Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gog u'Magog in 5772 - Torah Codes


  1. Always very inspiring and interesting, yet I must say that it seems that if it really is dependent on klal Yisrael doing teshuvah then it seems that we not get moshiach soon. We have so much to do in this sense, no? I am not being sarcastic, just asking a legitimate question....any answers anyone?
    There are some who say that once we pass a certain point B'itah achiesheina then it will come, yet here in these codes it still says, teshuvah....

  2. I'm with you Leah, I can't see it either. Unless everyone has no money and the world is so insane that there's no option but teshuva.... and if we think we're already at that point, maybe there's a lot worse to come chas v'shalom.

  3. When the Persian king makes us tremble in our loins, enough Jews will do teshuvah and become more decent to make a difference.

  4. I hear you, Devorah. It appears that unless the nukes are aimed right at us....
    Dov Bar Leib, it appears that Achmajinadad is that very Persian king....

  5. Yep, since Achmadinejad is supposed to bring in the 12th Iman for the Shiite sect (Amalekite sect) of Islam, he has all the qualifications to be as cruel as Haman. We know that the Shiites are unique in Islam, distinct from the more "moderate" Sunnis, because we learn such wonderful new words from them such as "assassin" a.k.a. Hashishin, for when they went to kill someone, they would get high on Hashish before they set out on knife plunging suicide missions, the Medieval equivalent of the suicide bomber. Johnny Carson during the 444 days that Achi and his gang (yes, it was Achi even back then) held American hostages during the Iranian hostage crisis once quipped in his monologue circa 1980, "Perhaps we should start spelling the word Shiite with one less "i"." This would be kind of like spelling the indebted Eurozone nations the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) with one less "i". I think Kyle Bass, famous hedge fund guru from Dallas, once included Iceland and spelled PIIIGS with three "i"s. Boy, do I like brilliant people that tell the Truth. They usually steer into something profound. The more politically correct Mayor Bloomberg of NYCity refuses to do this on his website, using the less offensive GIIPS acronym. That is how one becomes the Erev Rav mayor of one of the world's largest cities, by being an equally brilliant person avoiding the Truth at all costs.


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