Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Chinese Zodiac in Judaism

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

Why are the Chinese calendar and Jewish calendar nearly identical? What are the mysterious spiritual origins of Chinese and East Asian peoples according to the Torah? And what role might China and the Chinese Zodiac play in the End of Days? 

Find out in this class where we unravel what really happened with the Tower of Babel, explore the Kuzari and Khazarian conspiracy theories, and learn about the symbolic significance of Chinese Zodiac animals in Judaism.

For Part 1 of this series on the Dragon and the Snake, see here

More links at You Tube

You may also be interested in the story of the over 10,000 Jews saved by the "Chinese Schindler" - Dr Ho Feng Shan.  Feng-Shan Ho served as the Consul-General for the Republic of China in Vienna during WW2, where he risked his life and career to save possibly tens of thousands of Jews by issuing them visas in defiance of his superiors.


  1. Yep. I watched that video of the Chinese Schindler, and was so touched.

    Good peoples everywhere, in every nation. Thank Gd



  2. Devorah, thanks for posting eye opening videos on Torah, and videos on world happenings , the most interesting blog i find is yours.
    I am not being biased.. by the by.

    Hashem bless you.

    i do believe we are very very near to Mashiachs finally coming.. Amen.


  3. He misses a few vitally important aspects of this. The Asian calendar has 12 animals but also FIVE elements and colors called a stem branch cycle. This dragon year is GREEN like the comet in the sky NOW and this Green Dragon year may be also be called JADE or precious Dragon and so it aligns with the supreme godly Jade Emperor of the legend he discusses. The 12 animals and colored elements of five yield a 12x5 equals 60 year cycle. This links the calendar to the Mesopotamian math base sexegesimal 60 system and their Moon diety "Sin" which is related to Sinai as the har moon mountain. For mekubalim this is all about the sefer Yeyzirah and the Teli moon eclipse dragon called AXIS Teli. We are at the axis or crossroads of thevworld now. Yisrael is the MOON and it is she who turns the day into the night at the Nisan eclipse for the entire world olam.. The year and sign of the Green Jade imperial moon dragon only happens once every 60 years therefore this alignment with eclipse, comet and the 10th of the celestial spheres pluto going into Aquarius Deli angel face of Yisrael is extraordinarily unusual and rare since pluto cycle is a 248 year cycle. 1776 + 248=2024. America is having a rebirth and renewal which is what pluto the phoenix bird is all about. May HaShem open the eyes of humanity with this awesome sign and sound of the rams horn(eclipse in Aries the ram) and free all hostages physical and spiritual.

  4. Also in Hebrew, China is Sin ... I didn't make a connection between that and Har Sinai before.
    I had to read your comment 3 times and I'm still discovering new things to think about.

    1. Yes you got it. There is a deep connection here with Har Sinai, the ancient moon god of babel snd mesopotamia and the Teli the moon dragon who eclipses the sun. Also besides all the calendar and celestial signs we have our own 784th year of the sixth Jewish millenium 5-784. 28 is a moon number being the minimum days in a lunar month. 28x28=784.

  5. Yes I read that 28 x 28 = 784... 28 being the gematria of כח [strength]

    Looks like we're going to need it.

  6. BH
    I always believed the Chinese were the children of Avraham and Ketures. Avraham sent these children toward the east, with healing remedies.

  7. The rats in North Korea never grow big, because the children are ever so happy to barbeque them, since that is so much better than just eating grass. However very few street protests on this globe have ever been seen about this. BTW I am not so sure, but that there is a connection more often than not between the real thing, and the Avoda Zara version of things, doesn't make the Avoda Zora any more real or true or valuable. That is atleast the way i understand it. It might have some sort of common root even, some leftover letters became the (names of) the Gods of Babylon and so on, around where the uncle of the forfather even lived and did his magic. I don't master all this myself but all this should be handled carefully (in future) and sorted out. And then explained not in the least to these peoples of the East. Where were they right, and where did they go wrong, and how did that all come about, and how to be better and smarter now !

  8. Here's the reason why the sun will be in the "wrong" star sign during the eclipse, throwing astrologers into a spin

    1. It is not the wrong sign. There are 2 zodiacs or frames of reference. Tropical and siderial. They shift with the slow wobble of the Earth. Yes they are now unaligned by one sign but the tropical signs of the Sefer Yetzirah does not chsnge.they are fixed to the equinoxes and solstices.the shift of the actual constellations has great meaning as we are now entering the 2160 yesr period of age of Aquarius bc that is the consntellation now appearing behind the sun at the equinox in the spring. Western and Jewish astrology follows the fixed tropical zodiac. Hindus use only the siderial so peoples sun sign sre different by about one sign compared to western. This issue continually comes up by people who do not know how this works. Jews use tropical bc we are here to make the Earth the sacred temple for Shechinah to reside. The eclipse kn in the sign of the RAM.

  9. Spotted the green Devil Comet also known now as "Mother of Dragons" with binos tonight! out the front door. It is just by the star Hamal a little ways down to the right from Jupiter in the west. Just a little fuzzball so far. In the year of the Green Dragon. Read why it is also called Mother of Dragons. The Teli of the Yetzirah axis of world is in charge!

  10. From my online treatise the chapter on comets as sacred messengers in the Zohar etc. :

  11. This explains "Mother of Dragons" name for comet now:

  12. Margolis I read your treatise, it's fascinating.

  13. @BH March 30, 2024 at 12:02 AM

    There is a lot of discussion abut what the children and Avraham and Keturah took with them to the East.
    Traditionally it was said to be mantras, which could be said by people who were tumah (unclean.)
    Avraham knew the people of the East would be tumah.

    Yet a look at the prevalence of ritual bathing in India (influenced by mikvot?), chakras (influenced by the Sephirot?), the concept of prana/chi/ki (influenced by Ruach?) makes me wonder if more knowledge made it's way East?
    Or was this knowledge taken there by "lost" tribes?
    Or was it ancient knowledge that many people had which somehow got lost in the Western world?


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