Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Shiur: The War of Gog u Magog

Just uploaded, new shiur from  Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz


  1. At around the 20 min mark he addresses the issue of Israel being caught by surprise.

  2. The rabbi was tying in the surprise attack with ego.
    כוחי ועוצם ידי

  3. "It's the obliteration of our ego that allows the Messianic Redemption to come"

  4. "These are the signs of the coming of Moshiach, these are the signs of Gog u Magog...even the time of the year....."
    Highly recommend listening to this shiur.

    1. Which part of the shiur does he say that? Rabbi Breitowitz is not the type to see that Moshiach is close.


  5. There is a transcript...21.:40 I'm filled with both fear and trepidation but also with opportunity and hope because 21:52 these are the signs of Mashiach, there are the signs of Gog u magog....

    to read the transcript click on the 3 dots at the bottom right of the video.

  6. Quoting the Chofetz Chaim, “the messianic war of Gog will be split into three parts. Each will be a terrible destruction to the Jewish people. The first part was WWI and the second is to be WWII. There will be a third part. The reason G-d splits it up is to diminish its impact."


    One way to know this is Part 3 is the way it is following in the pattern of the Holocaust, more Jews killed in one day since the Holocaust, the barbaric acts have increased in their evil [commensurate with the times we live in] and many people are saying "it's happening again" as muslims chant "gas the Jews" outside the Sydney Opera House. This is the follow-up, part 3, of the three wars spoken of by the Chafetz Chaim, as Rabbi Kessin describes.

  7. Many great rabbis have said that the terrible war where so many Yehudim have perished was already in WWII. This current war, hopefully, will not do that. Maybe, intermarriage, assimilation could be considered a sort of murder of our people. We must be optimistic and pray that we all do teshuva. This latest horror in E.Y. is due to the going against Torah since the beginning of the 'state'. It has gotten to a point in the last decade or so which has reached a climax.
    Forcing the draft of women, allowing dover acher to be sold in Eretz Hakodesh, intermarriage,
    bringing in non-Jews and saying they are Jews to live in the Land and integrating with our people, and the immorality to a degree such as before the Flood of Noach to be promoted as if it were the best thing ever, r'l - this is a slap in the face (so to speak) of G=D. The latest evil are the courts that have become extremely dictatorial and act as if they were the leaders of the country.
    The hatred of the left, the courts, the higher ups of the tzava, some ministers in the gov. is
    the worst sinat chinam ever towards the G-D fearing Jews of E.Y. All Jews everywhere on earth have to wake up and realize that we have erred terribly and must return to our G-D & Torah, and that will bring Moshiach in an instant. Simple as that.
    The biggest chet of all is that no one heeded the words of the late Rabbi M. Kahane who predicted what will happen if we don't heed the Torah's warning to expel our sonim from within our Land.
    H' Warns us that if we do not do as we are commanded, these sonim (jukim) will do to our people
    what H' would have done to them. We see now the evil of these non bnai adam (jukim).
    H' Yerachem aleinu and give us the wisdom to wake up and because of His Great Mercy, He will bless us with 'Nissim & Niflaot', as He did for us in Mitzrayim.


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