Anonymous commenting is switched back on. I have recovered from my anxiety over the nasty comments being left here. Takes me a few days... these things trigger me. Along with the good readers there are also some pretty nasty ones out there and I wish they'd go away.
You really should be happy of those nasty anons because your sins goes to them and you are clean and they will take all your sins for their bad deeds. :)
I wish Rabbi Hajioff had a more clear answer than “Moshiach is not far away”. Why are so many rabbis not aware of the Zohar that clearly states that Techiyas Hameisim must begin by 5790? This would mean that Moshiach comes really soon at any moment since techiyas hameisim is after Moshiach’s arrival.
I don’t think anyone can dispute the Zohar HaKadosh or say that he could be wrong.
No date. It’s a deadline . The Zohar says techiyas hameisim must begin by the year 5790. He didn’t say that Moshiach must come on August 8, 2023. There’a a difference between a date and a deadline. The date of 5790 is the Deadline for techiyas hameisim, so Moshiach must come well before then.
Yes I hear you, it's just that when people write a negative sounding comment under a video, others don't bother to watch it. I'm just making the point that Rabbi Hajioff is offering a lot of information here, even without the Zohar's information.
Just to clarify the Zohar states that Techiyas HaMeisim must start at the latest 210 years before the end of the World as we know it. [or 214 years]. The Zohar does NOT state 5780 or 5776.
Look in the English Midrash Says - Veschanan - Page 49
Per Aish Dass "The present world will end 6093 years after Creation (According to Osios D'R. Akiva; the Gemara merely cites the round number 6000.)
No one knows what HaShem's plans are. If Aish Dass is correct - all our calculations are out by 93 years
We all need to Duven constantly for HaShem to have Rachmonos on his Creations and especially K'Lal Yisroel.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe obviously did not agree with the Aish Daas, because he said the year 6000 is the cut off date, and 1000 years equals one day... therefore we are currently in the sixth day, about to enter the Sabbath, and we can bring Shabbat in early,.... therefore Moshiach should come early.
I didn't mean that Moshiach comes early generally.... I meant earlier than the scheduled date, which the Zohar says is still years away. And when the Rebbe said it, it was back in 5750, when the cosmic clock passed the midday mark.
The Zohar doesn’t say Moshiach. He says techiyas hameisim and 6 years left at most. Moshiach is before Techiyas Hameisim. Not one day before, not one month before. The Zohar never gave a scheduled date for Moshiach.
I personally believe and feel we are extremely close but relying on deadlines said in the Zohar or elsewhere is dangerous. If we get passed the deadline will we say the zohar is wrong Chas VeShalom? or that moshiach is not coming chas veshalom? Rather he will come and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai will explain how we either miscalculated somewhere or didn't fully understand what he meant. Obviously Techias Hameisim has to be taken literally but a form of it could also be rejuvination of spiritually dead people.
I think it is also risky to say Moshiach must come because the world is so bad tha Hashem won't tollerate it anymore. we really don't know Hashem's tollerance levels and there is anyway a lot of good in the world as well.
These are very exciting times with a lot of prophetic signs. One which hasn't been discussed too much on the blog is the fact that more Jews live now in Israel than any other country and we are very nearly at the stage where the majority of Jews live in Israel which will bring with it certain halachic and other prophetic changes.
You don’t know Hashem’s tolerance levels but Hashem knows Am Yisrael’s and the righteous gentiles tolerance levels for a world so bad and void of normality. That tolerance is at the threshold according to every righteous gentile and Jew that I’ve spoken to. They’ve had enough.
@gershon . Rest assured- the Zohar was talking about TECHIYAS HAMEISIM. Not some made up spiritual awakening techiyas hameisim. To make it clear, he was talking about dead people coming back to life. The techiyas hameisim the Torah talks about. The Zohar wasn’t playing child games when he said it will happen before 5790.
Yes we do know Hadhem's tolerance level. It is the 50th level of tuma! And was it Rav Schwab who calculated that we lost 150 years on our calendar sround the time of the chorban? -Leah
@Adina - Of course Techias HaMeisim is physicall but both will be needed. In Yechezkel's prophesy of The Valley of The Dry Bones, actual bodies are made but the bodies being re-made is quite irrelevant until Hashem breaths a spirit of life into them. I really don't think it is "playing child games" to talk about Hashem restoring our neshamas to how they should be - the Gemarah even describes Rashaim as being dead even in this world, the neshama is the Ikar and our neviim prophesised about it beying restored at the end of days.
Believe what you want. I know that Moshiach is coming soon. You want to go in circles that we lost 150 years on the calendar because rabbi shwab said so? You’re more than welcome to wait 150 more years for Moshiach
Is it better to be living in Israel when Moshiach arrives? I feel guilty for living in Toronto but I have many valid reason that I can not leave anytime soon
We are nearly 2000 years overdue for Moshiach. 2000 years of chaos, 2000 years of Torah, 2000 years of Moshiach.
I feel that anticipating Moshiach is a balancing act, we have to feel that it has to be now, we can't take it any more, which many of us do genuinely feel, at the same time, that's what Jews felt during the Shoah, and during the Yom Kippur war, Rav Brody describes it, people were utterly convinced that it was happening, and they weren't the only times in our history. One of those times led to the birth of chassidut.
Rav Zisholtz said that this Tisha B'Av was the last, and that a tsadik nistar who has been holding up the geula, in order to give more Jews the chance to make tshuva, was in shamayim and was told that he is only being allowed to live if he stops holding up the geula. Agree or disagree but please do not write anything disrespectful about the rav who is a complete tsadik. I hate it when I mention a rav and people write disrespectfully.
I just daven that Moshiach will come and he will machzir otanu betshuva, because who is perfect?
Personally I am still holding by Rav Ginzburg, saying that Moshiach has to come by 5784, I don't know if that means by Rosh Hashana, or during that year. In any case we have to believe and anticipate Moshiach TODAY, the only day that matters. The problem with all these calculations is that they dampen the ratzon for Moshiach TODAY.
There's an inyan of being lehitakesh leHashem, sort of I won't take no for an answer, and lenatseach et Hashem, to beat Hashem so to speak with different arguments why He has to do the thing you are asking for. Hashem wants us to do this. My children overcame me. Something like that. I suggest that if Moshiach hasn't come by rosh hodesh elul this year, everyone who follows this blog be mitakesh to Hashem on the first day of Rosh Hodesh Elul, lamed av, and Be"D lenatseach et Hashem.
I did this once for someone who hadn't had children after ten years of two marriages. I used every argument that I could think of why Hashem had to give him children, he was the son of Shoah survivors, the only one who lived in Israel and the only one from his family who was religious and carrying on his family name. B"D ten months later he had twin boys.
We have more than enough reasons lehitakesh to Hashem why He has to bring the geula NOW, after all we have suffered for nearly 2000 years, and we are still faithful to Hashem, even Jews who are not that religious, still choose to call themselves yehudi, and there are many, many Jews who are faithful to Torah and mitzvot, after such a long time, after such terrible suffering, that still continues, when it would be much easier to just close the basta, give up and assimilate. I think our defense case is more than compelling. We just have to present it, and present it as if your lives depended on it, because they do.
Wonderful comment LL. Yes R"H Elul would be perfect, if we are still waiting. Let's not forget Rav Cordovero's prediction of 25 Elul for the appearance of the Kochav Yaakov. Maybe that happens and Geula comes by 5784. There's certainly enough happening in the Heavens to think that the Kochav Yaakov will be seen this year.
Thank you Devora. I have to mention that what I wrote about still calling ourselves yehudi, I heard in a shiur of Rav Yaakov Maor. He says that everyone who calls themselves yehudi (and who is actually Jewish, obviously) will be saved in the geula.
Tbh I don't understand about stars and the like, that you write about. I just think that we should throw ourselves on Hashem's mercy, and demand Moshiach regardless of signs and predictions, regardless of merit, just dye kvar. Like a tinok ben yomo, a newborn, who is totally dependent on his mother, and nothing else exists in the world for him.
It is Hodesh Elul by the corner when our King in the field. And 40 days after is Yom HaDin, Yom Kippur. So start preparing now. I suggest to everyone to accept 1 extra Mitsva on your self which will definitely help you to get to Olam Aba. And do it for the sake of Heaven. Not to think of the reward for the Mitsva rather for Hashem only. Here is the small list: 1. Kashrut (When Mashiah will come he will know by smell if a person eat Kosher Food. If not it has to go Gehinom for the cleaning his Neshama) 2. The same with Tefilin (start to put on Tefilin every day) 3. Learn Torah (add something to your learning list. May be an extra Psalm, Tehilim, whoever for example is 50 years old, should read Tehilim 51 to Merit to live for another year) 4. Help others (especially poor Talmidey Hahamim, widows, yetomim, visiting sick and praying for them by this act you will be saved ) 5. for women -- Mikva is a MUST 5. Shabbat (it says who is observing Shabat is like observing all 613 Mitsvot form the Torah) and I can go and go further but you should pick extra Mitsva and never stop from it. It will be your Mitsva forever.
I didn't get to read all of the comments but I did see this video of his and saw another once before. I am not enthused by his explanations because he seems to generalize too much and rely more on the rational rather than the mystical/spiritual information from the Zohar, etc. He made it seem that Moshiach could come just before the year 6000 but that is not how the Zohar and other sources tell us it will be because as we already know techiyat hameitim has to start no later than 210-214 years before the year 6000. Those 200 years or so will be the messianic era which will be the perfection of life that we all yearn for and the knowledge of Hashem will fill the earth. When reaching the 7th millenia we will have Olam HaBa the time when we will have reached the spiritual connection to H' that we cannot even fathom. I've noticed there are those rabbis who interpret the Torah according to the natural way we are living since after the Mabul and tend to give much credit to the technology we now have. He even hinted to techiyat hameitim because there are such technological innovations that man will be able to recreate life. Chas v'sholom we should think along those lines. Our great Torah Sages indicate how the dead will arise from the ground. No beating around the bush. Hashem is our Creator and nothing is impossible for HIM. One other thing which I didn't appreciate was when asked about space aliens. There are no such beings. There are only angels and demons from beneath the earth. We already know for quite a while that part of the global agenda is also to start putting humanity in fear of an alien invasion. That is part of their agenda, together with the pandemics, the climate change, and many other things to put the fear in man. Look only to the Torah and all the answers are therein! Boruch
To L.L. Looking at the myriad of signs we have today that our Sages and Prophets have prophecized about is just a reassuring sign that we are so close to the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu. This is also the great mercy we pray for from Hashem. Seeing, reading and learning of the signs make it clear to us and gives us hope that Moshiach is nearer than we think.
I think that all of the conditions for Mashiach to come have been met.
High prices yet abundance of goods, insolent youth, leaders with the face of a dog (i.e. looking back at opinion polls instead of really leading), the threat from Iran leading to the King of Aram going to the King of Edom for advice (Saudi Arabia asking the USA for advice and help), and yes, even the internet, allowing for the dissemination of Torah knowledge on such a wide scale, plus the Tromlo prediction as mentioned by Reb Dov on his End of Days blog, closely aligned with the list of Israeli Prime Ministers corresponding to the biblical judges as mentioned by Reb Efraim Palvanov.
So the question is why is Mashiach tarrying? Ready to arrive, but just waiting that extra bit of time.
It could be a Tzadik delaying it to allow extra Teshuva, but only if Hashem allows that. It could be that Hashem wants it to happen in a certain month.
It could be that it is meant to happen on a certain day where Jews are together, perhaps it happens just after Neilah on Yom Kippur, just before we blow the Shofar for the last time?
Perhaps we need to be united through or a threat from Iran, a terrible worry but at the same time something that unites us at last when the past year we have been so divided?
Perhaps at Hanukah when we have a festival which allows us to use the internet. Imagine Twitter/X at the moment Mashiach about an event that will "break the internet!"
As for aliens, there are Jewish sources both for and against their existence. Which I think is great. Because it shows us that we do not have all the answers, and need a teacher to come to show us more knowledge.
There's a story about a Jew imprisoned by the local paritz. He was told he could have one day of freedom. He wrote to his rav asking which day he should choose, shabat, yom kippur etc. The rav said take the first day of freedom offered to you.
Moshiach can be TODAY and we have to want it TODAY. We don't have to wait for a special day. The day he comes will be special and a chag.
Rav Zisholtz said that the geula was being held up by a tsadik nistar, and that is now no longer the case.
I don't understand anon 7.25 as pertaining to my comment. Sorry. We are well overdue by hundreds of years. Moshiach can be TODAY. How much nearer can we get than that?
Re. Zohar and other sources tell us it will be because as we already know techiyat hameitim has to start no later than 210-214 years before the year 6000. ----- I heard this may not be the right interpretation of what the Zohar really means. Leah
"Rav Zisholtz said that this Tisha B'Av was the last, and that a tsadik nistar who has been holding up the geula, in order to give more Jews the chance to make tshuva, was in shamayim and was told that he is only being allowed to live if he stops holding up the geula."
A few years ago I heard a great tsaddik and one of the most well known Breslover Rabbanim saying that that upcoming Rosh Hashannah would be the last one we have without moshiach. I waited all year and then felt "cheated" when nothing happened. However, I didn't let this affect my emunah in Moshiach's imminent arrival because let's face it - Hashem decides what, when and how things happen and he is not beholden to anyone or anything.
There is no need to panick when we are in Hashem's capable hands.
Raging wildfires fanned by hurricane winds have devastated the historic town of Lahaina on Hawaii's island of Maui.
Brian Schatz, a US senator from the state, said on social media that Lahaina is "almost totally burnt to the ground".
Hawaii is the 50th State of the U.S. They say it was like an apocalypse. I wonder if the number 50 is related to the Nun Sha'arei Tumah Is this a sign? I don't know, I'm just thinking.
For anon 9.20am, I heard Rav Zizholtz saying it on the YT channel lehitaneg beahavatcha, on or around tisha be'av. I don't remember which shiur it was, and tbh I don't have the patience to rewatch, sorry, a personal failing. In any case, the rav 100% said it.
I didn't mention it on this site straight away, for the reasons Gershon gives, but then I wrote a comment recently and it just came out and now I can't remember which shiur it was.
Moshiach can come today even if rabbi zisholtz said it was the last Tisha B’av. So he is giving a deadline but he didn’t say we wait until next erev Tisha B’av. Today is possible!
Regarding the apocalyptic fires in Hawaii. The city of Lahaina was totally destroyed. I looked up the meaning of "Lahaina" and it means "cruel sun". So basically what we have here is "the cruel sun being destroyed". I think that's a hint to what is happening now. I haven't thought this through yet, someone else can come up with a clearer idea. I just thought it's an interesting name considering the fact that we currently have two suns, one behind the other, and when Moshiach comes the wicked will be destroyed.
What has happened in Hawaii is a tragedy with more deaths expected.
But I do wonder if the last couple of years of wild fires are a linked to these verses?
Shabbat Shalom
Malachi 3 19 - 20
19: For lo, the sun comes, glowing like a furnace, and all the audacious sinners and all the perpetrators of wickedness will be stubble. And the sun that comes shall burn them up so that it will leave them neither root nor branch, says the Lord of Hosts.
20: And the sun of mercy shall rise with healing in its wings for you who fear My Name. Then will you go forth and be fat as fatted calves.
I wondered about the Hawaii fires as well as I believe that it is an island with a lot of idolatry in it's past. Everything must fall - even the paradise island? Vacations need to lose their appeal? I have also noticed so much deceitful theft in the business that I am in. It seems to be increasing by the week. Like we are in a thick fog or quicksand and things get harder and harder to get done. Anyone else feel that?
Maybe we could all 'argue' so to speak with Hashem for geula and take on an extra mitzvah for Elul? Maybe we could spread this on social media etc? make it a 'thing' for all...thoughts?
Rivkah H: it still has idolatry, you're right. They have many gods.
"Hawaiian religion is polytheistic, with many deities, most prominently Kāne, Kū, Lono and Kanaloa. Other notable deities include Laka, Kihawahine, Haumea, Papahānaumoku, and, most famously, Pele. In addition, each family is considered to have one or more guardian spirits known as ʻaumakua that protected family."
To 6.40, the rav didn't say wait until next Tisha B'Av. Just that this was the last one. Please read all my comments on this. Of course Moshiach can come TODAY. The rav never said otherwise.
About Hawaii, the first thing I thought when I saw the name Lahaina, was the French La Haine, the hatred. Maybe a stretch, but that's what came to mind.
Taking on an extra mitzva is a great idea and can only help. The idea of lehitakesh, is to be stubborn, not to beg, but to insist, not to take no for an answer, to be a bit, a lot maybe, chatzuf, Hashem wants us to to this, am yisrael has suffered enough, we're well past the time for the geula. I think that all these future predictions make people forget that. And if lo lemaaneinu, lemaanCha.
ויאמר יהוה ראה ראיתי את־עני עמי אשר במצרים ואת־צעקתם שמעתי מפני נגשיו כי ידעתי את־מכאביו:
Lehitakesh and litzok are different, but both come from the same place of not being able to take it anymore.
Please share the video of Rabbi Zisholtz saying that this past Tisha B’av was the last one. Until we see the video, it doesn’t have the same meaning. Thank you.
Rabbi Efraim Palvanov Biblical texts speak of a new star appearing in the night sky to herald the coming of the Messiah. Scientists predict...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Anonymous commenting is switched back on. I have recovered from my anxiety over the nasty comments being left here. Takes me a few days... these things trigger me. Along with the good readers there are also some pretty nasty ones out there and I wish they'd go away.
ReplyDeleteYou really should be happy of those nasty anons because your sins goes to them and you are clean and they will take all your sins for their bad deeds. :)
I wish Rabbi Hajioff had a more clear answer than “Moshiach is not far away”. Why are so many rabbis not aware of the Zohar that clearly states that Techiyas Hameisim must begin by 5790? This would mean that Moshiach comes really soon at any moment since techiyas hameisim is after Moshiach’s arrival.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think anyone can dispute the Zohar HaKadosh or say that he could be wrong.
I'm sure he had a lot more to say than that. You're not going to be given a date by any rabbi, but there's plenty more information than just a date.
ReplyDeleteNo date. It’s a deadline . The Zohar says techiyas hameisim must begin by the year 5790. He didn’t say that Moshiach must come on August 8, 2023. There’a a difference between a date and a deadline. The date of 5790 is the Deadline for techiyas hameisim, so Moshiach must come well before then.
DeleteYes I hear you, it's just that when people write a negative sounding comment under a video, others don't bother to watch it. I'm just making the point that Rabbi Hajioff is offering a lot of information here, even without the Zohar's information.
ReplyDeleteHe said he didn't have enough time to give all the info so maybe if they invite him back he will
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify the Zohar states that Techiyas HaMeisim must start at the latest 210 years before the end of the World as we know it. [or 214 years]. The Zohar does NOT state 5780 or 5776.
ReplyDeleteLook in the English Midrash Says - Veschanan - Page 49
Per Aish Dass "The present world will end 6093 years after Creation (According to Osios D'R. Akiva; the Gemara merely cites the round number 6000.)
No one knows what HaShem's plans are. If Aish Dass is correct - all our calculations are out by 93 years
We all need to Duven constantly for HaShem to have Rachmonos on his Creations and especially K'Lal Yisroel.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe obviously did not agree with the Aish Daas, because he said the year 6000 is the cut off date, and 1000 years equals one day... therefore we are currently in the sixth day, about to enter the Sabbath, and we can bring Shabbat in early,.... therefore Moshiach should come early.
ReplyDeleteWe are not out by 93 years, everyone calm down.
If Moshiach comes today, he is definitely not early. He is overdue!
DeleteHow is Moshiach early if it comes now? Aren’t we overdue?
DeleteI think moshiach will come if a war breaks out with the north, which may be any day now.. rivka
ReplyDeleteI didn't mean that Moshiach comes early generally.... I meant earlier than the scheduled date, which the Zohar says is still years away. And when the Rebbe said it, it was back in 5750, when the cosmic clock passed the midday mark.
ReplyDeleteThe Zohar doesn’t say Moshiach. He says techiyas hameisim and 6 years left at most. Moshiach is before Techiyas Hameisim. Not one day before, not one month before. The Zohar never gave a scheduled date for Moshiach.
DeleteI personally believe and feel we are extremely close but relying on deadlines said in the Zohar or elsewhere is dangerous. If we get passed the deadline will we say the zohar is wrong Chas VeShalom? or that moshiach is not coming chas veshalom? Rather he will come and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai will explain how we either miscalculated somewhere or didn't fully understand what he meant. Obviously Techias Hameisim has to be taken literally but a form of it could also be rejuvination of spiritually dead people.
ReplyDeleteI think it is also risky to say Moshiach must come because the world is so bad tha Hashem won't tollerate it anymore. we really don't know Hashem's tollerance levels and there is anyway a lot of good in the world as well.
These are very exciting times with a lot of prophetic signs. One which hasn't been discussed too much on the blog is the fact that more Jews live now in Israel than any other country and we are very nearly at the stage where the majority of Jews live in Israel which will bring with it certain halachic and other prophetic changes.
You don’t know Hashem’s tolerance levels but Hashem knows Am Yisrael’s and the righteous gentiles tolerance levels for a world so bad and void of normality. That tolerance is at the threshold according to every righteous gentile and Jew that I’ve spoken to. They’ve had enough.
Delete@gershon . Rest assured- the Zohar was talking about TECHIYAS HAMEISIM. Not some made up spiritual awakening techiyas hameisim. To make it clear, he was talking about dead people coming back to life. The techiyas hameisim the Torah talks about. The Zohar wasn’t playing child games when he said it will
Deletehappen before 5790.
Yes we do know Hadhem's tolerance level. It is the 50th level of tuma! And was it Rav Schwab who calculated that we lost 150 years on our calendar sround the time of the chorban? -Leah
ReplyDeleteRabbi Kessin said, in his last shiur, that we are at the 50th gate and the window is about to close.
ReplyDeleteWe are! One of many reasons Moshiach has to come NOW!
Delete@Adina - Of course Techias HaMeisim is physicall but both will be needed. In Yechezkel's prophesy of The Valley of The Dry Bones, actual bodies are made but the bodies being re-made is quite irrelevant until Hashem breaths a spirit of life into them. I really don't think it is "playing child games" to talk about Hashem restoring our neshamas to how they should be - the Gemarah even describes Rashaim as being dead even in this world, the neshama is the Ikar and our neviim prophesised about it beying restored at the end of days.
Believe what you want. I know that Moshiach is coming soon. You want to go in circles that we lost 150 years on the calendar because rabbi shwab said so? You’re more than welcome to wait 150 more years for Moshiach
DeleteThank you Moshe - I knew there was something I needed to hear, and that was it toda raba
ReplyDeleteIs it better to be living in Israel when Moshiach arrives? I feel guilty for living in Toronto but I have many valid reason that I can not leave anytime soon
ReplyDeleteExcuse me. It's 150 years later than we think...
We are nearly 2000 years overdue for Moshiach. 2000 years of chaos, 2000 years of Torah, 2000 years of Moshiach.
ReplyDeleteI feel that anticipating Moshiach is a balancing act, we have to feel that it has to be now, we can't take it any more, which many of us do genuinely feel, at the same time, that's what Jews felt during the Shoah, and during the Yom Kippur war, Rav Brody describes it, people were utterly convinced that it was happening, and they weren't the only times in our history. One of those times led to the birth of chassidut.
Rav Zisholtz said that this Tisha B'Av was the last, and that a tsadik nistar who has been holding up the geula, in order to give more Jews the chance to make tshuva, was in shamayim and was told that he is only being allowed to live if he stops holding up the geula. Agree or disagree but please do not write anything disrespectful about the rav who is a complete tsadik. I hate it when I mention a rav and people write disrespectfully.
I just daven that Moshiach will come and he will machzir otanu betshuva, because who is perfect?
Personally I am still holding by Rav Ginzburg, saying that Moshiach has to come by 5784, I don't know if that means by Rosh Hashana, or during that year. In any case we have to believe and anticipate Moshiach TODAY, the only day that matters. The problem with all these calculations is that they dampen the ratzon for Moshiach TODAY.
There's an inyan of being lehitakesh leHashem, sort of I won't take no for an answer, and lenatseach et Hashem, to beat Hashem so to speak with different arguments why He has to do the thing you are asking for. Hashem wants us to do this. My children overcame me. Something like that. I suggest that if Moshiach hasn't come by rosh hodesh elul this year, everyone who follows this blog be mitakesh to Hashem on the first day of Rosh Hodesh Elul, lamed av, and Be"D lenatseach et Hashem.
I did this once for someone who hadn't had children after ten years of two marriages. I used every argument that I could think of why Hashem had to give him children, he was the son of Shoah survivors, the only one who lived in Israel and the only one from his family who was religious and carrying on his family name. B"D ten months later he had twin boys.
We have more than enough reasons lehitakesh to Hashem why He has to bring the geula NOW, after all we have suffered for nearly 2000 years, and we are still faithful to Hashem, even Jews who are not that religious, still choose to call themselves yehudi, and there are many, many Jews who are faithful to Torah and mitzvot, after such a long time, after such terrible suffering, that still continues, when it would be much easier to just close the basta, give up and assimilate. I think our defense case is more than compelling. We just have to present it, and present it as if your lives depended on it, because they do.
Thank you L.L. Very interesting concept of putting "arguments" to H. , in the manner of a defense attorney and a debate.
DeleteC S
Wonderful comment LL. Yes R"H Elul would be perfect, if we are still waiting. Let's not forget Rav Cordovero's prediction of 25 Elul for the appearance of the Kochav Yaakov. Maybe that happens and Geula comes by 5784. There's certainly enough happening in the Heavens to think that the Kochav Yaakov will be seen this year.
ReplyDeleteThank you Devora. I have to mention that what I wrote about still calling ourselves yehudi, I heard in a shiur of Rav Yaakov Maor. He says that everyone who calls themselves yehudi (and who is actually Jewish, obviously) will be saved in the geula.
ReplyDeleteTbh I don't understand about stars and the like, that you write about. I just think that we should throw ourselves on Hashem's mercy, and demand Moshiach regardless of signs and predictions, regardless of merit, just dye kvar. Like a tinok ben yomo, a newborn, who is totally dependent on his mother, and nothing else exists in the world for him.
It is Hodesh Elul by the corner when our King in the field. And 40 days after is Yom HaDin, Yom Kippur. So start preparing now. I suggest to everyone to accept 1 extra Mitsva on your self which will definitely help you to get to Olam Aba. And do it for the sake of Heaven. Not to think of the reward for the Mitsva rather for Hashem only. Here is the small list: 1. Kashrut (When Mashiah will come he will know by smell if a person eat Kosher Food. If not it has to go Gehinom for the cleaning his Neshama) 2. The same with Tefilin (start to put on Tefilin every day) 3. Learn Torah (add something to your learning list. May be an extra Psalm, Tehilim, whoever for example is 50 years old, should read Tehilim 51 to Merit to live for another year) 4. Help others (especially poor Talmidey Hahamim, widows, yetomim, visiting sick and praying for them by this act you will be saved ) 5. for women -- Mikva is a MUST 5. Shabbat (it says who is observing Shabat is like observing all 613 Mitsvot form the Torah) and I can go and go further but you should pick extra Mitsva and never stop from it. It will be your Mitsva forever.
I didn't get to read all of the comments but I did see this video of his and saw another once before. I am not enthused by his explanations because he seems to generalize too much and rely more on the rational rather than the mystical/spiritual information from the Zohar, etc.
ReplyDeleteHe made it seem that Moshiach could come just before the year 6000 but that is not how the
Zohar and other sources tell us it will be because as we already know techiyat hameitim has to start no later than 210-214 years before the year 6000. Those 200 years or so will be the messianic era which will be the perfection of life that we all yearn for and the knowledge of Hashem will fill the earth. When reaching the 7th millenia we will have Olam HaBa the time when we will have reached the spiritual connection to H' that we cannot even fathom. I've noticed there are those rabbis who interpret the Torah according to the natural way we are living since after the Mabul and tend to give much credit to the technology we now have. He even hinted to techiyat hameitim because there are such technological innovations that man will be able to recreate life. Chas v'sholom we should think along those lines. Our great Torah Sages indicate how the dead will arise from the ground. No beating around the bush. Hashem is our Creator and nothing is impossible for HIM.
One other thing which I didn't appreciate was when asked about space aliens. There are no such beings. There are only angels and demons from beneath the earth. We already know for quite a while that part of the global agenda is also to start putting humanity in fear of an alien invasion.
That is part of their agenda, together with the pandemics, the climate change, and many other
things to put the fear in man.
Look only to the Torah and all the answers are therein!
To L.L.
ReplyDeleteLooking at the myriad of signs we have today that our Sages and Prophets have prophecized about
is just a reassuring sign that we are so close to the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu. This is also the great mercy we pray for from Hashem. Seeing, reading and learning of the signs make it clear to us and gives us hope that Moshiach is nearer than we think.
I think that all of the conditions for Mashiach to come have been met.
ReplyDeleteHigh prices yet abundance of goods, insolent youth, leaders with the face of a dog (i.e. looking back at opinion polls instead of really leading), the threat from Iran leading to the King of Aram going to the King of Edom for advice (Saudi Arabia asking the USA for advice and help), and yes, even the internet, allowing for the dissemination of Torah knowledge on such a wide scale, plus the Tromlo prediction as mentioned by Reb Dov on his End of Days blog, closely aligned with the list of Israeli Prime Ministers corresponding to the biblical judges as mentioned by
Reb Efraim Palvanov.
So the question is why is Mashiach tarrying?
Ready to arrive, but just waiting that extra bit of time.
It could be a Tzadik delaying it to allow extra Teshuva, but only if Hashem allows that.
It could be that Hashem wants it to happen in a certain month.
It could be that it is meant to happen on a certain day where Jews are together, perhaps it happens just after Neilah on Yom Kippur, just before we blow the Shofar for the last time?
Perhaps we need to be united through or a threat from Iran, a terrible worry but at the same time something that unites us at last when the past year we have been so divided?
Perhaps at Hanukah when we have a festival which allows us to use the internet.
Imagine Twitter/X at the moment Mashiach about an event that will "break the internet!"
As for aliens, there are Jewish sources both for and against their existence.
Which I think is great.
Because it shows us that we do not have all the answers, and need a teacher to come to show us more knowledge.
Great insights London Male, thank you.
ReplyDeleteThere's a story about a Jew imprisoned by the local paritz. He was told he could have one day of freedom. He wrote to his rav asking which day he should choose, shabat, yom kippur etc. The rav said take the first day of freedom offered to you.
ReplyDeleteMoshiach can be TODAY and we have to want it TODAY. We don't have to wait for a special day. The day he comes will be special and a chag.
Rav Zisholtz said that the geula was being held up by a tsadik nistar, and that is now no longer the case.
I don't understand anon 7.25 as pertaining to my comment. Sorry. We are well overdue by hundreds of years. Moshiach can be TODAY. How much nearer can we get than that?
Re. Zohar and other sources tell us it will be because as we already know techiyat hameitim has to start no later than 210-214 years before the year 6000. ----- I heard this may not be the right interpretation of what the Zohar really means. Leah
ReplyDeleteIt 100% is. Contact rabbi pinchas winston if you have any questions about it.
DeleteTo LL
ReplyDeletewhat do you mean "geula was being held up by a tsadik nistar, and that is now no longer the case." ?
"Rav Zisholtz said that this Tisha B'Av was the last, and that a tsadik nistar who has been holding up the geula, in order to give more Jews the chance to make tshuva, was in shamayim and was told that he is only being allowed to live if he stops holding up the geula."
ReplyDeleteI copied it from my comment above.
Rav Zisholtz shlita himself is a big tsadik.
That sounds very exciting and promising. Do you have an article or link to rabbi zisholtz saying it?
DeleteWhat is 100% ? That the Geula is almost here? What are you commenting on Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteYes. 100% the correct interpretation of what the Zohar said. Yes, the Geulah is almost here. I think you know that well as you run this blog :)
DeleteA few years ago I heard a great tsaddik and one of the most well known Breslover Rabbanim saying that that upcoming Rosh Hashannah would be the last one we have without moshiach. I waited all year and then felt "cheated" when nothing happened. However, I didn't let this affect my emunah in Moshiach's imminent arrival because let's face it - Hashem decides what, when and how things happen and he is not beholden to anyone or anything.
ReplyDeleteThere is no need to panick when we are in Hashem's capable hands.
ReplyDeleteRaging wildfires fanned by hurricane winds have devastated the historic town of Lahaina on Hawaii's island of Maui.
Brian Schatz, a US senator from the state, said on social media that Lahaina is "almost totally burnt to the ground".
Hawaii is the 50th State of the U.S.
They say it was like an apocalypse.
I wonder if the number 50 is related to the Nun Sha'arei Tumah
Is this a sign?
I don't know, I'm just thinking.
Oy Vey, now we have to wait until Sukkos?! :(
ReplyDeleteFor anon 9.20am, I heard Rav Zizholtz saying it on the YT channel lehitaneg beahavatcha, on or around tisha be'av. I don't remember which shiur it was, and tbh I don't have the patience to rewatch, sorry, a personal failing. In any case, the rav 100% said it.
ReplyDeleteI didn't mention it on this site straight away, for the reasons Gershon gives, but then I wrote a comment recently and it just came out and now I can't remember which shiur it was.
As I mentioned above, it's a balancing act.
Moshiach can come today even if rabbi zisholtz said it was the last Tisha B’av. So he is giving a deadline but he didn’t say we wait until next erev Tisha B’av. Today is possible!
DeleteFor Miriam, this is the problem with all of these calculations. They dampen the ratzon for Moshiach TODAY. We are nearly two thousand years overdue.
Regarding the apocalyptic fires in Hawaii. The city of Lahaina was totally destroyed. I looked up the meaning of "Lahaina" and it means "cruel sun".
ReplyDeleteSo basically what we have here is "the cruel sun being destroyed".
I think that's a hint to what is happening now. I haven't thought this through yet, someone else can come up with a clearer idea. I just thought it's an interesting name considering the fact that we currently have two suns, one behind the other, and when Moshiach comes the wicked will be destroyed.
What has happened in Hawaii is a tragedy with more deaths expected.
ReplyDeleteBut I do wonder if the last couple of years of wild fires are a linked to these verses?
Shabbat Shalom
Malachi 3 19 - 20
19: For lo, the sun comes, glowing like a furnace, and all the audacious sinners and all the perpetrators of wickedness will be stubble. And the sun that comes shall burn them up so that it will leave them neither root nor branch, says the Lord of Hosts.
20: And the sun of mercy shall rise with healing in its wings for you who fear My Name. Then will you go forth and be fat as fatted calves.
I wondered about the Hawaii fires as well as I believe that it is an island with a lot of idolatry in it's past. Everything must fall - even the paradise island? Vacations need to lose their appeal?
ReplyDeleteI have also noticed so much deceitful theft in the business that I am in. It seems to be increasing by the week. Like we are in a thick fog or quicksand and things get harder and harder to get done. Anyone else feel that?
Maybe we could all 'argue' so to speak with Hashem for geula and take on an extra mitzvah for Elul? Maybe we could spread this on social media etc? make it a 'thing' for all...thoughts?
ReplyDeleteIf we spread this message it will be a great thing in Shamaim.
Rivkah H: it still has idolatry, you're right. They have many gods.
ReplyDelete"Hawaiian religion is polytheistic, with many deities, most prominently Kāne, Kū, Lono and Kanaloa. Other notable deities include Laka, Kihawahine, Haumea, Papahānaumoku, and, most famously, Pele. In addition, each family is considered to have one or more guardian spirits known as ʻaumakua that protected family."
To 6.40, the rav didn't say wait until next Tisha B'Av. Just that this was the last one. Please read all my comments on this. Of course Moshiach can come TODAY. The rav never said otherwise.
ReplyDeleteAbout Hawaii, the first thing I thought when I saw the name Lahaina, was the French La Haine, the hatred. Maybe a stretch, but that's what came to mind.
Taking on an extra mitzva is a great idea and can only help. The idea of lehitakesh, is to be stubborn, not to beg, but to insist, not to take no for an answer, to be a bit, a lot maybe, chatzuf, Hashem wants us to to this, am yisrael has suffered enough, we're well past the time for the geula. I think that all these future predictions make people forget that. And if lo lemaaneinu, lemaanCha.
ויאמר יהוה ראה ראיתי את־עני עמי אשר במצרים ואת־צעקתם שמעתי מפני נגשיו כי ידעתי את־מכאביו:
Lehitakesh and litzok are different, but both come from the same place of not being able to take it anymore.
Please share the video of Rabbi Zisholtz saying that this past Tisha B’av was the last one. Until we see the video, it doesn’t have the same meaning. Thank you.
DeleteIF someone could send me a link to that video of Rabbi Zisholtz, I will post it here.