Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz interviews Rabbi Yuval Ovadia about the Jewish sources that prophesize that Nibiru must appear before the Final Redemption. [first streamed in 2021]
Nibiru is just the term they apply to anything that doesn't belong to our solar system. It is different things to different people. As far as I'm aware, Nibiru is just a blue planet. But for some people, Nibiru IS the Kochav Yaakov.
At the beginning of this shiur they are talking about the Kochav Yaakov, which is what we are expecting to see on April 8 with the solar eclipse.
Longtime reader: yes, I suggest people just watch the video and avoid the Israel365 website.
Isn’t the star predicted for predicted for the greatest visibility in September more likely to be the kochav yaakov (the one efraim palvanov discussed in his video about Moshiach coming this year)? And Moshiach can come today, without waiting until April 8 or any star!
So isn't it dangerous to refer to the star of the Zohar as "Nibiru", which name has no basis in the Torah? To me, it mixes vinegar and water, which can't mix... its like referring to Moshiach as 'CHR...' when that name in Greek connotes both the meaning in Hebrew, and to the world at large the founder of the largest idolatrous religion in the world.. It makes it seem as though "nibiru" has a Torah source, when it does not... Kochav Yaakov does... but who is to say that 'Nibiru' is 'Kochav Yaakov'? From my vantage point, this is how we get ourselves into trouble, by using terminology that has no Torah basis and then framing it as though it comes from the Torah... on a conceptual level of a star appearing in the sky before Moshiach comes... yes, but nowhere is the work 'Nibiru' used... and by using that term, it attempts to 'kosherize' its clearly non-kosher origins.
Avraham the title of the video was not set by me, it is the title used by the uploader. If you read this blog regularly you will know that Nibiru is simply one of the planets in the second solar system which is currently passing us by. Why is it dangerous to talk about it? I know it's confusing, but that's the world today... it's all confusing.
Shifra: yes that is the Kochav Yaakov expected in Elul or maybe Adar - the sixth month.
Observer: I'm just presenting options and possibilities. I am not predicting anything. I know as much or as little as everyone else. The only way we can find out what's going on is to gain as much information as possible. It says somewhere that before Moshiach comes, everyone will know. Maybe this is how we know.... from the Kochav Yaakov [sometimes mistakenly referred to as Nibiru]
Just to clarify something, back in 2021 I did not know about the second solar system, and I also referred to the Kochav Yaakov as Nibiru. Now that I know the difference, I can label them correctly. I doubt that Rabbi Ovadia knows about the second solar system anyway, even in 2024, because most people have no knowledge of it at all, as NASA is trying to hide it, using chemtrails and contrails all around the sun on a daily basis.
I am only just listening to this shiur now. I can assure all you commenters above that your concerns are addressed by Rabbi Ovadia. I can also assure myself that everything I thought about this second solar system being Hashem's tools to bring about the extreme weather.... is correct. Thank you Rabbi Ovadia, it's great to have it confirmed by you.
We have to wait until adar or elul arrives in order for Moshiach to finally arrive because the nibiru star has to be visible? I was hoping for Moshiach to come today, like I hope for everyday :(
Yes Yael, he says that according to the Zohar we can't have Moshiach without the Star. He also says that before the Star, there is a pillar of fire visible for 40 days. I have seen "pillars of fire" in many photos taken over the past year. Sometimes the entire sky seems to be on fire. I'll put some photos up, I have so many photos that I have saved, I'm sure I can find some images to show you.
Doesn’t that go against the obligation of the rambam to believe every day that Moshiach can come that day? How can we just say it’s impossible for Moshiach to come before this adar (adar aleph)? All my rabbanim stressed the importance to believe every day in the coming of Moshiach and now I am not allowed to believe Moshiach can come today since nibiru must first appear (this Adar or Elul)?
I don't know Yael. That's what Rabbi Ovadia is quoting from the Zohar.
The good news is that it must be close because we can already see from the things going on in the skies that "pillars of fire" and new Stars are right above us. Just think how many people have photograped "two suns". People are seeing two suns everywhere. People are seeing things in the sky that have never been seen before, strange clouds and colours, weird lightning that goes for hours but without rain, extreme weather, one year's worth of rain in 20 minutes.....
If for any reason we need to wait until adar aleph for Moshiach to finally arrive, I think I can handle that. Until then, I’ll yearn and hope he comes today.
I am a noahide who loves the holy and special Chosen nation of G-d. I’ve been following a lot of the news for a while and to me it seems that we are very close to the messianic era. I can’t see the world continuing this way, so much corruption and darkness and so many biblical signs fulfilled. Would you say there is a very high chance that the Messiah will come this Hebrew year (5784)?
There are a few points to be pointed out here. First, we are definitely in the preMessianic era and, thus, we are allowed to pinpoint dates and times. Before arriving to this end-era before the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu, we were not allowed to give specific times, etc. Secondly, many of our frumme people live in a bubble (even though they might own the latest versions of the iphones, Apple, etc.) but when it comes to speaking and learning about yearning for Moshiach because. in a way. it will upset their applecart, so to speak. The Torah tells us we must yearn for Moshiach daily eventhough we were hundreds or thousands of years away from his coming, but now, we are really compelled to learn all we can about the Geulah. Thirdly, The reason it's called Nibiru is because it is not our naming of the solar system; we should refer to it by its Torah name, Kochav Yaakov. Really simple, and stop calling it nibiru and call it Kochav Yaakov. The main thing we get out of all this is that we are very close to that great and awesome day of Hashem. As we can see, His great Forces of Nature are proving that we are almost there. There's one more thing and that is the month before the first month of the Jewish year is either referred to as Elul or Adar which is the month before Nissan, the first month of the year which was our first mitzvah of blessing the new moon, starting from Nissan. We count our Jewish new year as Nissan when we were redeemed from Egypt and the month of Tishrei is the New Year when H' Judges the world, time of Creation. That is why there are two interpretations of the timing of Geulah.
Shira I didn't publish your comment because it's confusing. I did not say that Nibiru and Kochav Yaakov are two solar systems. They are both part of the same system which is currently visible from Earth.
It was actually a typo I realized right before I submitted it. I meant to say that you consider kochav yaakov and nibiru to different stars from my understanding on your writings on the blog.
I think "Observer" made a good point and shouldn't be dismissed so readily.
We hope and pray Moshiach is coming soon. According to Torah sources, all the signs are here. But we don't know when or how. As I like to quote Rav Lazer Brody, the people who say when Moshiach is coming, don't know, and the people who know when Moshiach is coming, don't say. Moshiach will come with hesech hadaas-when we don't expect it. So expect to be surprised!
I think "Observer's" point was we can't know the future, and our job is to serve Hash-m now, today. And to hope for Moshiach every day.
I think part of tzipiah lyeshuah is educating ourselves about what the Torah says about the time before Moshiach. It's not either/or. We just have to hope without knowing.
I know some of what I've said is unpopular. People like it when people tell them when Moshiach is coming. But we've all heard plenty of these predictions in the past and been disappointed when they haven't come to pass. Just because someone says it, doesn't make it reality. It will become reality the moment Hash-m decides it is time. May it be today! C
Hesach hadas actually has other interpretations. I can’t remember the source but I heard from a great source recently that hesech hadas means that things will be so great when Moshiach comes that we won’t expect so much goodness.
I learnt a lot from this \ 'Shirat Devorah' blog, about the One And ONLY True Creator, Ha Shem..
Its from Judaism I learnt that to expect the Mashiach anyday, anytime, and Torah also does tell about the times we are in at the moment. Like how much more worse can this world get..!!!
Have lived quite long, old now, and the world has never been so upside down as it today.
Yes, Mashiach can come anytime, whenever HaShem wills.
I give up on Moshiach coming soon. Almost everyone I speak to says Moshiach was always likely to come and they don’t see any signs of Moshiach coming. I’m tired of feeling like the only one who realizes that it must be very close.
Rochel Leah, sometimes I feel that way. I want to delete my blog and just live my life without thinking about all this. That feeling usually lasts for a few hours, and then I change my mind.
I think it would be even more depressing to live in this world, as it is, and not believe that Moshiach is close.
You're not the "only one who realizes that it must be very close". Most people I know [in real life] don't even believe Moshiach is ever coming. They think it's a fairytale. That's one of the reasons I'm on the internet.
Sadly, these are frum people that think it’s a fairytale and not coming anytime soon! They’re too busy thinking about who they want to move for as president to “Save and turn the world and America back to its glory”. The only fairytale are there empty lives of chasing materialism and having no desire to be in Eretz Yisrael. I assume you meant frum people.
Most of the frum people I know, especially the “financially well off” ones don’t like talking about Moshiach, and would rather talk about Trump coming back and making America and the world great, and would rather talk about their newest fancy car and materialistic pursuits. They don’t want to believe Moshiach is close because they are sadly ignorant in the amazing huge topic about Moshiach. They think they will be bored and living without wealth and enjoyment when Moshiach comes.
I just find when I speak to some pple that they really don’t know what it will be like when moshiach comes. What will we be doing all day ? And another person actually thought we will be traveling on camels sort of going back in time to the midbar Really no one knows. I heard we will be farmers because that is relying on Hashem for our food and livelihood and will bring a very close connection. But I like to tell pple that the red carpet will be rolled out for the women And learning Torah ( yes us females) will bring us great joy and simcha ( which it does now for me ) Everything we do now like work , social media,going on vacation, sports, college ,decorating our houses , shopping, baking fancy stuff , eatting out , seems anti spiritual and very not part of the Torah. They can’t imagine what we will be doing instead when moshiach comes. I have a few ideas from reading books and the connection to Hashem will be sublime! I can’t wait!! Malky
Rav Dov Ber Pinson - you might need to turn up the volume for this two minute lesson
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Please provide a citation in a Torah source for Niburu.
ReplyDeleteAre you aware of what Israel 365 and it's top reporter is? Please check it out.
ReplyDeleteNibiru is just the term they apply to anything that doesn't belong to our solar system. It is different things to different people. As far as I'm aware, Nibiru is just a blue planet. But for some people, Nibiru IS the Kochav Yaakov.
ReplyDeleteAt the beginning of this shiur they are talking about the Kochav Yaakov, which is what we are expecting to see on April 8 with the solar eclipse.
Longtime reader: yes, I suggest people just watch the video and avoid the Israel365 website.
Isn’t the star predicted for predicted for the greatest visibility in September more likely to be the kochav yaakov (the one efraim palvanov discussed in his video about Moshiach coming this year)? And Moshiach can come today, without waiting until April 8 or any star!
So isn't it dangerous to refer to the star of the Zohar as "Nibiru", which name has no basis in the Torah? To me, it mixes vinegar and water, which can't mix... its like referring to Moshiach as 'CHR...' when that name in Greek connotes both the meaning in Hebrew, and to the world at large the founder of the largest idolatrous religion in the world.. It makes it seem as though "nibiru" has a Torah source, when it does not... Kochav Yaakov does... but who is to say that 'Nibiru' is 'Kochav Yaakov'? From my vantage point, this is how we get ourselves into trouble, by using terminology that has no Torah basis and then framing it as though it comes from the Torah... on a conceptual level of a star appearing in the sky before Moshiach comes... yes, but nowhere is the work 'Nibiru' used... and by using that term, it attempts to 'kosherize' its clearly non-kosher origins.
ReplyDeleteQue Sera Sera
The future is not ours to see...
What will be will be..
Only God can direct or change the future..
Stop predicting or trying to see into the future.
Live life as though its ones last day.
Avraham the title of the video was not set by me, it is the title used by the uploader.
ReplyDeleteIf you read this blog regularly you will know that Nibiru is simply one of the planets in the second solar system which is currently passing us by. Why is it dangerous to talk about it?
I know it's confusing, but that's the world today... it's all confusing.
Shifra: yes that is the Kochav Yaakov expected in Elul or maybe Adar - the sixth month.
Observer: I'm just presenting options and possibilities. I am not predicting anything. I know as much or as little as everyone else. The only way we can find out what's going on is to gain as much information as possible. It says somewhere that before Moshiach comes, everyone will know. Maybe this is how we know.... from the Kochav Yaakov [sometimes mistakenly referred to as Nibiru]
Just to clarify something, back in 2021 I did not know about the second solar system, and I also referred to the Kochav Yaakov as Nibiru. Now that I know the difference, I can label them correctly. I doubt that Rabbi Ovadia knows about the second solar system anyway, even in 2024, because most people have no knowledge of it at all, as NASA is trying to hide it, using chemtrails and contrails all around the sun on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteObserver why you even reading this blog?
ReplyDeleteI am only just listening to this shiur now. I can assure all you commenters above that your concerns are addressed by Rabbi Ovadia.
ReplyDeleteI can also assure myself that everything I thought about this second solar system being Hashem's tools to bring about the extreme weather.... is correct.
Thank you Rabbi Ovadia, it's great to have it confirmed by you.
We have to wait until adar or elul arrives in order for Moshiach to finally arrive because the nibiru star has to be visible? I was hoping for Moshiach to come today, like I hope for everyday :(
Yes Yael, he says that according to the Zohar we can't have Moshiach without the Star. He also says that before the Star, there is a pillar of fire visible for 40 days. I have seen "pillars of fire" in many photos taken over the past year. Sometimes the entire sky seems to be on fire. I'll put some photos up, I have so many photos that I have saved, I'm sure I can find some images to show you.
ReplyDeleteDoesn’t that go against the obligation of the rambam to believe every day that Moshiach can come that day? How can we just say it’s impossible for Moshiach to come before this adar (adar aleph)? All my rabbanim stressed the importance to believe every day in the coming of Moshiach and now I am not allowed to believe Moshiach can come today since nibiru must first appear (this Adar or Elul)?
I don't know Yael. That's what Rabbi Ovadia is quoting from the Zohar.
ReplyDeleteThe good news is that it must be close because we can already see from the things going on in the skies that "pillars of fire" and new Stars are right above us. Just think how many people have photograped "two suns". People are seeing two suns everywhere. People are seeing things in the sky that have never been seen before, strange clouds and colours, weird lightning that goes for hours but without rain, extreme weather, one year's worth of rain in 20 minutes.....
If for any reason we need to wait until adar aleph for Moshiach to finally arrive, I think I can handle that. Until then, I’ll yearn and hope he comes today.
I am a noahide who loves the holy and special Chosen nation of G-d. I’ve been following a lot of the news for a while and to me it seems that we are very close to the messianic era. I can’t see the world continuing this way, so much corruption and darkness and so many biblical signs fulfilled. Would you say there is a very high chance that the Messiah will come this Hebrew year (5784)?
Judging by all the signs, yes Alan I think there is a very high chance, we are all banking on it. However, nothing is CERTAIN until it happens.
ReplyDeleteThere are a few points to be pointed out here. First, we are definitely in the preMessianic era and, thus, we are allowed to pinpoint dates and times. Before arriving to this end-era
ReplyDeletebefore the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu, we were not allowed to give specific times, etc.
Secondly, many of our frumme people live in a bubble (even though they might own the latest
versions of the iphones, Apple, etc.) but when it comes to speaking and learning about yearning for Moshiach because. in a way. it will upset their applecart, so to speak. The Torah tells us we must yearn for Moshiach daily eventhough we were hundreds or thousands of years away from his coming, but now, we are really compelled to learn all we can about the Geulah.
Thirdly, The reason it's called Nibiru is because it is not our naming of the solar system; we should refer to it by its Torah name, Kochav Yaakov. Really simple, and stop calling it nibiru and call it Kochav Yaakov.
The main thing we get out of all this is that we are very close to that great and awesome day of Hashem. As we can see, His great Forces of Nature are proving that we are almost there.
There's one more thing and that is the month before the first month of the Jewish year is either referred to as Elul or Adar which is the month before Nissan, the first month of the
year which was our first mitzvah of blessing the new moon, starting from Nissan. We count our Jewish new year as Nissan when we were redeemed from Egypt and the month of Tishrei is the New Year when H' Judges the world, time of Creation. That is why there are two interpretations of the timing of Geulah.
ReplyDeleteAnnonymous @ Jan 19th @ 8-22 a.m
Why does it bother you... you do not like my comment do not read it.
The owner of this blog i have followed for years.
If she tells me something or deletes my comment. ... well... that is another thing.
Shira I didn't publish your comment because it's confusing. I did not say that Nibiru and Kochav Yaakov are two solar systems. They are both part of the same system which is currently visible from Earth.
ReplyDeleteIt was actually a typo I realized right before I submitted it. I meant to say that you consider kochav yaakov and nibiru to different stars from my understanding on your writings on the blog.
Yes Nibiru is a planet and Kochav Yaakov is a star.
ReplyDeleteI think "Observer" made a good point and shouldn't be dismissed so readily.
ReplyDeleteWe hope and pray Moshiach is coming soon. According to Torah sources, all the signs are here. But we don't know when or how. As I like to quote Rav Lazer Brody, the people who say when Moshiach is coming, don't know, and the people who know when Moshiach is coming, don't say. Moshiach will come with hesech hadaas-when we don't expect it. So expect to be surprised!
I think "Observer's" point was we can't know the future, and our job is to serve Hash-m now, today. And to hope for Moshiach every day.
I think part of tzipiah lyeshuah is educating ourselves about what the Torah says about the time before Moshiach. It's not either/or. We just have to hope without knowing.
I know some of what I've said is unpopular. People like it when people tell them when Moshiach is coming. But we've all heard plenty of these predictions in the past and been disappointed when they haven't come to pass. Just because someone says it, doesn't make it reality. It will become reality the moment Hash-m decides it is time. May it be today! C
Hesach hadas actually has other interpretations. I can’t remember the source but I heard from a great source recently that hesech hadas means that things will be so great when Moshiach comes that we won’t expect so much goodness.
Myself and many others I know would be shocked and devastated if Moshiach doesn’t come this year.
Thank you "C",
ReplyDeletefor your comment.
I learnt a lot from this \
'Shirat Devorah' blog, about the One And ONLY True Creator, Ha Shem..
Its from Judaism I learnt that to expect the Mashiach anyday, anytime, and Torah also does tell about the times we are in at the moment.
Like how much more worse can this world get..!!!
Have lived quite long, old now, and the world has never been so upside down as it today.
Yes, Mashiach can come anytime, whenever HaShem wills.
May He Come, soon even now, today, this moment.
Amen and Amen.
I give up on Moshiach coming soon. Almost everyone I speak to says Moshiach was always likely to come and they don’t see any signs of Moshiach coming. I’m tired of feeling like the only one who realizes that it must be very close.
ReplyDelete-Rochel Leah
Rochel Leah, sometimes I feel that way. I want to delete my blog and just live my life without thinking about all this.
ReplyDeleteThat feeling usually lasts for a few hours, and then I change my mind.
I think it would be even more depressing to live in this world, as it is, and not believe that Moshiach is close.
You're not the "only one who realizes that it must be very close".
Most people I know [in real life] don't even believe Moshiach is ever coming. They think it's a fairytale. That's one of the reasons I'm on the internet.
Sadly, these are frum people that think it’s a fairytale and not coming anytime soon! They’re too busy thinking about who they want to move for as president to “Save and turn the world and America back to its glory”. The only fairytale are there empty lives of chasing materialism and having no desire to be in Eretz Yisrael. I assume you meant frum people.
Delete-Rochel Leah
The frum people believe in Moshiach, just fed up with hearing about something that never happens. It's the nonfrum who think it's a fairytale.
ReplyDeleteMost of the frum people I know, especially the “financially well off” ones don’t like talking about Moshiach, and would rather talk about Trump coming back and making America and the world great, and would rather talk about their newest fancy car and materialistic pursuits. They don’t want to believe Moshiach is close because they are sadly ignorant in the amazing huge topic about Moshiach. They think they will be bored and living without wealth and enjoyment when Moshiach comes.
Delete-Rochel Leah
I just find when I speak to some pple that they really don’t know what it will be like when moshiach comes. What will we be doing all day ? And another person actually thought we will be traveling on camels sort of going back in time to the midbar Really no one knows. I heard we will be farmers because that is relying on Hashem for our food and livelihood and will bring a very close connection. But I like to tell pple that the red carpet will be rolled out for the women And learning Torah ( yes us females) will bring us great joy and simcha ( which it does now for me ) Everything we do now like work , social media,going on vacation, sports, college ,decorating our houses , shopping, baking fancy stuff , eatting out , seems anti spiritual and very not part of the Torah. They can’t imagine what we will be doing instead when moshiach comes. I have a few ideas from reading books and the connection to Hashem will be sublime! I can’t wait!! Malky
DeleteStrange Phenomena in China