Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Teves the Month of the Goat/Eisav


The month of Esav…every month has a certain mazel—fortune and the mazel of Esav in his evil guise, is the month of Teves, the month of the goat. The sign of Esav is the “seir,” a goat, so what is interesting is the Aschaltah D’Geulah began on November 5th which is the month that begins the Redemption, and Trump takes office on January 20th which is Teves.  

Source: Rabbi Mendel Kessin  "What is the Messianic Meaning of the Trump Presidency" - transcription

Now have a look at the golden-hoofed goat at Trump's Mar-a-Lago, it's covered in dollar bills printed with the words "in Trump we trust".

Source: MeidasNews


  1. The Kohen Gadol had them throw a goat off the cliff to Azazael, on Yom Kippur to atone for Am Yisroel? And Se'ir (שעיר) means a 'he -goat'. And Esav tries to get Yaakov to follow him to the wilderness of Se'ir... which chazal tell us is analogous to idol worship, physicality and materialism ( also, I cant remember where I learned this but azazael was one of the fallen angels that brought pritzuit, znut and all kinds of immorality to the world, he literally corrupted mankind).
    Yaakov obviously declined but told him he'd catch up with him later in Se'ir. In the Navi Ovadia ( one of the trei asar and an Idumean convert- descended from Esav) its written 'rescuers shall climb Har Tzion to Judge Har Se'ir and then the Israelites will come and inflict judgement and punishment on Seir. The prophecy repeats itself in Az Ya'Shir but leaves out the Seir part, just calls it the mount of Esav.
    Anyone else think its portentous and strange that Trump chose a Goat to put on display like that, as a symbol of hooves and money all over it. It almost looks like Chait Ha' Egel. Also, he may as well be announcing who he's the reincarnation of.
    But I feel like there are other connections to be made here and my brain isn't making them. But I don't feel like this is just stam he chose a goat and stuck it there.

    1. Thank you CSF. I hope someone shows that photo to Rabbi Kessin.

    2. Conspiracy sites are saying it's satanic. [But they say everything is satanic.]
      Maybe someone will now ask Trump about the goat and what it means to him.

    3. I'll mention it to Rabbi Kessin tomorrow B"H. He does not have any internet connectivity but he is aware of your blog, if you have any questions let me know and I'll try and discuss with him. The sculpture was commissioned for a charity auction as an homage to the "Greatest Of All Time", it was brought to POTUS for his signature. Nothing nefarious, just bad taste.

    4. I listen to Rabbi Kessin and he talks a lot about how Trump may be the "tov shebeisav" while it's certainly possible, a lot of what he does, doesn't fit that narrative. Or maybe it does and we don't understand it yet. To me it feels like he is a vehicle for Hashem to punish the degenerative part of society but I fear it will destroy America in the process. Which may be the plan but no way to know.

  2. That’s actually disgusting, who does he think he is! Think he needs a reality check, he’s a lucky dude who HaShem saved many times, nothing else. Wow such Giyvah!

    1. Subsequent to your disgusted-comment, someone else posted:
      ..."The sculpture was commissioned for a charity auction as an homage to the "Greatest Of All Time", it was brought to POTUS for his signature. Nothing nefarious, just bad taste."

  3. I'm actually 'surprised' that he wrote 'in Trump we trust' as I consider him a somewhat G-D believer....


    1. Maybe it was supposed to be some kind of joke. I'd love to know the back story to it all.


  4. "GOAT" is also the acronym for Greatest Of All Time. People call cultural figures (like sports heroes) who are the best at what they do, "the GOAT". That could be what that Mar-a-Lago goat is all about. Also, to me it looks like a cake. It's clearly on a table in a dining room, so I'm guessing it's a novelty cake that is declaring Trump the Greatest Of All Time. I wouldn't read too much into this.

  5. Ok, I did some googling. It doesn't stand for "greatest of all time" and it's not a novelty cake. Here is a copy and paste of the relevant parts of the article in the Daily Mail explaining what this statue is:
    Project GOAT, which stands for the Global Offensive Against Trafficking, is an initiative where 75-pound goat sculptures are auctioned off to raise funds to combat child sex trafficking.
    Founders Rob and Debbie Canton of Tampa, Florida had saved seven goats from slaughter and found additional inspiration when one of their goats gave birth to a blind and deaf goat named Grady. From there Grady Goat sculptures were born, with the first one crafted in 2019.

    There have been a number of creative Grady Goat sculptures created since then. One of those goats is Trump-themed and is currently on display at Mar-a-Lago ahead of a planned a planned February 27 charity auction.

    The goat is plastered in fake $100 bills in which Trump's face has replaced Benjamin Franklins. The bills say 'In Trump We Trust' instead of 'In God We Trust.' It also sports a highly-coveted Trump signature at the bottom of the sculpture.

    The goat's idol-like look and resemblance to a golden calf, along with the God erasure on the fake $100s, prompted some criticism from Christians on social media, who are against false idols.
    Rob Canton, the creator, told via email that he believed most of the people viewing the artwork interpreted goat to stand for the 'greatest of all time' - a sentiment that he said included Trump.

    "'I’ve certainly seen a few comments from individuals on social media expressing negative sentiments, but these have all seemed to come from individuals with an axe to grind and history of being triggered by anything President Trump says or does," Canton added.

    Canton went on to say that despite the Christian backlash, he's "glad to see the range of emotions elicited by my work and so grateful to President Trump for signing this piece."

    The goat will be auctioned at a live event to support multiple charities at Mar-a-Lago at the end of this month, he continued.

    "I’m grateful for the fact that [Trump] took the time to sign and inscribe it, which I believe shows not only his support for the fight against human trafficking, but for the great charities that will share in the proceeds including Big Dog Ranch Rescue and it The Hometown Foundation."

  6. nothing nefarious here, just questionable taste. it's a sculpture series, nothing to do with DJT, it was there to get his signature for a benefit auction to fight child trafficking.

  7. Thank you for all that information.
    I just liked the symmetry between Rabbi Kessin's explanation of the goat/Teves and an actual goat shown on the internet at Mar-a-lago a few days later.

    1. there are no coincidences to be sure. On a related note, Rabbi Kessin mentioned to me today that the mazal of Yosef will be in effect on Tu B'Shvat. We hold by Hillel's opinion that the mazalot are effective at the tekufa of the moon, not Rosh Chodesh, and that this is the day the months apportioned to Eisav will be complete. He mentioned this specifically in relation to the final downfall of Ishmael, which he holds will begin on Tu B'Shvat and likely be complete by Purim. Buckle up, his shiur this week will be shocking.

    2. Looking forward to hearing the new shiur when it's out.

  8. wow! looking forward - thanks nobody

  9. It's interesting because he has actually just given Hamas the ultimatum.... about 'Ishmael' releasing all of the hostages or all hell will break loose.... who knows what this week will bring??


    1. Last night, as soon as it got dark and Tu b'Shvat began, it started to rain, it seemed to come out of nowhere, we weren't expecting rain - and it was really heavy rain, no thunder or lightning, just bucketing rain. I think that's a sign that the
      aschalta degeulah
      has indeed begun.

    2. Same here on the other side of the world! In Toronto as Tu b'Shevat came in it started to snow heavily and is predicted for all day as well. Please that the aschalta degeulah has begun!

  10. HAMAS DEFIES TRUMP: Hamas Refuses Full Hostage Release, Daring Israel To “Unleash Hell”

    1. Well, Hamas were refusing to release any of the hostages on Shabbat because of supposed Israeli "violations" of the deal. And now they're going back to the original agreement to release 3 hostages. So, Hamas is talking tough, but they caved in response to Trump's threats. They'll never release all the hostages at once, and if Israel unleashes hell now, then there's a big chance Hamas will kill any of the remaining hostages. It's an impossible situation.

  11. So I spoke with Rabbi Kessin about the goat sculpture on Wednesday afternoon. He said that the goat is the symbol of Eisav. The gold in the sculpture is significant in that gold represents success, and that this signifies that tremendous success that Eisav has been experiencing.

    1. I have heard in more than one shiur that Jews putting their trust in Trump is delaying the geula.
      Would you kindly show Rav Kessin the threads that his shiurim engender and ask him if he thinks that they are conducive to hastening the geula.
      People talk and write about what is important to them. Is this heavy investment in Trump appropriate for a frum Jew? How does it serve to hasten the geula?

    2. I think someone does speak to Rabbi Kessin and reads him the comments here.
      I doubt that the people who read my blog or listen to Rabbi Kessin's shiurim are "putting their trust" in Trump, as we all put our faith in Hashem. Perhaps it's the less knowledgeable Jews who put their "faith" in Trump.
      Nevertheless, Trump obviously has a big role to play in the coming of Moshiach, no-one can argue that point.

  12. A Jewish woman named Ashley St Clair has announced that she has given birth to Elon Musk's 13th child. 'I'm a strong Jewish woman and don't need to be told where I can and cannot go.'
    So Elon now has a Jewish child, and Trump's daughter and grandchildren are Jewish.
    Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice.

    1. Tragically a huge number of Jews are intermarried, intermingled. Jews tend to be high profile. The second gentleman, Starmer's wife is Jewish. All over the place. Musk has children with several women. Not curious, just part of the nature of jews and the tragic state of am yisrael.
      Only Hashem knows a person's intent at the moment of conversion. Regarding the evidence around her conversion, would she have converted had it not been for marriage? If not it's hardly kosher. Even if she does somehow pass muster, her pritzut is highly embarrassing and not worthy of a Jewish woman, of any level of Torah observance, especially as she is in the public eye. No Jew with yirat shamayim would want to marry her. The first thing a man is supposed to look for is modesty. If she is Jewish, she is machtia et harabim on a global scale. She is not a prize for us, the opposite, best to hope that Hashem doesn't consider her Jewish with all her aveirot.


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