Friday, August 25, 2023

The End of Doubt

One of the asteroids currently visible from Earth is the skull-shaped asteroid known simply as "the skull". This is the only picture I could get - we see it in the shape of clouds, which is exactly how Earth looks when seen from outer space. All planets/moons/asteroids have their own clouds around them. The asteroid itself looks exactly like a skull.

After I saw this photo, I then saw the article below and it seemed like a perfect match.

The following text by Gal Einei Institute [Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh]

He [Hillel the Elder] also saw a skull floating upon the water. He said to it: “Because you drowned others, you were drowned; and those who drowned you, will themselves be drowned. [Pirkei Avot 2:6]

This mishnah[1] is in the name of Hillel the Elder and quotes Hillel the Elder. The Holy Ari says that this is an allusion to Hillel being a reincarnation of Moses. Hillel actually has other important soul roots, such as Aaron the High Priest, King David, and King Solomon. Indeed, in the tractate of Avot, we can find a number of Hillel’s teachings that can be associated with each of these important soul roots. 

In the tractate’s first chapter, we find him mentioned in the following mishnah: “Hillel says, be counted among the disciples of Aaron,” a clear expression of his soul’s root in Aaron the High Priest. Later in that chapter, he is quoted, “If I am not for myself, who is for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”[2] associating him with his root in King David whose Psalms center on the rectification of the “I,” the sefirah of kingdom. Later, in the 2nd chapter, Hillel says, “The more flesh one has, the more worms [i.e., decay, he will suffer from]”[3]—which is similar to many statements found in Ecclesiastes, and thus a clear allusion to its author, King Solomon. 

In his book, Notzer Chesed, the Komarna Rebbe presents a wondrous teaching on our mishnah. The skull (pronounced: gulgolet) is an allusion to the level of gulgalta (i.e., skull) in the Supernal Crown referring particularly to the highest “head” in the crown, known as the Unknowable Head (Radla). The structure of the Unknowable Head incorporates essential doubts known as the “five doubts in the crown.” In the future, however, when prophecy returns to Israel,[4] the Unknowable Head will be revealed. This is hinted at in the words, “Because you drowned others, you were drowned” (עַל דַּאֲטֵפְתְּ, אַטְפוּךְ), which can also mean, “Because you were the source of prophecy, you will give more prophecy [in the future].”[5] 

When this state is reached in the future, freedom of choice will not figure prominently in the human condition because the freedom of choice is a byproduct of these essential doubts found in the Unknowable Head. As long as there are doubts or questions that cannot be satisfactorily addressed, we human beings are forced to choose between the various possibilities. When there are no doubts, however, there is no free choice and everything is clear, as it is currently before God. 

When we experience the fulfillment of the prophecies, “All will know Me”[6] and “The earth will be filled with the knowledge of God,”[7] then (says the Notzer Chessed), “It will be known, that which is in this ‘head,’” referring to the Unknowable Head in the sefirah of crown. Hence, the term “the Unknowable Head” is temporary. Ultimately it will be known as “the Knowable Head.” There is a beautiful gematria hiding here: the value of “the Knowable Head” (רֵישָׁא דְּאִתְיְדַע) is 1000, the secret of the thousand lights that were given to Moses (of whom Hillel is a reincarnation) at Mt. Sinai, and then taken away after the Israelites sinned with the Golden Calf. It is also the secret of the soul of Rabbi Yisrael Ba’al Shem Tov (יִשְׂרָאֵל בַּעַל שֵׁם טוֹב), who began to reveal the thousand lights.


  1. Also, Hillel is a direct descendant of Dovid HaMelech.

  2. 5784 is the year for Redemption BH


    1. It’s forbidden to (indirectly) say that Moshiach can’t come while it’s still 5783


    2. Not a good idea to say “Moshiach will be here within 3 weeks”. That will only lead to disappointment if it doesn’t come by then.


    3. I do not know about you guys but I am getting excited by such a news. By the way for those who do not, 5783 officially will end by Rosh HaShana but the final seal will be sealed on Hoshana Raba 5784 and Arizal said in the last day of Hanuka. And I personally think it is better to great Mashiah totally clean rather than sooner and unclean. I think the best time to geeet Mashiah is on Sukkot after 40 days of Selihot , Tikun Hatsot , Mikve and Yom Kippur , when we can reach the highest possible level in this world. We waited for that moment so long and I think it is worth it to wait another month to reach the personal perfection.


    4. The rabbi in the video above says IF we act with the four attributes of the four women it will be a year of great wonders and geulah. So there is a condition. Ron

  3. Bezrat Hashem bli neder I am going to Tsfat this coming Wednesday,13 Elul. I can pray on your behalf on kevre Tsaddikim, you can submit your names , your name and your mothers name for example Moshe Ben Chaya Zaava.
    Kol Tuv


    1. Rachel bat Sarah for a healthy conceptipn

  4. The Teshuva story


  5. I’m TERRIFIED of Moshiach not coming in 5784 (or sooner). A lot of us may lose hope and the world will be worse than it is now.

    1. I feel the same way. It’s at a point where I know so many people that don’t want to bring children into this world because of how sick society is. How can Moshiach not be very imminent? It Doesn’t make sense for it to not come before 5783 ended, or the latest during 5784.

      It’s the 50th level of impurity and comparable to the time of noach when Hashem destroyed the world and promised to never do it again. Now, Hashem will have to perfect the world with our righteous Moshiach.

  6. Moshe please daven for me Aviva bat Sheila Shoshanna, refua shleima, zivug hagun, hatzlacha b'ruchaniut uvegashmiut kol hayeshuot. My nisionot have been going on for decades, but Be"D I still believe in yeshuat Hashem keheref ayin. Be"D everything will turn around for me and for everyone waiting for their yeshuot, very, very soon.

    Thank you in advance!

    a nony mouse

  7. How about we just focus on Moshiach coming TODAY like the Rambam says. Today is the only day that exists. Everything else is imaginary.

    I think this was a true story, but even if it's a mashal: a Jew imprisoned by the local paritz was given the option of one day of freedom. He wrote to his rav asking which day he should choose, shabbat, purim, yom kippur, the rav said take the first day of freedom offered, ie TODAY.

    We are that prisoner. Some of us feel the imprisonment more than others. I know that we are not supposed to want Moshiach to come to relieve us of our suffering, but for Hashem's glory to fill the whole world. Still, we we are but human.

    Imho, none of us should have even musings of the heart to say that Moshiach should be put off for even just another second, let alone express them. 5783 and Jews still being murdered for being Jews. Some of us are dreading the chagim and may not be on the elevated level described above by Succot, the opposite. So many people are suffering unbelievable pain. Everyone is tested, not everyone has horrible suffering, and is dreading the chagim. (For me the litmus test is how you feel about the approaching chagim, do you have anywhere to be, on the other hand do you want to be in the place where you are obliged to be, would you rather just skip the chagim altogether, wake me up when it's over? Yes, it's that bad for some of us).

    We are all supposed to truly want and anticipate Moshiach TODAY. Some of us feel that need most urgently.


  8. EVERY DAY that Beit HaMikdash isn't rebuilt, WE are guilty. (me: Why would we want to wait, even another second?)

    The country is falling apart and how Beit HaMikdash is going to descend from the sky

    הרב מאיר אליהו - המדינה מתפרקת ואיך ירד בית המקדש מהשמיים!!

    For Hebrew speakers, Rav Meir Eliyahu, made tshuva at the age of 19, now mid-thirties, huge talmid chacham, apart from anything else, never heard anyone talk so fast, and with the rav every word is Torah and mekorot from memory.

    Imho, Rav Meir Eliyahu the Yanuka and Rav Snir Gueta (widely known in Israel from his pre-tshuva successful football career and a huge machzir betshuva especially amongst the youth) are three pillars of Torah from a new generation. They are all around their mid thirties. This is what it's like to see gedolim when they were young. Imho, what is striking is that no-one can call them 'primitive' or say that they made tshuva from a place of weakness etc. Rav Eliyahu has such a huge brain, and Rav Gueta had achieved the Israeli dream before he was 21, played internationally for Israel, quit when he was 24 to learn in yeshiva. Be"D they will all be in the front row to greet Moshiach very soon.


  9. Going to Tzvat...please daven for Yosef ben Sara Malka

  10. Aviva and Rivka H my schedule changed and I was today in Tsfat and Meron instead of going on Wednesday. Sorry about that. But I will write your names you gave me for the next trip. I try to go often and the next time I think I will go on Erev Rosh Hashanna to the kever Binyamin Ben Yakov. Braha ve Hatslaha!


    1. Please Schmoel Ben Yosefa Tzipora for refuah

    2. Please when you go before Rosh Hashanah, can you please also maybe say a Mishna and a Tehillim for someone who died suddenly at a young age, was unfortunately not married and had no children. He has no one to say anything for him. Levy Eliezer ben Tzvi Hirsh z"l. Was also orphaned of his mother at a young age.

      C S

    3. I will read Tehilim on his behalf now. Is anybody saying Kadish for him? If not then I will say it for him. What is his Yortzait?


    4. Thank you, Moshe. This is very greatly appreciated. He was a Jewish neighbor of ours. Sadly not religious, but did keep Yom Kippur. No one is saying Kaddish for him. I don't know his yahrzeit, but remember it was in October, 9 years ago.

      C S

  11. Moshe, I'm sure wherever and whenever you daven your tefilot are heard and answered, Be"D

    a nony mouse

    1. That is true , but kevre Tsaddikim have special Kedusha. You are right there is no reason to wait until Erev Rosh Hashanna, I will pray for you both in the morning.


    2. For those who live in EY should go to Mikve of the Arizal. It is not far from his kever. He promised whoever will immerse in his Mikve will not leave this world without Teshuva. The Mikve is for men only.


    3. to LL: you asked “ Why would we want to wait, even another second?” Moshe Rabbeinu was like a father to Klal Israel and he cared about all Jews that all of them will make Teshuva, same here , I do not think just about me ( because I did Teshuva already) but other Jews who are far from keeping Mitsvot but once Yom Kippur comes everybody are in Synagogues. So , can you imagine now the difference if Mashiah comes today then those Jews will not be in “the same train with Mashiah itself” I rather suffer another month in order to bring many of them


  12. To L.L.

    The question of what day one should leave prison if you have only one day to leave was an actual Shaila posed to the Radbaz.

    He answers in his Shutim (4:13) that one should do it immediately.


  13. To LL, our Neshamot are not prisoners in this world even though you right we came here unwillingly. The only case Torah calls Neshamot prisoners is when those Neshamot are in Goy/Goya body and when that Goy/Goya goes through the Giyiur then that Jewish Neshama is redeemed. The Gaon of Vilma was crying when it was the time to depart from this world and his Talmidim asked him:”Rabbi , why are you crying ? Soon you are going to go to Olam HaEmet and you are going to get Big Reward for Eternity”. He answered them:” Here , while I am alive , I can buy Tsitsit and while waring them I make Mitsva at that time, and there I will not be able to do any Mitsvot and elevate my soul anymore.


    1. Moshe, this has no relevance to what LL was commenting on. LL was talking about Moshiach coming now.

    2. Anon 5:37, you are a good advocate, :) Ashrehem Israel!!!!


    3. …I prayed for those who sent names , Braha ve Hatzlaha !


  14. For Moshe, please see the shiur by Rav Meir Eliyahu, every second that the Beit HaMikdash is not rebuilt, we are guilty of that. That is why we should not even want to wait another second. There are people who are koneh olamo bshaa echad. Am Yisrael can be chozer betshuva in an instant. No-one is perfect, and Moshiach can come berachamim and machzir otanu betshuva. From your comments, I know that you are a pure neshama, I'm just saying that some people are suffering so much, not only even the chagim don't help, they make it worse. Rav Yaakov Maor (can be seen on yt in hebrew) says that every Jew who still calls himself a Jew will be saved.


  15. My dear friends , I am Gd forbid is saying that Mashiah should not come today, it is one of the 13 principles of Emuna, of course he will come today of we keep all the commandments and these words of Eliyahu Hanavi, but think for a moment we got kapara from the Egel Hazahav on Yom Kippur when Moshe Rabbeinu came down and gave the message to all klal Israel that Hashem forgave us from all the sins. Please be patient with coming redemption , because we are really at the end and do not give me. Even though it is so hard and everybody suffers from this Galut including myself but it worth it , just trust on Gd with full Emuna and Bitahon. I am crying all the time that Hashem will redeem all of us. Just trust Hashem because He loves you more than your physical parents do, because He is our Abba.




    הרב מאיר אליהו - מה גילו לרבי יהודה פתיה על הגאולה חזק!!!

    We are ready for the geula, there is NOTHING to wait for. My summary.


  17. The latest in a long list of tsadikim in our generation
    הרב ניר בן ארצי שליט"א: "יהודים בעולם, ירדה גזירה" "Jews in the world, a decree has been issued

    one min, english subtitles. from 3 days ago



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