Thursday, August 24, 2023

Causing Someone Else to Suffer

וְעֵינֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ כָּֽבְד֣וּ מִזֹּ֔קֶן לֹ֥א יוּכַ֖ל לִרְא֑וֹת Yaakov was no longer able to see." [Vayechi 48:10]

Chazal tell us various reasons why Yitzchok became blind. but why did Yaakov become blind?

Rav Shlomo Zalman Zelaznik Ztz"l. the Rosh Yeshiva of Eitz Chaim. explained with the principle that if someone suffers on your account, you are punished, even if you have done nothing wrong. In Yaakov's case we find two people whose eyes suffered on account of him. The first was Yitzchok. who Chazal say became blind so that Yaakov would be able to fool him and take the blessings. The second is Leah. whose eyes were swollen because she was destined to marry Eisav. while Rochel was supposed to marry Yaakov.

 "Either of these two occurrences," says Rav Zelaznik, "were enough cause to warrant Yaakov losing his eyesight despite his complete innocence of any wrongdoing. If such is the Midas HaDin when we are completely innocent of any wrongdoing, certainly, if we actually play a part in the suffering of another person, we are in huge trouble."



  1. I can't embed this short video... it's Rabbi Hajioff saying Moshiach is coming very soon:

  2. This is INCREDIBLE. Trumps prisoner number includes the number 358. This is the gematria for moshiach! I can’t believe this! Remember you heard this from me first. You heard it from me, Rick

  3. It does indeed Scott/Rick
    His prisoner number is P01135809
    The man facing 713 years jail = 713 is the gematria of Teshuva
    Moshiach is close, Trump is not the Moshiach, I have to say that because some people get the wrong idea here. Trump is a sign.

  4. Thanks, Devorah. My name is Scott but sometimes I call myself Rick. Especially when I’m very excited. Trump isn’t moshiach but this seems like a sign that moshiach is very close! I agree

  5. I could feel your excitement in the comment. Thanks for making my day :)

  6. It also includes 09 11 Dov

  7. Yes I saw that, I didn't want to say anything... but 9/11 this year is 25 Elul, the day predicted for the Kochav Yaakov... the 25th day of the sixth month on the Hebrew calendar. I was wondering if that was a sign as well.
    Guess we'll find out soon enough.
    22 years since 9/11 in 2001.

  8. As much as I believe Moshiach is VERY close, I don’t get impressed by gematrias. I remember when obama became president and they showed how his name was gematria of Moshiach. Same with Trump’s name back in 2016. I have no negative intention at all in this comment. Again, I see so many reasons why Moshiach must be very close.

  9. Shai:

    Just BTW what you wrote above only reiterates what we are all seeing and believing! According to most who know what is going on in the White House, Obama is still alive and kicking.... The entire staff under Biden is a repeat of the Obama era. Also, I still believe that he is going to play a major role in our Geulah. I don't know if you all remember the boy Natan. In his out of body experience he saw Obama as Gog. Somehow I really believe what he said in general, because he was so innocent and ignorant otherwise.

    In addition, according to Rav Kessin, Obama is the Moshiach of the Arabs, and Trump is the Moshiach of Edom. So it really all fits in like a glove:)


  10. Devorah, I don't know if you want to post this Q & A from R' Avigdor Miller. I just couldn't resist because there is always so much argument regarding this topic....

    Rav Avigdor Miller on Leaving Eretz Yisroel Today


    There is a statement in the Gemara that “Anyone who lives outside of Eretz Yisroel it’s as if he has no G-d” (Kesuvos 110b). Can you explain that to me?


    The statement, “Anyone who does not live in Eretz Yisroel is like he has no Hashem,” you have to know that it’s a maamar of agadata, it’s a figure of speech. And it doesn’t mean today – it means in the times when Eretz Yisroel was the place of Torah.

    When a man lives in a place of Torah, in a place of kedusha, and he leaves that place and goes someplace else, so it’s like losing part of his closeness to Hashem.

    The truth is if a man forsakes Bavel in the time when Bavel was at its prime, when it was a place of Torah in the days of Rava, and he settled in a different place, so they put him in cherem! ההוא גברא דאזל מפומבדיתא לבי כובא – A man left Pumpedisa and settled further out, so שמתיה – they put him in cherem (Kesuvos 111a). Because you can’t forsake a place where you could make progress in Torah, where you’re close to Hashem, and go and settle in the suburbs among gentiles and among half Jews and quarter Jews and one-third Jews! You have to live close to Hashem! Close to Hashem means close to where there are real Jews! And that’s why it’s considered like forsaking Hashem!

    But if a man goes to Eretz Yisroel and he moves into Tel Aviv, he’s much better off being in Boro Park and Williamsburg or maybe here in Flatbush. I once spoke to a rosh yeshiva. We were talking about going to Eretz Yisroel and he said, “It depends where you go.” He came from Eretz Yisroel, this rosh yeshiva and he said to me, “It depends where you go!” Just Eretz Yisroel without an address, it’s senseless! You have to know where you’re going! It’s like moving to Chicago.

    So therefore, ‘if you forsake Eretz Yisroel’ means when it’s Eretz Yisroel! It means when they don’t draft your daughters. If they draft your daughters, run away because she’ll become a harlot! That’s what the draft is for. Jewish girls in the army become prostitutes without pay. If you don’t believe it, read that notice that we have hanging on the wall in the lady’s section; it’s written by an Israeli general. He wrote the history of the Israeli Defense Force and he writes in his book that most Israeli girls get their first experience in sexual intercourse in the army. It’s written by a Israeli army general. And so to go to Eretz Yisroel to have your daughter drafted doesn’t pay.

    If you’re an old man and you’re going to Eretz Yisroel to have your body cut up by the doctors and to have your kishkes thrown in the garbage can, it doesn’t pay. Better to die here and go to a funeral parlor on Coney Island Avenue. Even an irreligious funeral parlor won’t throw your kishkes in the garbage can if you give them instructions. But there, instructions won’t help! The doctors laugh in your face. You can leave in your last will and testament, you tell the doctors, “Don’t mistreat my body”; they’ll laugh at you.

    And which country is as liberal in abortions as Eretz Yisroel? The most liberal country!

    And so living in Eretz Yisroel when it was still Eretz Yisroel, that certainly meant you were closer to Hashem. And to move away from Eretz Yisroel when it was still Eretz Yisroel certainly meant you were moving away from Hashem.

    TAPE # 179 (July 1977)



  11. Re: Yakov becoming blind, isn't Yakov the one who prayed that illness should descend on the world, in order that people shouldn't die suddenly but rather be pre-warned through illness?

    So didn't Yakov bring blindness upon himself by dint of prayer? My memory is vague as usual, so I'm not certain about this.

  12. Anyone know if Rabbi Ginzburgh said 5783 or 5784 is a very auspicious time for Moshiach’s arrival because of the time from adam to Dovid Hamelech? I can’t find the article or information.

  13. Shira, I also can't remember which year he said, and I also can't find the article. If anyone knows what we're talking about and you can find the article please put a link here.

    1. It was definitely 5783 or 5784. I also would like to find out and see the article. I’m sure someone here has it.


  14. David became king in 2892*2= 5784

  15. So it’s really 5785 since you said it’s a year later?! :(


  16. Hi it’s me salutations looking forward to moshiach :)

  17. Why does Alon Anava’s video from a few years ago say it’s 5781 or 5782 as the year of Moshiach’s arrival according to the calculation of Adam and Dovid Hamelech?


  18. Why a year later? Who said so? 5784 is 5783+1 . It starts in a couple of weeks.. Ron


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