Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Behold the Sun


So first we had the fires that destroyed Lahaina, which means "cruel sun", and now we have a hurricane called Idalia bringing "once-in-a-lifetime strength and storm surge levels" to parts of the state's Gulf Coast.

"Idalia" means "behold the sun".   
According to Google, the Hebrew Adalia means "G-d is my refuge".

These are of course man-made names. 

Also man-made is the huge problem of gas being contaminated with diesel fuel in Florida,  So of course the conspiracy theorists are claiming that the US government is trying to get as many people stuck in Florida as possible, to be trapped in the hurricane.  The water temperature is the highest it's ever been and that is not good news as far as hurricanes are concerned.

It's not easy to distinguish between the man-made evil, and the weather events themselves.  To all my Floridian readers, we are thinking of you and pray that you are safe.


Back to the sun:   All over the world people have been taking photos of "two suns", as well as multiple planets/moons near the sun.  

Here's a few photos and videos I've been collecting. Once again these are not photoshopped, and the videos are obviously taken by random people, no big productions here, just people filming what they are seeing.


                                                 Chile: Multiple objects next to the sun


Denver Colorado




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