Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Rumors of Moshiach: Av 5772

Received via email*

Yosef Chaim Zakai Shlit"a from the Yeshiva for Mekubalim "Nachlas Yitzchak", said he heard three times from Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri Zatza"l, that Moshiach will come in Av of 5772. 

I heard from someone who heard from Rabbi Yehudah Moalem Zatza"l, who also quoted Rav Kaduri Zatza"l referring to the same time. 

The words Av 5772 are the same letters as Tisha B'av, when Moshiach was born: .
אָב התשע"ב אוֹתִיּוֹת תִּשְׁעָה בְּאָב

And ט' בְּאָב equals David: . ט' בְּאָב בְּגִימַטְרִיָּא דָּוִד

Rabbi Meir Reich Shlit"a said that Tisha B'av of 5772 comes out on Shabbos. This connects to the Gemara Yerushalmi that says [Megilla 5B] "Rav Abba Bar Zavda said Rebbe wanted to cancel Tisha B'av [they shouldn't fast at all, that year] when it came out on Shabbos. He explained that since it is postponed, it shall be canceled completely.

*Note: This was originally published at Yeranen Yaakov


  1. Did he said which Moshiach, ben Yossef or ben David?

  2. You'll get about 12 different opinions but does anyone really know anything?

    I''ll start if off by saying MBY has been and gone .....[the Lubavitcher Rebbe was supposedly MBY, he gathered up the Jews who were lost after the holocaust].... and we're now waiting for MBD.

  3. I 've heard that he had sparks of MBY, but there are other sparks in this world of MBY

  4. Jonathan Pollard was born on 9. Av

  5. I''ll start if off by saying MBY has been and gone .....[the Lubavitcher Rebbe was supposedly MBY, he gathered up the Jews who were lost after the holocaust].... and we're now waiting for MBD.
    Mashiach ben Yosef became Mashiach ben David on 3 Tammuz 5754. You are correct that we are now waiting (and must be making every effort to bring) MBD.

  6. Eliyah the prophet must come first before the Moshiach?

  7. I have an old blog post about that, for what it's worth: Will Eliyahu Precede Moshiach

  8. how come Yaakov Avinu did not reveal the date of Moshiah arrival to his sons and Rav Kaduri did?

    1. yakov didnt want to reveal the keitz -or couldnt beause the amount of time until moshiach would come would not inspire his children to do mitzvot withh simcha. Yechi Hamelech!

  9. I heard once that the secular State of Israel represented MBY.

  10. There is a well known Rav who said that Gilad Shalit, like Pollard has sparks of MBY and that it is in torah codes. I haev seen this from Rabbi Glazerson.

  11. He should come now. Why wait until tisha b'av?

  12. Mashiach ben Yosef who is present in every house of Israel in general, according to what is revealed by the words “remnant of Yosef” which was said about all of Israel in general and regarding every man of Israel in particular.
    Mashiach ben Yosef resides within the 999 sparks of many a soul in
    Israel, in those who merit carrying out deeds that promote the
    ingathering of exiles, etc.

    Whoever merits, on the basis of his deeds as well as the merits of his forefathers, carrying out deeds that are characteristic of Mashiach ben Yosef, is considered a spark from the root of the soul of Mashiach ben Yosef -- each according to the level of his deeds.

  13. Tidbits; why is that site called ''discovering Islam''?
    I don't understand ....

  14. yikes I didn't see that! here it is at Yedid Nefesh

  15. Please be careful what you post. You wrote last year that Mashiach would come in Av 5771 and then after that date came and went, 5772 became the flavor of the month. If you are true believing Yidden, you will be careful with date speculation.
    It is possible to surmise that MBY was Herzl (Rav Kook ZTL said this).
    If Greece fails in late March, then the Av prdiction may be true. If not, then it seems you should put your efforts into ensuring achdut in klal tisrael. Then Mashiach will come tomorrow.

  16. I have never given a date for Moshiach to come, I just publish Geula-related information. These are just rumours.... continuing speculation, as Jews have done for thousands of years... that's what a Geula blog is all about.

    As for achdut.... I am not aligned with any particular brand of Judaism, and publish articles from all the different Rebbes and sages, regardless of their individual affiliation... and in so doing I think I am promoting achdut.

  17. Anonymous: Each and every day there is a potential for moshiach to come. We as a klal must merit it. Devorah publishes material from varied sources. This is one of the main reasons why I love her blog so much. Devorah does not give dates, yet optimal times that moshiach could come in a year without giving an exact calender date. Her sources are rabbanim who are mainstream. No matter who or what it is Hashem that will give the signal and I think that Devorah is well aware of that.

  18. I really like date speculations but they should always be framed as such. Given thatn Anon, "He should come now. Why wait until tisha b'av?" I agree!

    As for mentioning names, I think it's a generally bad idea to mention who you think MBD is. Ayin hara is definitely listening, and it also leads to bitul Torah of "arm chair generals" arguing.

  19. Josh, I am chuckling. My husband teases me and says "stop dreaming that our son Yosef will be the moshiach or that he will be one of the hidden tzadkim - you will not let him be hidden because you will tell everyone what endearing deeds he does" I respond "one never knows" I sing to Yosef daily the chorus from Ari Goldwag's song "Yosef" Yosef, Yosef, one day the world will know - your dreams will be fulfilled and your heart will overflow. Yosef, Yosef, you'll teach all of mankind,reveal that secret light, let it shine for all time.

    Devorah, if you will allow. I just have to share what our little tzadik is up to. (Bli ayin hora) I think it will put a smile on the face of your readers. Yosef was born to us in our old age (husband 60 now and me soon to be 50 G-d willing) Yosef, soon to be 2 years old recognizes the letters Alef and Bet and shouts their names. We are now learning the gimmel. And last night - he took his stender and put a bencher on top - rocked back and forth and learned aloud as his father was learning. AND he answers Amein to my morning brochos SO CUTE!!!!!! Take a look at the video from Purim last year - dressed as Yosef HaTzadik in his kethoneth passim....

    Oh well - keep it mum dear readers of Shirat I desire that he indeed be a hidden tzadik. Just had to share my nachas. HaShem is GOOD!

  20. It looks very clear now by chodesh tammuz moshiach will be here


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