomenum; it is the way H' has kept us from completely assimilating during our long and
    turbulent exile. Without antisemitism, we would have long ago disappeared. These foolish women are the useful idiots that our enemies use to their benefit and detriment to these women. Best advice to them is to wake up and learn what it is to be a Jew and to take note of the upheavals soon to come and then they will realize who their friends are who are the real enemies!

  8. another reason might be that Hashem wants all of the Jewish people to return home to Eretz Yisrael

  9. Anonymous @ 1.15 - they are not Jewish.
    Would everyone who is Anonymous or Unknown please choose a name so we can respond to you.

    1. Devorah, how do you know? Where are your sources? My daughter’s mother had a stroke after she got the first dose. Almost all the teachers at my daughter’s former school got very sick. A friend of mine knows someone personally whose menstrual cycle is off and bleeds constantly. My friends father in law collapsed, my co-workers had to be quarantined after they got both shots because they got COVID, I can go on on. Please do not make statements without proof.

  10. I am the 1:15 anonymous. Sorry about leaving out a signoff name.
    Because I didn't see any reference to them either being Jewish or not, that they were most likely to be Jewish. As they are non-Jews, I can understand they would believe with all the propaganda and programming, that it would be easy for them to believe all the lies. But, if they were educated in some history and world events, they wouldn't fall prey so easily to all the propaganda. I think this is the reason for all the insanity today. Students are being taught nothing but propaganda in the schools and the media helps along, so unless one is well informed, this could, c'v, be leading to a repeat of the 1930's. Only, I believe that we are at the end of days, and everything will turn right side up for Am Yisrael and the wicked will be brought down, just as at the time of yetziat Mitzrayim.

  11. Hello Mig: "without sources" is something I say when people quote Torah.
    Regarding the vaccine, which I don't want to discuss on this blog at all anymore, my "source" is an immunologist. It cannot change your DNA.
    As for all the other terrible things you have mentioned, I cannot dispute what you are saying. Can I ask you which brand of the vaccine caused all these problems? I personally cannot risk getting the Astra Zeneca which is all that is available here right now, due to the blood clotting factor. Generally Australians are being very cautious and not getting the vaccine on a mass scale, which is upsetting our government.

    1. The Moderna and Phizer gene therapy inoculations. I just learned that a 12 y.o. in America got the shot so she could go to Israel. She is now paralyzed. Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiologist at Yale discouraged the shot due to its capability to change your DNA as well as its severe and irreversible side affects. Dr. Michael Yeardon, former CEO of Pfizer is warning people not to get the shot. Gedolim
      In America and Israel are warning people about the danger of the shot because it can cause infertility, heart attacks and blood clotting. On the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting Site, from January to April, approximately 3500 people have died. That’s approximately 30 deaths per day.

  12. Concerned Reader, i have not published your comment because I specifically do not want the topic of the vaccine here. I published Mig and asked a question, but apart from that I will not be publishing any more vaccine related commments or links to other sites. The whole topic gives me severe anxiety. I worry about my friends who have had the vaccine, and I worry about the world. I do not watch the news, and I do not read conspiracy theories anymore. There is already enough to worry about these days, and I try to avoid all of it. I'll leave the vaccine topic for others to write about, but I don't want it here. Hope you understand this.


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