Friday, January 6, 2012

Challah: A Recipe for Success

L'ilui neshamot Zev Yosef ben Sholom z"l and Rachel bas Mordechai z"l

Today [11 Teves] is the fourth yarzheit of my sister Rachel a"h and her husband Zev a"h who were both killed instantly in a freak accident just outside of Melbourne in 2007.

In memory of Rachel, some women organized a special challah baking this morning, as this was one of the things she always did, no matter what else was going on she found time for the challah.

Below is her special challah recipe and other vital information on how to separate the dough, and the relevant blessing to be said.

For more insights into challah see: The Divine Dough


  1. May their memories be for a blessing. Gut Shabbos.

  2. It is in Rochel's A"H Zchus that I started making my own Challah. Nothing compares to homemade Challah and the smell of them baking in the oven wafting thru the house Erev Shabbos is just divine.

    The women and girls at today's Challah Bake In in their Zchus was enjoyed by all who participated. Tizku LMitzvos!

    They truly were very special people to all that knew them.

    May Rochel Bas Mordechai Z"L and Zev Yosef Ben Sholom's Z"L Neshomo have an Aliyah.

  3. That must have been a horribly painful loss for you all. Zichronam l'vrachah. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to do something in their zechut.

  4. May they be blessed and their sweet memories a path to be followed

  5. thankyou devorah ive never made challah am single but your post moved me want to try gonna print this page B"H. Your sister was probably a kapora for all of us . Thanks for your endless time teaching us torah . yoav and his father pinchas boston massachuesetts.


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