It is such a petty that the Right Honorable Teacher/Head of Am Yisrael closed the comment section on his Torah learning site. Or in my limited understanding it is so anyway. We could discuss some matters, never mind the stupid or irrelevant comments by some nudnicks or whatever. For example; Stepdad Southoro worked for Bush oil company ! A video claimed that that's why Bush gave candy to Michelle/Michael to unwrap, because the inside joke was that they gave that to little Buraq when they groomed him. That could make 9 11 an inside job (?) With Obama being the "good" Muslim synthesis of Osama, as in 'Contrived Heglian Dialectics.' All designed to fit the subconscious mind, and find a middle path forward. A middle path financed by the Gulf Arabs that is ! Did a great deal of the American establishment loose it's free will or were they tricked into something ? You could argue it doesn't matter. Yeonmi Park says Woke Campus reminds here of North Korea. As I wrote Daniel Greenfield in a ideal world (?) Yeonmi tells of what she encounters in practical life and the Rabbi backs her up with the theory about the 50 levels of tumah and so on. They could do a tour together ! But hey, who am I ? Just a guy doing his best, I hope.
Vincent I assume you are talking about Rabbi Kessin's Torah learning site, as you've left the comment under his video. [If you're not referring to that, then I don't know what you mean]
Comments require someone to moderate and answer them, which can turn into a full time job sometimes. Rabbi Kessin does not use the internet, so I guess having comments there would just be too difficult to manage.
Devorah; That taking of free will didn't happen overnight, and it is not just politicians. Schoolbooks were changed 15 years ago ? The media was slowly slowly put into line, and so on. So In Kessin fashion i expect the answer to be that G'd gave the you know who (adversary) permission to trick the folks in order to take their free will away (?) I would love to dicuss matters with him. If American Jewry put all their money into Israeli banks the problem would be solved for a great deal. They are beating up your kids in Universities and you do nothing ? Where is the leadership ? Enough is enough! And my country Netherlands is a 51st state type of country also. They copy everything demoocrats do. lgtb, abortion, immigration, you name it. So with my reputation, surname and looks, i am pretty much in the same boat concerning antisemitism.
With all due respect, what part don't you understand ? Or not you, but you the Jewish people in America ? The part were people need to hide their kipas ? The part were building seven collapses, or the part were the Bin Ladens fly out ? The part were they let him escape in the cave, attack the wrong country, or the one were they leave all the weapons to the Taliban ? Or is the part were Russian nuclear material for Iran is not part of the sanctions ? It must be the part were they give all that money to Iran, and to Abas' terrorists, mind you. Not even talking about lobbying on behalve of Muslim brotherhood convicts in Egypt, although Ted Cruz was mad about that ! In a certain way this whole Osama- Obama is a good cop, bad cop variation; bad Muslim, good Muslim. Osama is the good Muslim alternative. The lgtb stuff is to fool the radar of the liberals and to confuse and weaken the Western World. And HaShem's order of things of course. No coincidences, Bush knew them both. Bush gave control of the Deep State on a silver platter to Obama. Why would conservative Bush befriend über liberal Obamas ? Deep State is the real Pharaoh, never mind what face it is, although that one face looks like the Pharaoh of old. Israel is crazy to keep relying on the thing thread for safety erev ravs like Blinken seem to be providing. In the second term these type of useful idiot token Jews are replaced anyways, and then the fun really starts. People should be preparing to get the hell out of U.S. That could be a nice job for Jared Kushner. You also need to break the magic of these Pharaohs, show them you see beyond the clownery, tell the Emperor wears no cloths. This could also be the arousel from below you need. You have to make it happen, don't just sit on your hands, waiting for a miracle to happen. It is all in Tehilim/Psalm 83 afterall. Be more confident, tell it to their face. You don't need all these rigged elections and lies in media. So BLM can burn down cities, and this is normal ? Never mind media in Americanized counties manage to simultaneously brainwash the audiences with that kind of .... Israel has oil, Israel can buy weapons anywhere in the world. People are better of in their own country. Nobody needs that McDonald's stink anyway. Atleast we can agree with the enemies on that. And after US collapses Israel will be fine and the people will have been out on time. It is more places like South Korea I am worried about. How will they manage on their own ? At least Confuscianism has ancient books on (not) being gay people still take for value. Something American Jewry totally forgot. So the he same old stupid woke policies will have to bring American society to it's knees, even with or without Hezbollah firing, and Israel being allowed to fire back. And that must have been their plan all along.
Vincent, one of my favourite [American] rabbis just put out this video.
Rabbi Y. Y. Jacobson
Should all Jews make Aliyah?
[I haven't listened to it yet, just thought people would be interested - Rabbi Jacobson lives in NY somewhere - I've never heard him or any other mainstream rabbi in NY speak about this on You Tube previously]
Transcript available
Excerpt: I believe that Barack Obama is “Gog” of the war identified as “Gog U’Magog.” Therefore, he cozies up to Iran so that the prophetic words of the “Yalkut Shimoni” could happen, Iran attempting to destroy the world and America doing nothing to avoid it. So, the first thing that Ribono Shel Olam did was to distract America with the notion that the real enemy was not Iran but Iraq. So, America goes to war with Iraq leaving Iran intact in order to build a bomb. The prophecy isn't about Iraq. The prophecy is about Iran. Iran is building the bomb and, through their proxies, eventually, Iran will war with Israel and that war is prophetic. The voice will declare, “The time of your Redemption has arrived.” Therefore, we are looking at the End. My thesis is that America is going down in the dumps because it must go down when Israel goes up. We are, literally, at the beginning of the process that I’ve explained. Now you understand why I went into that. The “Yalkut Shimoni” and the “Baal Ha’Turim” both point to this, that the last war before the mashiach is with Iran, not Iraq, not Russia, not Ukraine or any other opponent. We are in it which is the good news. We’re nearing the end of the bad news. True, there will be a lot of yessurin—suffering but at least we know we're nearing the end of the process.
How do you know that there will be a lot more yessurin before Moshiach arrives soon? We are already at war with iran through proxies . Also, negative prophecies do not have to come true .
"Today, in our bitter exile, there are people who receive ruach hakodesh more easily than in the time of the prophets." [Noam ...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
I really enjoyed this shiur. It was especially interesting to learn about why Jews "split" into two: Ashkenazi and Sephardi
ReplyDeleteIt is such a petty that the Right Honorable Teacher/Head of Am Yisrael closed the comment section on his Torah learning site. Or in my limited understanding it is so anyway. We could discuss some matters, never mind the stupid or irrelevant comments by some nudnicks or whatever.
ReplyDeleteFor example; Stepdad Southoro worked for Bush oil company ! A video claimed that that's why Bush gave candy to Michelle/Michael to unwrap, because the inside joke was that they gave that to little Buraq when they groomed him.
That could make 9 11 an inside job (?) With Obama being the "good" Muslim synthesis of Osama, as in 'Contrived Heglian Dialectics.' All designed to fit the subconscious mind, and find a middle path forward. A middle path financed by the Gulf Arabs that is !
Did a great deal of the American establishment loose it's free will or were they tricked into something ? You could argue it doesn't matter.
Yeonmi Park says Woke Campus reminds here of North Korea. As I wrote Daniel Greenfield in a ideal world (?) Yeonmi tells of what she encounters in practical life and the Rabbi backs her up with the theory about the 50 levels of tumah and so on. They could do a tour together !
But hey, who am I ? Just a guy doing his best, I hope.
Vincent I assume you are talking about Rabbi Kessin's Torah learning site, as you've left the comment under his video. [If you're not referring to that, then I don't know what you mean]
ReplyDeleteComments require someone to moderate and answer them, which can turn into a full time job sometimes. Rabbi Kessin does not use the internet, so I guess having comments there would just be too difficult to manage.
ReplyDeleteThat taking of free will didn't happen overnight, and it is not just politicians. Schoolbooks were changed 15 years ago ? The media was slowly slowly put into line, and so on. So In Kessin fashion i expect the answer to be that G'd gave the you know who (adversary) permission to trick the folks in order to take their free will away (?) I would love to dicuss matters with him. If American Jewry put all their money into Israeli banks the problem would be solved for a great deal. They are beating up your kids in Universities and you do nothing ? Where is the leadership ? Enough is enough!
And my country Netherlands is a 51st state type of country also. They copy everything demoocrats do. lgtb, abortion, immigration, you name it. So with my reputation, surname and looks, i am pretty much in the same boat concerning antisemitism.
With all due respect, what part don't you understand ? Or not you, but you the Jewish people in America ? The part were people need to hide their kipas ? The part were building seven collapses, or the part were the Bin Ladens fly out ? The part were they let him escape in the cave, attack the wrong country, or the one were they leave all the weapons to the Taliban ? Or is the part were Russian nuclear material for Iran is not part of the sanctions ? It must be the part were they give all that money to Iran, and to Abas' terrorists, mind you. Not even talking about lobbying on behalve of Muslim brotherhood convicts in Egypt, although Ted Cruz was mad about that !
ReplyDeleteIn a certain way this whole Osama- Obama is a good cop, bad cop variation; bad Muslim, good Muslim. Osama is the good Muslim alternative. The lgtb stuff is to fool the radar of the liberals and to confuse and weaken the Western World. And HaShem's order of things of course.
No coincidences, Bush knew them both. Bush gave control of the Deep State on a silver platter to Obama. Why would conservative Bush befriend über liberal Obamas ?
Deep State is the real Pharaoh, never mind what face it is, although that one face looks like the Pharaoh of old.
Israel is crazy to keep relying on the thing thread for safety erev ravs like Blinken seem to be providing. In the second term these type of useful idiot token Jews are replaced anyways, and then the fun really starts.
People should be preparing to get the hell out of U.S.
That could be a nice job for Jared Kushner. You also need to break the magic of these Pharaohs, show them you see beyond the clownery, tell the Emperor wears no cloths. This could also be the arousel from below you need. You have to make it happen, don't just sit on your hands, waiting for a miracle to happen. It is all in Tehilim/Psalm 83 afterall. Be more confident, tell it to their face.
You don't need all these rigged elections and lies in media. So BLM can burn down cities, and this is normal ? Never mind media in Americanized counties manage to simultaneously brainwash the audiences with that kind of ....
Israel has oil, Israel can buy weapons anywhere in the world. People are better of in their own country. Nobody needs that McDonald's stink anyway. Atleast we can agree with the enemies on that.
And after US collapses Israel will be fine and the people will have been out on time. It is more places like South Korea I am worried about. How will they manage on their own ? At least Confuscianism has ancient books on (not) being gay people still take for value. Something American Jewry totally forgot. So the he same old stupid woke policies will have to bring American society to it's knees, even with or without Hezbollah firing, and Israel being allowed to fire back. And that must have been their plan all along.
Vincent, one of my favourite [American] rabbis just put out this video.
ReplyDeleteRabbi Y. Y. Jacobson
Should all Jews make Aliyah?
[I haven't listened to it yet, just thought people would be interested - Rabbi Jacobson lives in NY somewhere - I've never heard him or any other mainstream rabbi in NY speak about this on You Tube previously]
Transcript available
Excerpt: I believe that Barack Obama is “Gog” of the war identified as “Gog U’Magog.” Therefore, he cozies up to Iran so that the prophetic words of the “Yalkut Shimoni” could happen, Iran attempting to destroy the world and America doing nothing to avoid it. So, the first thing that Ribono Shel Olam did was to distract America with the notion that the real enemy was not Iran but Iraq. So, America goes to war with Iraq leaving Iran intact in order to build a bomb. The prophecy isn't about Iraq. The prophecy is about Iran. Iran is building the bomb and, through their proxies, eventually, Iran will war with Israel and that war is prophetic. The voice will declare, “The time of your Redemption has arrived.” Therefore, we are looking at the End.
My thesis is that America is going down in the dumps because it must go down when Israel goes up. We are, literally, at the beginning of the process that I’ve explained. Now you understand why I went into that. The “Yalkut Shimoni” and the “Baal Ha’Turim” both point to this, that the last war before the mashiach is with Iran, not Iraq, not Russia, not Ukraine or any other opponent. We are in it which is the good news. We’re nearing the end of the bad news. True, there will be a lot of yessurin—suffering but at least we know we're nearing the end of the process.
How do you know that there will be a lot more yessurin before Moshiach arrives soon? We are already at war with iran through proxies . Also, negative prophecies do not have to come true .