Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Two Suns

There are currently two suns ...and the second sun is bigger than our sun.  Meanwhile,  the smaller object shown below next to the sun, is a planet [or a moon], not the second sun.  But for people who don't believe in the second solar system passing by, then it's just the "second sun".  Are things weird enough for you these days?

In this video, from the 4.56min mark. 

Just a couple more showing another planetary object near our sun. 

And here there is a planet next to the moon.


  1. Devorah, I really am not such a maven on planets and stars, but I commiserate with others here who have said that a long timeline for Moshiach (even 2027 or 2030) is unbearable. This world has definitely reached the point of כולו שקר

    Here's examples:

    During searching for a light fixture online, I read reports of melting, sparking, parts-detaching. And not certified by UL, thus zero oversight or accountability. In the past, even that would have been considered crime. Yet these days, stealing goods below $1,000 is legally considered petty theft. Any wonder that stores close down?
    ...Digital refrigerators of nowadays break down left and right, which is why i'm holding on for dear life to my Year 2000 side-by-side, despite that a service call years ago cost $400 due to a particular part.
    ...I try to find a cream to heal my excruciating wound. So i search, and read of sham companies mimicking the best-rated products and selling them on Amazon. People buy them, only to find their skin burning and getting damaged worse than before. They then call the companies, and find out they're fakes. This goes on constantly with a never-ending array of eastern junk. Just as bad, is that whichever "quality" companies are left, hire outsourced reps, who barely speak English and could care less.

    And just as bad, is the disillusionment when calling a haredi seller about an inferior product that was sold at his store, and asking for a solution to a particular issue with it. (it's abnormally slippery, not how they were made in the past - thus causing lots of aggravation.) All I get in return is detached silence, which annoys me, so I call him out on it. He then accuses me of harrassing him. It infuriated me that the liberal mindset has rubbed off on haredim. So, I retorted - "I'm calling you about a legitimate issue requiring a solution, and you call that harrassment? You're a democrat!"

    Seriously, why wouldn't the sane people of this world feel suicidal amidst all the insanity, and with nowhere to turn to for pain? This world is amok! Phony pr's work at "uncaring" centers. I got bitten by a bee Friday afternoon, and the sour nurse at "urgent care" says, while examining my raised welt, "oh there's nothing wrong". So I ask her "is there no gel for this?" She answers sarcastically "Please! This is urgent care! But if you want, i can put on some bacitracin". Which she then grudgingly applies to the unreachable welt on my back. How very typical of the times. Not that the bee-bite even begins to compare to the unremitting pain of my hand wounds.
    עד מתי?

    1. I feel suicidal because of all the craziness out there. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Everyone else is numb.

  2. Yes scammers everywhere, even in places you don't expect to find them.

  3. And lets not forget the spammers too!


  4. Talmud in Nedarim 8b describes a form of global warming as a punishment, literally hell on earth. Reish Lakish states: “In the future (in messianic times) there will be no Gehennom. Rather God will remove the sun from its sheath; the righteous will be cured by it, and the wicked will be judged by it.”

    It's not two sons. One is a sheath.

  5. After suicide, a person's troubles begin....!

    Hashem is in every happening. Believe that he does what is ultimately good, and we are only seeing a tiny part of the picture. You will then love living!


    1. That is not at all now it works. Someone who is suffering so much that they want to commit suicide will not love living just by believing that Hashem does everything for the ultimate good. The world is a place filled with darkness and suffering as we are right before Moshiach. Many good people are suffering and can’t handle the suffering well. It will all be over very soon.

  6. Reader: If it's a sheath, then why is it appearing to be a separate body from the sun? I believe what you are saying, by the way.

    1. A sheath of a sword is a separate body from the sword but has the same shape.

  7. Story going around that a circle in the sky and a star went into it and u can’t see into the circle of light. Malky

  8. From now on, if Anonymous commenters don't include a name, they will not be published. I know I"ve said it before, but this time I'll try and remember to do it. It doesn't need to be your actual name, just pick a name and use it so people can respond to you.

  9. Another story I want to share. There was a Jew whose life was so miserable that he want to do suicide . There was Rav in the town who had Ruah Hakodesh and he decided to go to him. He went and while he was waiting in the line he was asleep. And he saw in his dream that he is in the Heaven at Heavenly Court against him. And he saw the scales on which on one scale his Mitsvot and on the other side his Averot. And he saw that his Averot slightly more that his Mitsvot. And every time they show him how much he suffered in this world it went to scales to his MItsvot. And he was screaming more suffering , more suffering ….and he woke up. He understood that all suffering in this world is nothing to compare to Gehinom and went back home without seeing a Rav. After that he went normal and understood the purpose of life and started even more doing Mitsvot. So, grab the Mitsvot while you can because after you go up there will be no other chance to fix what you need to fix.


  10. With all due respect to good intentions, people on this post, and other posts, are giving completely inappropriate advice to people writing that they feel suicidal.

    This kind of generic, it's all for the good advice, might be ok for someone who is a bit down, but may even be harmful for someone who is clinically depressed or has suicidal tendencies. A nice steak might be healing for one, yet fatal for a baby or someone with clogged arteries. A daily walk is healthy, but not if you've got a broken foot.

    The best thing is not to give any advice. Tell them that you are sorry they are hurting. If you are able to, be there for them. Daven for them. But please stop this it's all for the best, no-one is given more than they can handle, (chazal actually says the opposite, ein tsadik ... ve lo choteh, that means that everyone fails a test, in Eichah if I'm not mistaken it says that people will go mad from the sight of their eyes), it's not what someone suffering needs to hear, and tbh, it's insensitive. The depths of suffering in this world are so far beyond human understanding. It's almost as if people want to feel reassured, that everything is in order, so the person suffering becomes the problem. If only they had the right attitude. The spectre of unfathomably excruciating pain shatters our belief in an orderly world and threatens to expose the fragility of our own lives. So spiritual platitudes are offered up in order to avoid the extreme discomfort of looking into someone else's abyss.

    Derech eretz kadma laTorah. Above all, just be sensitive to someone's suffering. Hashem doesn't need us to justify Him.


  11. Be"D, bli neder, I hope to be going to the kotel tomorrow, Israel time, Thursday afternoon. Bli neder, if you give me names for tefilla, I will daven there for you.


    1. Moshe Ben Chaya Zaava uMishpahto (Kol Yeshuot)
      Toda Raba



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