Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Dragon, The Snake and The Messiah

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Kundalini, Kukulkan, Leviathan, and Nachash: Why do cultures and religions from all over the world use similar serpentine imagery? What is so special about the snake symbol and how does it tie into spiritual elevation and enlightenment? And what does it have to do with Mashiach and the End of Days? 

Find out in this class where we explore the origins of the mystical snake from the first verses of Genesis, and see how it manifests in the cosmos, the constellations, and the current war in Gaza.

More links at You Tube


  1. Also, while you're here, can you tell us why we should believe that the Kochav Yaakov is coming on 25 Adar II and not 25 Elul, when the day of 25 Elul corresponds to the prophecy i.e. the sixth day of the week.
    Most of here don't know more than we're being told, and you're saying one thing and Rabbi Palvanov is saying another thing.
    Why should we believe you? I'm genuinely asking, I mean I know you have a lot of knowledge, but so does Rabbi Palvanov.
    Do you think there could be two Stars: one in Adar II and one in Elul ?

    1. The kochav Yaakov is here now. The comet the eclipse the dragons are all the holy sign that we are in the geulah as the Rebbe announced in 5751. Do you know how many comets have a 70/71 year orbital period. The talmud mentions this star in a whispered form. The chances of all these things aligning are infinitesimaly rare. The malach hamaves has been bound. If you wish to delete my teachings we will part ways here. The sword of the kerubim is in the skies and the Truth beyond all religious tyrannies and falsehoods is available. The title "rabbi" does not automatically mean a person has all correct teachings. As a Jew I have learned that even Abraham avinu questions HaShem as did Moshe also.. I was studying the mekubalim before this guy was even born. This guy at least does not throw hate at American Jews like myself as other "rabbis" you post on your blog. I do not comment on any of them. We are in the yom hadin the great day of judgment and there is no time to waste with falsehoods if we want the hostages freed and Jews to live in Peace and security with the world. When the lammed vavniks the hidden ones with no titles are respected we will have Peace.

    2. What do you mean when you say the sword of the kerubim is in the skies?

    3. Again many ancient peoples saw comets as swords or scepters that bring justice to the world. This is from Bereisheet Genesis about the revolving sword of the Kerubim guardian angels who hold the secret of the gates to gan eden garden of eden. Here is included the Torah quote as well as some Zohar on comets. The rabbi does provide some good info in his videos and I am confident all will tie together soon. He explains this following quote also about the taninim.Isaiah 27:
      א בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא יִפְקֹד יְהוָה בְּחַרְבּוֹ הַקָּשָׁה וְהַגְּדוֹלָה וְהַחֲזָקָה, עַל לִוְיָתָן נָחָשׁ בָּרִחַ, וְעַל לִוְיָתָן, נָחָשׁ עֲקַלָּתוֹן; וְהָרַג אֶת-הַתַּנִּין, אֲשֶׁר בַּיָּם. {ס} 1 In that day HaShem with the sore and great and strong sword will punish leviathan the slant serpent, and leviathan the tortuous serpent; and He will slay the dragon that is in the sea.
      כד וַיְגָרֶשׁ, אֶת-הָאָדָם; וַיַּשְׁכֵּן מִקֶּדֶם לְגַן-עֵדֶן אֶת-הַכְּרֻבִים, וְאֵת לַהַט הַחֶרֶב הַמִּתְהַפֶּכֶת, לִשְׁמֹר, אֶת-דֶּרֶךְ עֵץ הַחַיִּים. {ס} 24 So He drove out the human; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden the cherubim/KERUBIM, and the flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way to the tree of life. "
      Bamidbar 24:
      יז אֶרְאֶנּוּ וְלֹא עַתָּה, אֲשׁוּרֶנּוּ וְלֹא קָרוֹב; דָּרַךְ כּוֹכָב מִיַּעֲקֹב, וְקָם שֵׁבֶט מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל, וּמָחַץ פַּאֲתֵי מוֹאָב, וְקַרְקַר כָּל-בְּנֵי-שֵׁת. 17 I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not nigh; there shall step forth a star out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite through the corners of Moab, and break down all the sons of Seth."
      Zohar on the sacred Kochav as a comet: From Zohar Terumah 171b,Sperling translation;”In the Book of the Higher wisdom of the East, it says, speaking of certain stars which form a tail(sceptre) in the firmament, that on the earth there are herbs, of the kind that are called “elixirs of life”, and precious stones, and fine gold, which forms within the breast of high mountains, under shallow water-which are ruled by those comets by whose influence they grow and increase; it is the glance of that luminous tail which such stars trail after them across the sky that causes those things to flourish....Therefore all those objects over which such stars as these are appointed can have no proper development and growth unless the light of the comet actually passes over them, whereby they are enabled to renew their color and their energy according to their need. This must be true, since it is similarly indicated in the Book of King Solomon, in regard to the science of precious stones, that when these stones are denied the light and sparkle of certain stars, their development is retarded and they never reach their full perfection. And the Holy One, blessed be He, has ordered all things so that the world may be perfected and beautified, and accordingly it is written that the stars are “to give light upon the earth”(Gen 1,17)in all the things which the world needs for its perfection.” so the Zohar here explains the kochav as a comet.
      Comet 12P/ has a two week revolving rotation which is connected to the violent cyrovolcanic outbursts and shapeshifting.. It will make perhelion close sun passage at the passover in April. Close Earth passage in June at Shavuoth.

  2. thank you that was very interesting.
    I'm happy to publish your teachings, we all want the same thing.
    I hope you are right, we all hope this is the Star and we see the coming Geula.

  3. Wow thank you.
    Yes perihelion on first night Pesach !

  4. My birthday falls out in this new star sign he's talking about, the serpent.
    Around 46 min mark.

  5. WoW! keep it coming!

  6. Clarification on the astrology. There are 2 zodiacs tropical and siderial. The tropical signs do not change they are based on the Earth division of the circle by the equinoxes and solstices. What changes are the constellations which move with the precessional wobble of the Earth over 26000 years. The tropical signs do not change these are based on the 12 divsions of the circle each season divided by three equal portions. This is the seasonal wheel of the sefer yetzirah and they are not affected by the stellar constellations. These signs have qualities of the seasons and the lunar months. The Zohar quote above is about the sanctification of the kellim temple vessels and bigdai kahunah cohen gadols attire ie preciousxstones and gold.this comet announces a new eternal temple. The eclipse is a major crossroads and the levanah moon who is Yisrael is changing up the entire world changing day to night and connecting humanity back to our wheel o origin as Torah explains in Yom Echad day one with the original day and night Jacob and Esau from the womb of Shechinah choseyk sweet darkness of origin. Much will change over the next months. We are entering a new 2160 year Platonic month as the ancients called each period. This is Aquarius which contellation aligns now with the stars rising at the equinox today. Also this is now the sign Pluto is entering for 20 years. Pluto is the keter crown of the ten planetary omakim depths. This is the famous wheel of fixed signs Taurus bull, scorpio eagle, leo lion and aquarius angel face. The cometary kerubic sword means we are entering an edenic phase with justice and simcha and angelic intervention.

  7. This sounds wonderful Margolis: "entering an edenic phase with justice and simcha and angelic intervention."

  8. Dinosaurs in the Torah



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