Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Corona Virus #2

This image is from Jewishinfographics
Please click the link to read their original post
Also see Corona Virus and Hints to Moshiach


  1. Wow! Can't get much clearer than that!

  2. Ther are reports on the web that the virus was patented with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Fundation back in 2015. It was contained in a bio medical lab in Wuhan and was supposedly leaked. Three months ago Bill Gates warned of an outbreak that would kill millions of people. He was in NYC six weeks ago at a conference on the coronavirus and potential outbreak. A PowerPoint of a simulation of an outbeak was presented. It is no coincidence that the first victim of this virus occurred right after.

  3. Even with the gematria matching ''eats limbs from live animals'' you think it's a deliberately leaked virus? I don't think so at all, this is from Hashem. There's always going to be conspiracy theories about these things, but sometimes it's just min haShamayim. Whatever the case, as another blogger pointed out, even a deliberately released virus needs to have input from Shamayim to actually take over the world.

  4. Wait ... just because they sold live animals at the market, doesn't mean they were practising eiver min ha-chai. Purchasers may have taken the animals home to slaughter, like people do with chickens.

    That aside -- people eat wolf pups? That makes me so sad.

  5. Unfortunately Anon they ate live animals. Perhaps they have been scared off this practice since the virus, but I have seen videos which I wish I had never seen. I'm not going to go into details but it's truly disgusting.

  6. Oh no! That's terrible! Yes, please don't go into detail. Just the thought is horrifying. Humanity is just ... argh.

    ~ deedee

  7. I have no intention of going into details but I had to do research because like Anonymous I did not believe people could do such dreadful things.
    I needed to know that Coronavirus and the matching gematria was actually referring to things done in China and other Asian countries.

  8. anonymous @ 11:06 am. Unfortunately, the treatment by the Chinese people of animals is worse than horrific. Only if you need to see that this is truthful, then look. If not, you will possibly lose your lunch and cry at the same time.....
    They've been videotaped treating animals horribly before even eating them alive....Both of those depraved acts(torture(tzar baalei chaim) and tearing a limb off an animal while it's still living (eiver min hachai) has been documented, leaving no doubt.....


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