Thursday, January 11, 2024

Moshiach: In an Instant


The Rambam wrote [Hilchos Melachim 11:1], “Anyone who does not believe in Moshiach, or does not look forward to his arrival, is guilty of not only being kofer (denying the validity of) the prophecies of the nevi’im but also of denying truth of Toras Moshe Rabbeinu.” The Brisker Rav notes that from the Rambam’s words we see that even someone who does not look forward with anticipation to Moshiach’s arrival is called a kofer. Preparing ourselves, so that we are on the proper spiritual level to greet Moshiach, is included in the obligation to wait for Moshiach. 

The Maharal adds that Chazal teach that Moshiach will come “pitom – suddenly.” Whoever “saw the signs” and prepared himself properly will be ready for his arrival, while someone who does not do the necessary work beforehand will not have a chance to do it afterwards. Now is the time for each person to ponder his life and make the changes that he was put here to make… before history draws to a close and it will be too late.

That is an extract from an essay by Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis written in 2016 and titled "The End of the World as We Know It"


  1. I love this thing by Ari Goldwag.
    Remember, Moshiach comes by hesech hadaas.
    I understand that people who do hisbodedus won't be in shock when Moshiach comes. TC

  2. Anyone know of any good videos of what life will be like after Moshiach comes (asking for a friend)? I have this already: Rabbi Zitron and Rabbi Nissel


  3. So Ari goldwag says that the process of moshiach will take 11 years. Ending in a miraculous event and victorious war. It will not happen all at one time. Like we all thought. He said a lot of opinions concur with this idea that I absolutely never heard of. Malky

  4. Where did he say 11 years Malky?

  5. In the comments. I hope I read it wrong. Malky

  6. I haven't read a comment that says 11 years, not sure where you read it.

  7. Ok I was reading his latest post and my finger clicked on a post from 2014 or something like that I don’t even know what I clicked on The comments below was all about the 11 years. I screen shot them malky

  8. In his latest post in 4 paragraph there is the words “this blog post “in very light font. Click that and u will get to dec 27 2011. Comments r there

  9. Sorry. The comments r not there Not sure where I saw them I have the screenshots

  10. Ok I got it if anyone is interested. From oct 10 3 months ago titled moshiach 17 1948-1967-2024 The comment from one month ago from tippy stein author who asked about moshiach and Ari goldwag answered her that the process of moshiach ben David will take 11 years. From what I can see moshiach will come now and it will take 11 years for the world to catch up and accept Hashem , moshiach, isreal and the Jewish pple. Malky.


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