Sunday, August 13, 2023

Hawaii Conspiracy vs Reality

Conspiracy theory is that the fires in Lahaina Hawaii were started by a DEW - a Directed Energy Weapon.  To see photos of these DEWs, enter the term into Google and click on Images.

I don't think it was a DEW.... but it was a similar thing that happened, however it came from Hashem.

Here are some photos of what people are talking about. [this is not my concept, I am taking it from people who know a lot more than I do about these things]

"Geostorm" is a movie, I haven't seen it, but it has nothing to do with this.

These photos are actually showing something called an "ion bleed off" from another planet.
Here are some more, taken at other places in the world.

The reason why the fires became so intense from this ion bleed off in Hawaii is because of winds from Hurricane Dora.  It was perfect timing. Only Hashem can do this.

I remember the fires in Australia, a few years ago, the winds were insane, and I was nowhere near the fires, I live in the city.  The wind felt strange, it was angry, I felt Hashem's power in that wind. 

I don't believe that any fire so huge as to destroy an entire city can be anything other than the Hand of G-d.  

This man is explaining how the wind fanned the fire, and from what he is saying, it is obviously the Hand of G-d.  In the same way it happened in Australia, first there was a drought, no rain and very dry vegetation, and then the fire starts, fanned by incredible wind.

Now if you're still having trouble believing in a second solar system passing by us, I have more photos and videos to put up, but that will be in another blog post.  


  1. I just purchased a lunt 100mm solar telescope. I will see what the images show and post here.

  2. Best time to see things is sunrise or sunset.

  3. Apparently the fire alarm system was not working well and they had not fixed it. So people had no warning.

  4. 25th Elul —Going Nuclear


    1. Could you stop commenting with these videos of bad prophecies? You’re OBLIGATED to believe that Moshiach can come TODAY.

    2. These are not videos of bad prophecies. These videos are a pragmatic look and statement of the state of our world today. Additionally, they are a mussar lesson on how to cleanse ourselves and prepare ourselves for the new era unfolding before our eyes

      I for one find these videos very interesting, comforting and inspiring.

      C S

  5. If we believe that everything that happens is G-d’s will, we also believe that He uses Teva to do His will. Therefore, it is not anathema to say that Hashem used DEWs (which He created) to destroy Maui. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that is what I see happening in Canada and other parts of the word.

  6. First of all, Everything is from Hashem. The good, the bad and the ugly, for HE is in control of everything.
    But, it sounds likely that you might very well be right here that it is that other planetary system which caused the fires, r'l.


  7. Shira, spot on, if we don't believe that Moshiach can come today, we don't really believe that he can come at all.


  8. How can we understand anything going on fully … if believing that HaShem is in control… Ain Od Milvado? And if it’s allowed by HaShem, we have to rest in the fact that He ALONE is The True and Righteous Judge… He allows for whatever purpose He allows it for…. He alone has the plan for this world and all of us… we rest in His Justice… ‘Will it always look good???’ No, but it will be FOR THE GOOD that He has planned. The ‘story’ is not over yet!


    1. Who says it’s not over yet? You have to believe that Moshiach can come TODAY. The STORY just has the very beautiful part once Moshiach is here. May it be today!

    2. Amen!!! May it be TODAY, please HaShem… and then we really begin to Live… the story will just be starting!!! Because we’re back to square one… moving forward… never to return to disobeying HaShem’s commands again!!!

  9. I just saw a photo of a church in Lahaina that remained untouched by flames, whilst everything around it was burnt to the ground.
    What are we supposed to think about that?

    I have seen many photos of these ion pillars, going from earth to the sky, and it was also suggested that this is what caused the fires in Canada.
    Or was it really a DEW ?
    I really don't know what to believe, I think many people are in disbelief right now over the scale of the Hawaii disaster.
    But surely anything that happens here is sanctioned by G-d so whatever it was, Hashem approved it.
    If we don't believe that, then nothing makes sense at all.

  10. A rav told me that he sees no indications that we are living in the times of Moshiach. “Things are so bad in Israel” and have been many times over thousand of years. “Politics have had many difficult times before”. “Immorality has been bad too before and eventually got better”.
    “People interpret Kabbalah for the deadline for techiyas hameisim the wrong way”

    Is there anything I can say that could really prove (not weather events in the world) that Moshiach has to be very close?

    1. Just the fact that he is looking to disprove Moshiachs arrival and isn't intently focused on interpreting whatever he can as a positive sign towards Moshiachs bad enough. But he has the chutzpah to stand against all the gedolei hador that have said Moshiach is imminent
      It's written that even some among the rabbis will be from the erev rav before Moshiachs arrival...I'm not saying that's what he is...that is not my call whatsoever. But he is clearly blinded and a negative influence...choose your Rabbis wisely...not all are of the same caliber.

  11. So this Rav knows Kabbalah well enough to say that everyone else is wrong....
    something is very fishy here, because if he knows the Zohar so well that he is right and everyone else is wrong.... then surely he would not be saying negative things about the coming of Moshiach, when surely he knows as well as everyone else does, that Moshiach can come right now. So I find his attitude to be very confusing, and perhaps he should explain how everyone else has misunderstood the Zohar.

    1. He believes Moshiach CAN come today , he just doesn’t believe that it’s coming anytime soon. He has studied the Zohar.

      Why is it that Rabbi Kessin, Rabbi Alon Anava, and Rabbi Pinchas Winston are the only rabbis I know of that have publicized the Zohar that techiyas hameisim must begin by 5790 (and Leshem by 5786)? Maybe everyone else that studied it sees that it could have a different meaning or that the Zohar doesn’t have to be right in predictions? Or Maybe there is concern that our calendar year could be off?

  12. The three rabbis you mention are very different to each other, and yet they are all saying the same thing.....but anyway here are some links on the internet that I found. Meanwhile you could also find links to support your Rav's thinking, but anyway... here they are

    1. Those 3 rabbis are all different but they all have the same “interpretation” of the Zohar and they all say that techiyas hameisim must begin no later than 5790.

      Those articles are all just based off speculation and predictions. If the internet war around 100 years ago, couldn’t someone have wrote convincing articles too?

    2. This article by Rabbi Fingerer that you sourced says

      “The Zohar (see also Midrash HaNe’elam) says that if we are worthy, techiyas hameisim will occur 210 years before the year 6000. That’s the year 5790.“

      So, according to rabbi fingerer’s interpretation, the Zohar says “if we are worthy”?? Rabbi Winston, Rabbi Anava, and Rabbi Kessin never said that it says “if we are worthy”, rather that the Zohar clearly states it must happen by no later than 5790. So confusing. Anyone here know Hebrew and has a Zohar and can look up if the Zohar actually says “if we are worthy”? Because that is not good news. That means the year 5790 arrives and Moshiach and techiyas hameisim isn’t here because “we weren’t worthy”. Hashem have mercy on us if rabbi fingerer translated the Zohar correctly.

    3. I really hope someone had an answer

  13. I see from the comments above that some of the commenters don”t understand the concept of Mashiah.


  14. Even rabbis who are not all over the internet think Moshiach is coming soon. Rav Chaim Kanievsky said Moshiach is coming soon, we're at the keitz mguleh. The Chofetz Chaim famously said Gog and Magog would come in three parts, WWI, which had passed at the time he said this, WWII and the third part about 10 shmittah cycles later. We're 10 shmittah cycles from 1953, when Stalin's "doctor's plot," to do away with all the Jews, fell apart. Anyone with eyes to see understands that Moshiach must be close. Smart people who lack emunah can always explain everything away. It's call free will. TC

  15. Als, the Vilna Gaon said that when Russia takes Crimea it's a sign that Moshiach is very close, and when Russia conquers Turkey, keep your Shabbos clothes on because Moshiach is coming. Russia took Crimea in the previous Shmittah year, and in this past Shmittah year Russia started the conflict up again, as we all know, and is making noise about controlling the Black Sea. TC

    1. Russia didn’t conquer turkey and it doesn’t look like they will anytime soon. Neither do they have to for Moshiach to come

    2. Russia never conquered turkey and it doesn’t look like they will

  16. All the predictions and the like are distractions from the ikar. Every generation has its ketz. It's always best to go back to basics, Rambams 13 Principles of Faith.Today. And to listen to the tsadikim, Rav Kanievksy zatzal, the Yanuka shlita and many more. One of the problems is that all the Israeli rabbonim are saying to make aliya, and have been saying so for a long time, but they speak in Hebrew, and most Jews outside of Israel don't speak Hebrew. They listen to their local rabbonim, who for the most part tell them not to make aliya. It's an echo chamber.

    Your rav who tells you not to make aliya might be a big rav, but so were the meraglim, they were the leaders of bnei yisrael, and they put fear into their hearts. Some people don't succeed in their aliya, true, but at least they tried and are heroes, even if not treated as such, and what about the many who do succeed? Do people not get married because of the many people who get divorced and have shlom bayit issues, not have children because of those who go off the derech?

    Jews making aliya would hasten the geula. The Yanuka said that as much. Until the majority of Jews, and Torah Jews especially, make aliya, aliya has not been spoken about enough. The conversation is simply shut down. Most Jews are not constrained, see Pew Research. Those who are, Hashem knows what is in their hearts. In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of gentiles have made aliya and procreated.

    Instead of attacking me, as per usual, Jews outside of Israel should be thinking what can they do to further their own aliya, and that of their community.


  17. I work for a kiruv org. Rabbi Alon Anava's book says 1 million Jews have done some sort of teshuva over the past few decades. I see amazing things weekly. If that is not a sign then I don't know what is! Also Chabad is worldwide!

    1. What about the assimilation rate which has been much worse?

  18. To put things simply. All reliable rabbis understand that we are now at keitz hayamim; all the signs are here now. Many people say that many of the signs were here many times before, but
    we now see signs that complete the picture. Never before since the great flood in Noach's time, was there a time of descent of humanity as we are in today and that is why our great Sages of 2000 years ago said, 'they want Moshiach already but they did not want to live in the time of his coming' because it will be a time where G-Dlessness will prevail and humanity will descend to the ways of the pre-Flood era where man crossed the line by legitimizing toevot (man with man and woman with woman and even with animals). This is exactly what sealed the fate of the world at that time. We now have reached that point. Moshiach is very close and the signs are here, besides which life cannot endure and if the situation worsens because humanity cannot survive such insanity.
    Being worthy of greeting Moshiach has passed and we are now 'in its time' whether we are totally good or totally evil, he will come!
    Those who push it off have their own agendas which go back centuries. Today, there are those
    because they have the good life and do not yearn for Moshiach's arrival. in the meantime, we have to keep on yearning and doing teshuva and chesed and when we least expect his coming and have gotten so distressed and depressed, is when he will surely come in a blink of an eye!
    Also, something to remember, Chazal tell us that at the end of days, most rabbis will be of
    the Erev Rav. The Erev Rav joined us for the main reason of stopping the coming of Moshiach and the deJudaization of our people and our holy Torah. The world is now under the control of these Erev Rav and Amaleik itself. They are aware of all this and are trying to fulfill their goals, c'v. They are at war with Hashem leading to the ultimate war where H' will unleash His
    Awesome Power against them and then the world will be filled with the knowledge of
    Hashem as the waters cover the seabeds.

    1. You wrote “ when we least expect his coming and have gotten so distressed and depressed, is when he will surely come in a blink of an eye!”.

      How do you know that’s not already now? Maybe today!

      Also, there are many that do expect Moshiach’s coming now because they see all the signs are here. So how can it be that Moshiach will come when we don’t expect it?

  19. I find it helpful to read these posts because it stresses that what is going on is from Hashem. On regular sites like twitter, it is all about what evil people are trying to do. Thus, G-d is not in the picture. It is better to think that it is from Hashem, even if it might be from the sefira of judgment, than to forget that it is from Hashem altogether.

  20. Thanks Anon, I have actually seen that photo. I see all these photos every day, and I often want to share them on the blog, but I don't think people are very interested, which I find strange. There are incredible photos of things in the sky that we have never seen before. No-one can explain any of them, except the people who believe in the second solar system. These kind of clouds are from different planets passing by earth. Very close by.
    It's the closest they've been to earth since Noah's times, according to their calculations.

    1. Please post them!! Some of us are extremely interested!

      C S

    2. That does not bode well for an easy transition...I worry about a pole shift...which is probably what caused the mabul in Noachs time...maybe it was the Nabiru system that caused the last pole shift

  21. Yitzchok, the best answer I can give you regarding how we know Moshiach is close is this: Truth is absent.
    There has never been a time in the world like this, where the lies are everywhere and anyone telling the truth is considered a fool.

    1. I assume you’re referring to politics. If so, the ones speaking truth aren’t considered fools, they just don’t have much publicity like the media does. Like they say, most of the media is fake news (and liberal).

    2. I read I think a few years ago if I’m not mistaken rabbi Berland said the lies all have to come out before moshiach comes

  22. To Anonymous at 10:37 pm and 5:34 am: I didn't say Russia has conquered Turkey. I merely reported a tradition from the Vilna Gaon that I heard that Rav Moshe Shternbuch spoke about in the previous Shmittah year, the year that Russia took Crimea. TC

    1. And this shemittah is close to ending. I hope we don’t have to wait until 5790 for Moshiach.

  23. Devorah, further up, you stated:
    I just saw a photo of a church in Lahaina that remained untouched by flames, whilst everything around it was burnt to the ground. What are we supposed to think about that?

    My response to you is, perhaps the parishioners of that church were a warmhearted group of people, who built up a positive/productive atmosphere in that place, causing it to be spared. It could have been a venue for ongoing acts of charity, such as fundraising for the needy. You never know. FYI, I have a lawnmower guy who is wonderful. He's a simple guy, yet so spiritual, always going like clockwork to his prayer-house on Sundays.

  24. Anon @10:37am - Yes, many of us are depressed, so who says he will not come right now. It might be tomorrow. What I said in my comment is that when it will get to a point that most will be
    depressed and will give up on Moshiach coming, is when he will come. So that pertains to this moment and times that are first coming and we will, c'v, see even worse events. There are people at this time who are 'utterly' depressed and there are those who are not. We see with every passing day, there are more insanities. It has to get to be the darkest before the dawn.
    The main point is that 'we are in the end days 'now' and we pray and hope for Moshiach's coming momentarily'. We are not privy to the actual time/day, etc. We know that he is almost at the door. Hashem is in full control!

    1. Not “we will, c’v, see worse events before Moshiach”.

      We hopefully will not and have had enough suffering and prophecies fulfilled for Moshiach to come TODAY!

    2. DAYANU… Please HaShem… send Elijah…

    3. I read that giving up on moshiach just means that we have no hope that moshiach will come because of anything we do It says that Hashem will bring moshiach as a pure chesed and mercy on us malky

  25. To Anonymous at August 15th at 4:09: Shmitta ended last year. We are currently nearing the end of Motsai Shviis. TC


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