Thursday, October 12, 2023

The 50th Level of Tumah [Impurity]

Transcription now available: The Transformation of Reality in the Messianic Era

Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Excerpt: When the Mashiach comes, it’s because the world has reached mem-tes sha’arei tumah—the 49th level of tumah—and what we see now is that the world is now entering the 50th.  Remember what I said about RaMCHaL? The messianic era is supposed to be an unbelievably glorious era, no death, everybody's wealthy, a utopia, but the Satan will say, justifiably defending justice: they're in the mem-tes sha’arei tumah. The Jews in Egypt are on the 49th level of tumah so how can You bring the messianic era? You can't do that! They don't deserve it! This isn't justice! How can you give them the Messiah?


  1. The Rambam said that Moshiach will strengthen us in Torah and Mitzvot.So obviously we don't have to be perfect. Hashem is Kel Malai Rachamim. We aren't asking for the geula out of justice, on account of our merits but out of rachamim. In addition, the collective suffering of Am Yisrael, past and very much present, cleanses sin. We all need to be melitzei yosher for Am Yisrael, like Rabi Yitzchak mBerditchev.

    Of course we deserve Moshiach and the geula, right now. We have suffered enough and we are still here faithful to Hashem, even if only in our hearts and thoughts and not always in our actions. As a nation we have barely recovered from THE Holocaust, and don't have the fortitude to go through another one. The whole Jewish world is shaken and shaking after a two day the Shoah. Just as a parent accepts it has to keep their weakest child close to them, Hashem has to keep this generation close to Him.



  3. Long ago, i saw the below Hebrew-language NDE video. Well, what's been happening in E"Y reminds me of the very end of this video, even if (at the time) Gog Umagog was pictorially interpreted according to what was happening at that time:
    2nd part:

    Note: Since my Ivrit is deficient I couldn't understand much of it.


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