Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Heshvan "Reserved" for Moshiach



  1. By “inaugurate”, does it mean to build the Beis Hamikdash? Because that would be very relieving and incredible for all of Klal Yisrael if we finally have Moshiach and the Beis Hamikdash this month. So many signs are here that we are at the moment of the Geulah Shelaimah. It would not surprise me at all.


  2. Yes, inaugurate is the beginning, the first opening of a building for example.

    1. So that would mean Moshiach’s arrival and the end of any type of suffering for Klal Yisrael.

      Would you be surprised if it happened this month? I think we have many signs that we are at the very end of golus right now.


  3. May this year be shnat Geulateinu! This is surely part of the war of Gog u'Magog. H'Yerachem!

    1. How do you know this is gog u’magog?


  4. Some rabbis. rebbes have openly said it. References have been found to it in sefarim. When something like this happens, some people just "know" because their souls know and it's communicated to their conscious mind. Some people are more sensitive than others.
    Hints are everywhere, I've blogged a lot, here is one


  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOvxrurJyws
    אחד הנרצחים בא לאביו בחלום וסיפר לו מה קורה לו בשמיים - הרב בניהו שמואלי שליט"א שיבדל לחיים טובים

    All the Jews in the party in the field made tshuva before they were murdered. They are in the highest place in Shamayim.

    Only Hashem knows His ways. No basar vedam can judge them. T

    Achdut is not only with Jews who are alive, but with the dead too.



  6. מלחמה 2023 ● מסר מהינוקא הרה"ג שלמה יהודה בארי שליט"א


    The Yanuka: Tefila, Unity, Trust in Hashem, raise our eyes to Shamayim, ahavat chinam, stop the hatred and machloket, desire for kavod, ..... do not look for guilty parties (me:including not blaming the partiers, I heard elsewhere that they suffered so that we wouldn't have to, we are not better than them), .... to have no fear, be strong, brave hearts, we all have to be strong, Hashem is with us, ....

    And to always remember, to raise our eyes to shamayim and request only Malchut Hashem and only that
    Even if you don't understand Hebrew please see from 4.07.


  7. Forget signs and predictions, we should be screaming out for Moshiach.


    We're now making gestures. What happened to Never Again?

  8. IF you want some chizuk and truth, I highly recommend following Noa Tishby on IG. Unfortunately she was banned from TikTok for speaking truth.. TikTok is cracking down on war speech from both sides.
    Here is the link to Noa's IG


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